The Omen Archive

Total: 88

Episode Timestamp Speaker Said to Notes
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 00:50:27 FCG Ashton
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 01:05:37 FCG Ishir
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 01:41:16 Liam The cast Out of character as a joke
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:06:03 FCG The party
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 01:03:24 FCG Anni
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 01:03:27 Ashton Anni
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:42:58 FCG The party Pretending to not remember them
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 02:39:16 FCG Dorian
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 02:39:17 Dorian FCG
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary 00:27:48 FCG Chetney
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary 01:12:57 FCG Cyrus
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary 03:12:23 Orym FCG
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 01:20:26 FCG Preio Madali
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates 01:21:51 FCG Pretty
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates 01:21:53 Pretty FCG
C3E012 Make It Fashion 00:43:19 Liam The cast Part of a “Jrusar Chainsaw Massacre” joke
C3E012 Make It Fashion 02:06:39 FCG Marwa Endalia
C3E013 A Dance of Deception 01:21:20 FCG Gryz Alakritos
C3E014 In Too Deep 01:47:16 FCG Dorian
C3E014 In Too Deep 02:04:11 FCG Emoth Kade
C3E014 In Too Deep 02:04:18 Travis The cast Laughing at FCG’s greeting of Emoth Kade
C3E014 In Too Deep 02:19:03 FCG Emoth Kade
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 00:54:04 FCG Olly Describing the day, not a greeting
C3E016 The Shade Mother 00:40:54 FCG The Shade Mother
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor 02:41:06 Orym Ashton After tucking flowers into FCG’s seams while they sleep
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 02:36:37 FCG Evon Hytroga “Smiley night to ya”
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 02:57:12 Imogen FCG
C3E022 Promise and Potential 01:12:03 FCG Jiana Hexum
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 00:19:46 FCG Tripod automaton in Bassuras
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 00:21:59 Imogen Tripod automaton in Bassuras Telepathically
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 02:40:03 Dusk Beetle-like automaton in Bassuras
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 02:40:09 Person at the back of a cart in Bassuras Dusk
C3E026 Hidden Truths 01:46:32 FCG Esmer Balenta
C3E026 Hidden Truths 03:50:29 FCG Imahara Joe
C3E027 A Race for the Prize 02:09:28 FCG Esmer Balenta
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 04:20:44 FCG Birdie
C3E031 Breaking Point 03:21:26 Fearne FCG “No smiley happy days, that’s for sure”, not a greeting
C3E031 Breaking Point 03:49:45 Laudna Imogen Quoting FCG
C3E031 Breaking Point 03:49:47 Imogen Lauda
C3E032 A Stage Set 01:00:05 FCG Dancer
C3E036 A Desperate Call 01:02:45 FCG Vex’ahlia de Rolo
C3E038 A Dark Balance 01:26:18 FCG Pâté
C3E038 A Dark Balance 02:56:11 Matt The cast Jokingly said as FCG with a stinkeye facial expression
C3E038 A Dark Balance 03:23:00 FCG Osli Kamyda
C3E038 A Dark Balance 03:23:02 Osli Kamyda FCG
C3E038 A Dark Balance 03:32:52 Osli Kamyda FCG
C3E040 Compulsions 00:31:49 FCG The party
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 01:41:28 FCG Lyrios
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 02:33:11 FCG Freya “Smiley evening to you”
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence 00:05:35 Laura The audience Describing FCG shirt
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 00:52:32 FCG Vitro Isham
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 00:52:34 Vitro Isham FCG
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 00:15:34 FCG Morrigan
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught 01:54:47 Orym FCG “Smiley night”
C3E049 The Aurora Grows 01:05:03 FCG Milo Via Sending
C3E049 The Aurora Grows 02:34:43 FCG D Via Sending
C3E052 Far From The Others 00:11:51 FCG Orym Via Sending
C3E052 Far From The Others 01:14:22 FCG FRIDA
C3E052 Far From The Others 01:14:25 FRIDA FCG Charmed by FCG’s greeting
C3E053 Ripples 00:54:08 FCG People in the Volition Disc
C3E055 Hope Within History 01:48:36 FCG Jaquoby Macyl
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 00:46:42 FCG Milo
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 01:28:07 FCG Alma
C3E068 For The Tempest 00:16:42 FCG The Luminary Blade
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 01:24:59 FCG Me “Smiley night to ya”
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 00:06:46 Sam The audience Showing FCG plush
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 03:34:51 FCG Osli Kamyda
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 03:40:48 FCG Changebringer Describing the day, not a greeting
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 00:06:47 Laura The audience Describing FCG cardigan
C3E078 Fractures 03:54:02 FCG Ollie
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal 01:13:59 FCG The party
C3E080 A Test of Trust 01:02:14 FCG Kenny the Fey Squirrel
C3E080 A Test of Trust 01:02:16 Kenny the Fey Squirrel FCG
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon 02:35:42 FCG Tofor Brotoras
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon 02:35:57 Ashton Tofor Brotoras
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 00:12:18 FCG Dono
C3E085 Intense Interrogations 00:15:38 Travis The cast Making a joke about a Fresh Cut Grass Alexa pack
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 02:12:05 FCG Asha and Kelito “Smiley moon to ya”
C3E089 Divisive Portents 00:20:48 FCG Gaz Tomo
C3E091 True Heroism 01:27:48 FCG Evoroa
C3E091 True Heroism 04:31:51 FCG The cast Sign off speech, not a greeting
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 02:42:03 Imogen Essek Thelyss Referencing FCG’s phrase, not a greeting
C3E098 The Nox Engine 01:08:56 Dominox as FCG Ashton Saying it’s not a smiley day, not a greeting
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 00:47:52 Fearne Xandis
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 00:47:54 Xandis Fearne
C3E121 A New Age Begins 04:02:45 Taliesin The cast Joking about FCG’s detached face
C3E121 A New Age Begins 06:31:09 FRIDA Anni Aughta
C3E121 A New Age Begins 06:38:44 FCG through FRIDA Ashton and Milo Playing a recording of FCG’s voice