The Omen Archive

Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see Fearne - Dropbox for their information specific to Fearne or Bells Hells Campaign Stats — CritRoleStats for their version of all other data contained on this page.

Fearne, class Druid/Rogue level 15, with 17 AC, 97 HP, 7 strength, 14 dexterity, 15 constitution, 9 intelligence, 20 wisdom, and 16 charisma. A fawn woman with white skin. Two curling horns and brown ears emerge from her long, unkempt, seafoam green hair, in which is a collection of flowers. She wears a low-cut blue jacket with gold buttons and a row of three spikes on the left shoulder. A light pink fabric is draped over her raised left arm, which has a bracelet of purple flowers on the wrist.
Art by Hannah Friederichs
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Level 9

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Level 11

Level 12

Level 13

Level 14

Level 15

Level 17

This data for Fearne is also available in Google Sheets.

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Episode Leveled
Class Balance
Proficiency Bonus
Wild Shape
Cantrips Known
Spell Slots
Arcane Trickster Spells Known
Sneak Attack
New Proficiencies
Other New Rogue Features and Traits
Other New Druid Features and Traits
Faun (Satyr) Features and Traits
Other New Features
Druid 3

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 17 (+3)

CHA 15 (+2)


Max CR 1/4

No flying or swimming speed



SUBCLASS SPELLS: Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray, Burning Hands, Cure Wounds


LANGUAGES: Common, Infernal, Sylvan, Druidic

SKILLS: Insight, Medicine, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Survival

SAVING THROWS: Intelligence, Wisdom

TOOLS: Herbalism kit, dulcimer


Summon Wildfire Spirit (from Circle of Wildfire subclass)

Ritual Casting

Magic Resistance

Mirthful Leaps



Druid 4

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 18 (+4)

CHA 16 (+3)

+1 to WIS

+1 to CHA

33 (+9)

Max CR 1/2

Swimming speed allowed

Druid 5

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 18 (+4)

CHA 16 (+3)

41 (+8)

Max CR 1/2

Swimming speed allowed



SUBCLASS SPELLS ADDED: Plant Growth, Revivify

Druid 5, Rogue 1

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 18 (+4)

CHA 16 (+3)

46 (+5)

Max CR 1/2

Swimming speed allowed


LANGUAGES: add Thieves' Cant

SKILLS: gain Expertise in Persuasion and Insight and add a skill proficiency in Sleight of Hand

TOOLS: add Thieves' Tools

Druid 6, Rogue 1

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 18 (+4)

CHA 16 (+3)

50 (+4)

Max CR 1/2

Swimming speed allowed

Enhanced Bond (from subclass)
Druid 7, Rogue 1

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 18 (+4)

CHA 16 (+3)

56 (+6)

Max CR 1/2

Swimming speed allowed



+ Armor of Agathys (2nd level) 1x/day (due to Gloomscale Breastplate)

SUBCLASS SPELLS ADDED: Aura of Life, Fire Shield

Druid 8, Rogue 1

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 16 (+3)

+2 to WIS
63 (+7)

Max CR 1

Flying and swimming speed allowed



and Armor of Agathys (2nd level) 1x/day

Druid 9, Rogue 1

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 16 (+3)

71 (+8)

Max CR 1

Flying and swimming speed allowed



and Armor of Agathys (2nd level) 1x/day

SUBCLASS SPELLS ADDED: Flame Strike, Mass Cure Wounds

Druid 9, Rogue 2

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 16 (+3)

75 (+4)

Max CR 1

Flying and swimming speed allowed



and Armor of Agathys (2nd level) 1x/day

SUBCLASS SPELLS ADDED: Flame Strike, Mass Cure Wounds

Cunning Action

Chill of the Dread Captain (as of C3E073)

Shard of Rau'shan (as of C3E080)

Druid 9, Rogue 3

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 16 (+3)

79 (+4)

Max CR 1

Flying and swimming speed allowed

5 + Mage Hand (2+MH from Arcane Trickster)


and Armor of Agathys (2nd level) 1x/day


Rogueish Archetype: Arcane Trickster

Mage Hand Legerdemain

Druid 10, Rogue 3

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 16 (+3)

83 (+4)

Max CR 1

Flying and swimming speed allowed

5 + Mage Hand (2+MH from Arcane Trickster)

4/3/3/3/2/1/0/0/0 (see note)

and Armor of Agathys (2nd level) 1x/day

3 (Disguise Self, Identify, Shield)
Cauterizing Flames (from subclass)
Maximum spell level is 5th; maximum slot level is 6th (upcasts permitted)
Druid 10, Rogue 4

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 16 (+3)

Feat: War Caster
92 (+9)

Max CR 1

Flying and swimming speed allowed

5 + Mage Hand (2+MH from Arcane Trickster)

4/3/3/3/2/1/0/0/0 (see note)

and Armor of Agathys (2nd level) 1x/day

4 (Disguise Self, Identify, Shield, Feather Fall)
Maximum spell level is 5th; maximum slot level is 6th (upcasts permitted)
Druid 10, Rogue 5

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 16 (+3)

97 (+5)

Max CR 1

Flying and swimming speed allowed

5 + Mage Hand (2+MH from Arcane Trickster)

4/3/3/3/2/1/0/0/0 (see note)

and Armor of Agathys (2nd level) 1x/day

4 (Disguise Self, Identify, Shield, Feather Fall)
Uncanny Dodge
Maximum spell level is 5th; maximum slot level is 6th (upcasts permitted)
16 (temporary)
Druid 10, Rogue 6

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 16 (+3)

See Level 17

Max CR 1

Flying and swimming speed allowed

5 + Mage Hand (2+MH from Arcane Trickster)

4/3/3/3/2/1/0/0/0 (see note)

and Armor of Agathys (2nd level) 1x/day

4 (Disguise Self, Identify, Shield, Feather Fall)
SKILLS: gain Expertise in two unknown skills (or one skill plus thieves' tools)

Part of a temporary two-level boost granted by the Matron of Ravens during the fight against Predathos.

Maximum spell level is 5th; maximum slot level is 6th (upcasts permitted)

17 (temporary)
Druid 10, Rogue 7

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 16 (+3)

112 (+15)

Max CR 1

Flying and swimming speed allowed

5 + Mage Hand (2+MH from Arcane Trickster)

4/3/3/3/2/1/0/0/0 (see note)

and Armor of Agathys (2nd level) 1x/day

5 (Disguise Self, Identify, Shield, Feather Fall, one additional unknown)

Part of a temporary two-level boost granted by the Matron of Ravens during the fight against Predathos.

Maximum spell level is 5th; maximum slot level is 6th (upcasts permitted)

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 2319

Average per episode present: 21.08

Episode Damage dealt
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 9
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 26
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 8
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 28
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 23
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 47
C3E014 In Too Deep 35
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 24
C3E016 The Shade Mother 23
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle 63
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 84
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 28
C3E023 To The Skies 31
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 50
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 12
C3E029 Dark Portents 12
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 19
C3E031 Breaking Point 45
C3E033 Blood and Dust 4
C3E036 A Desperate Call 28
C3E037 From the Boughs 95
C3E040 Compulsions 67
C3E041 Call of the Wild 7
C3E043 Axiom Shaken 13
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence 12
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 27
C3E047 The Fey Key 48
C3E052 Far From The Others 72
C3E053 Ripples 10
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 58
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 23
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 16
C3E058 Escape From The Past 44
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 54
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 116
C3E069 Nice 16
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 62
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 16
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits 20
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 12
C3E080 A Test of Trust 24
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 50
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 22
C3E091 True Heroism 61
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 191
C3E097 Ancient Sins 11
C3E102 Reconciliation 125
C3E108 Looming 9
C3E109 A Test of Fate 40
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core 89
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage 120
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 28
C3E120 The Red End 162

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 2094

Average per episode present: 19.04

Episode Damage taken
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 13
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 19
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 31
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 7
C3E014 In Too Deep 16
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle 14
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 5
C3E023 To The Skies 7
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 4
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 26
C3E033 Blood and Dust 74
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 1
C3E036 A Desperate Call 5
C3E037 From the Boughs 2
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder 10
C3E041 Call of the Wild 14
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 25
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence 45
C3E047 The Fey Key 84
C3E049 The Aurora Grows 11
C3E053 Ripples 42
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 56
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 18
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 9
C3E058 Escape From The Past 76
C3E064 Reunited 33
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 84
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 12
C3E069 Nice 22
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 41
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 1
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 5
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits 36
C3E075 An Ancient Flame 33
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 24
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 54
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal 3
C3E080 A Test of Trust 316
C3E083 Ruidus 24
C3E085 Intense Interrogations 12
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths 11
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 45
C3E091 True Heroism 55
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 94
C3E096 Shadows New and Old 11
C3E097 Ancient Sins 36
C3E098 The Nox Engine 5
C3E102 Reconciliation 78
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 2
C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye 63
C3E109 A Test of Fate 89
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core 33
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage 48
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 57
C3E120 The Red End 153

Total: 419

Episode Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny Fearne Thorn Whip Cantrip Cantrip
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny Fearne Burning Hands 1 1
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Fearne Flame Blade 2 2
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Fearne Burning Hands 1 1
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Fearne Control Flames Cantrip Cantrip
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll Fearne Ice Knife 1 1
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll Fearne Wild Shape - - Constrictor snake
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer Fearne Wild Shape - - Constrictor Snake
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fearne Wild Shape - - Rat
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fearne Burning Hands 1 1
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fearne Thorn Whip Cantrip Cantrip
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fearne Telekinesis 5 - Via Stonky's Ring
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Fearne Thunderwave 1 2
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Fearne Cure Wounds 1 1 Imogen heals 10 points
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary Fearne Wild Shape - - Rat
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot Fearne Charm Person 1 1
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Fearne Flaming Sphere 2 2
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Fearne Burning Hands 1 2
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Fearne Ice Knife 1 1
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Fearne Cure Wounds 1 1 Orym heals unknown points
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Fearne Druidcraft Cantrip Cantrip
C3E013 A Dance of Deception Fearne Primal Savagery Cantrip Cantrip
C3E014 In Too Deep Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E014 In Too Deep Fearne Flame Blade 2 2
C3E014 In Too Deep Fearne Burning Hands 1 1
C3E014 In Too Deep Fearne Sending 3 - Via Stone
C3E015 The Tunnels Below Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E015 The Tunnels Below Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E015 The Tunnels Below Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E016 The Shade Mother Fearne Daylight 3 3
C3E016 The Shade Mother Fearne Telekinesis 5 - Via Stonky's Ring
C3E016 The Shade Mother Fearne Ice Knife 1 3
C3E016 The Shade Mother Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E016 The Shade Mother Fearne Sending 3 - Via Stone
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle Fearne Poison Spray Cantrip Cantrip
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle Fearne Flame Blade 2 2
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E019 Omens Above Fearne Wild Shape - - Frog
C3E019 Omens Above Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E019 Omens Above Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fearne Heat Metal 2 2
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fearne Entangle 1 1
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fearne Dispel Magic 3 3
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fearne Cure Wounds 1 1 Laudna heals 7 points, is conscious
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fearne Burning Hands 1 1
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fearne Cure Wounds 1 1 Hutchin heals 6 points, is conscious
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E022 Promise and Potential Fearne Produce Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E022 Promise and Potential Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E022 Promise and Potential Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E023 To The Skies Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E023 To The Skies Fearne Speak with Animals 1 1
C3E023 To The Skies Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E023 To The Skies Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fearne Entangle 1 1
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fearne Wild Shape - -
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fearne Cure Wounds 1 Unknown Ashton heals 16 points
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei Fearne Wild Shape - - Quokka
C3E027 A Race for the Prize Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fearne Wild Shape - - Flying squirrel
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fearne Heat Metal 2 2
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fearne Telekinesis 5 - Via Stonky's Ring
C3E029 Dark Portents Fearne Flame Blade 2 3
C3E029 Dark Portents Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation Fearne Cure Wounds 1 2 FCG heals 13 points, is conscious
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation Fearne Cure Wounds 1 Unknown Birdie heals 15 poins, is conscious
C3E031 Breaking Point Fearne Heat Metal 2 2
C3E031 Breaking Point Fearne Cure Wounds 1 3 FCG heals 18 points, is conscious
C3E032 A Stage Set Fearne Detect Magic 1 1
C3E033 Blood and Dust Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E033 Blood and Dust Fearne Telekinesis 5 - Via Stonky's Ring
C3E033 Blood and Dust Fearne Hold Person 2 3
C3E033 Blood and Dust Fearne Cure Wounds 1 1 Orym heals 8 points, is conscious
C3E034 What Dreams May Come Fearne Revivify 3 3 Orym
C3E034 What Dreams May Come Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fearne Plant Growth 3 3
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fearne Telekinesis 5 - Via Stonky's Ring
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fearne Ice Knife 1 1
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fearne Ice Knife 1 1
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fearne Tidal Wave 3 3
C3E037 From the Boughs Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E037 From the Boughs Fearne Poison Spray Cantrip Cantrip
C3E037 From the Boughs Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E037 From the Boughs Fearne Earthbind 2 2
C3E037 From the Boughs Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E037 From the Boughs Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E038 A Dark Balance Fearne Speak with Plants 3 3
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder Fearne Daylight 3 3
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder Fearne Hold Person 2 2
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder Fearne Entangle 1 1
C3E040 Compulsions Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E040 Compulsions Fearne Flame Blade 2 2
C3E040 Compulsions Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E040 Compulsions Fearne Wild Shape - - Wolf
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fearne Wild Shape - - Wolf
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fearne Daylight 3 3
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fearne Charm Person 1 1
C3E043 Axiom Shaken Fearne Ice Knife 1 1
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence Fearne Produce Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence Fearne Wild Shape - - Clydesdale
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence Fearne Wild Shape - - Horse
C3E045 Ominous Lectures Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E045 Ominous Lectures Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E045 Ominous Lectures Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E045 Ominous Lectures Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor Fearne Entangle 1 1
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E047 The Fey Key Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E047 The Fey Key Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E047 The Fey Key Fearne Hold Person 2 2
C3E047 The Fey Key Fearne Wild Shape - - Slow Loris
C3E047 The Fey Key Fearne Wall of Fire 4 4
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fearne Polymorph 4 4 Goldfish
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E052 Far From The Others Fearne Produce Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E052 Far From The Others Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E052 Far From The Others Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E052 Far From The Others Fearne Wild Shape - - Giant shoebill
C3E052 Far From The Others Fearne Dominate Beast 4 4
C3E052 Far From The Others Fearne Scorching Ray 2 3
C3E052 Far From The Others Fearne Scorching Ray 2 3
C3E052 Far From The Others Fearne Pass Without a Trace 2 2
C3E052 Far From The Others Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E052 Far From The Others Fearne Earthbind 2 2
C3E052 Far From The Others Fearne Wild Shape - - Giant shoebill
C3E053 Ripples Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E053 Ripples Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E053 Ripples Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E053 Ripples Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E053 Ripples Fearne Pass Without a Trace 2 2
C3E053 Ripples Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E053 Ripples Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E053 Ripples Fearne Dominate Beast 4 4
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fearne Air Bubble 2 2
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fearne Snare 1 1
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fearne Snare 1 1
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fearne Polymorph 4 4
C3E055 Hope Within History Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Speak with Animals 1 1
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Telekinesis 5 - Via Stonky's Ring
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Speak with Animals 1 1
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Entangle 1 1
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Speak with Animals 1 1
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Thorn Whip Cantrip Cantrip
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fearne Pass Without a Trace 2 2
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fearne Ice Knife 1 1
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fearne Pass Without a Trace 2 2
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fearne Blight 4 4
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fearne Burning Hands 1 4
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fearne Pass Without a Trace 2 3
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E064 Reunited Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E064 Reunited Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance Fearne Blight 4 4
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance Fearne Stone Skin 4 4
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance Fearne Scorching Ray 2 3
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance Fearne Scrying 5 5 Ludinus
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance Fearne Scrying 5 5 Ira Wendagoth
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fearne Aura of Life 4 4
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fearne Daylight 3 3
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fearne Pass Without a Trace 2 2
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fearne Burning Hands 1 3
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fearne Blight 4 4
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fearne Wild Shape - - Giant Shoebill
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fearne Blight 4 5
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fearne Produce Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E068 For The Tempest Fearne Pass Without a Trace 2 2
C3E068 For The Tempest Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E069 Nice Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E069 Nice Fearne Speak with Animals 1 1
C3E069 Nice Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fearne Charm Person 1 1
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fearne Armor of Agathys 1 2 Via Gloomscale Breastplate
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fearne Pass Without a Trace 2 2
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fearne Pass Without a Trace 2 2
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fearne Plant Growth 3 3
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fearne Produce Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley Fearne Fire Shield 4 4
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley Fearne Cure Wounds 1 1 FCG heals 8 points, is conscious
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley Fearne Cure Wounds 1 2 FCG heals 13 points, is conscious
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fearne Scrying 5 5 On Beau (fails)
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fearne Wild Shape - - Summon Mister
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fearne Daylight 3 3
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fearne Telekinesis 5 - Via Stonky's Ring
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fearne Plant Growth 3 3
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fearne Wild Shape - - Shoebill
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fearne Wild Shape - - snow bat
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fearne Fire Shield 4 4 Ashton, Cold Shield
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fearne Telekinesis 5 - Via Stonky's Ring
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fearne Wall of Stone 5 5
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fearne Wall of Fire 4 4
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fearne Pass Without a Trace 2 2
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fearne Stone Shape 4 4
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fearne Produce Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fearne Daylight 3 3
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fearne Produce Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fearne Aura of Life 4 4
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fearne Cure Wounds 1 5 Ashton heals 33 points
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fearne Cure Wounds 1 4 Ashton heals 21 points
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fearne Aura of Life 4 4
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fearne Cure Wounds 1 5 Ashton heals 31 points
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fearne Cure Wounds 1 4 Ashton heals 22 points
C3E078 Fractures Fearne Plant Growth 3 3
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fearne Stone Shape 4 4
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fearne Speak with Plants 3 3
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fearne Hold Person 2 2
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fearne Wild Shape - - Summon Mister
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fearne Aura of Life 4 4
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fearne Cure Wounds 1 4 Fearne heals 20 points
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fearne Cure Wounds 1 3 Fearne heals 15 points
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fearne Cure Wounds 1 5 Fearne heals unknown points
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon Fearne Pass Without a Trace 2 2
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fearne Charm Person 1 2
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fearne Polymorph 4 4
C3E083 Ruidus Fearne Pass Without a Trace 2 2
C3E083 Ruidus Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E083 Ruidus Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations Fearne Druidcraft Cantrip Cantrip
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations Fearne Charm Person 1 1
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations Fearne Wild Shape - - Mister
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E085 Intense Interrogations Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E085 Intense Interrogations Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E085 Intense Interrogations Fearne Cure Wounds 1 3 Verdo heals 18 points
C3E085 Intense Interrogations Fearne Water Breathing 3 3
C3E085 Intense Interrogations Fearne Wild Shape - - Leaf sheep sea slug
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fearne Summon Wildfire Spirit - -
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fearne Charm Person 1 1
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fearne Disguise Self 1 1
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fearne Wild Shape - -
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fearne Shield 1 1
C3E088 Seeking Sedition Fearne Wild Shape - - Slither
C3E088 Seeking Sedition Fearne Dispel Magic 3 3
C3E088 Seeking Sedition Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E088 Seeking Sedition Fearne Pass Without Trace 2 2
C3E090 Mission Improbable Fearne Speak With Animals 1 1
C3E090 Mission Improbable Fearne Charm Person 1 1
C3E091 True Heroism Fearne Charm Monster 4 4
C3E091 True Heroism Fearne Polymorph 4 4 Slither
C3E091 True Heroism Fearne Wild Shape - - Slither
C3E091 True Heroism Fearne Blight 4 6
C3E091 True Heroism Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E091 True Heroism Fearne Aura of Life 4 4
C3E091 True Heroism Fearne Shield 1 1
C3E091 True Heroism Fearne Blight 4 5
C3E092 Broken Roads Fearne Cure Wounds 1 1
C3E092 Broken Roads Fearne Disguise Self 1 1
C3E092 Broken Roads Fearne Pass Without Trace 2 2
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows Fearne Scorching Ray 2 3
C3E095 Gathering of Needs Fearne Identify 1 1
C3E096 Shadows New and Old Fearne Pass Without Trace 2 2
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Flaming Sphere 2 4
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Scorching Ray 2 3
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Control Flames Cantrip Cantrip
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Pass without Trace 2 2
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Pass without Trace 2 2
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
C3E097 Ancient Sins Fearne Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
C3E098 The Nox Engine Fearne Locate Creature 4 4
C3E098 The Nox Engine Fearne Polymorph 4 4
C3E102 Reconciliation Fearne Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
C3E102 Reconciliation Fearne Aura of Life 4 5
C3E102 Reconciliation Fearne Flame Strike 5 5
C3E102 Reconciliation Fearne Shield 1 1
C3E102 Reconciliation Fearne Flame Strike 5 6
C3E102 Reconciliation Fearne Cure Wounds 1 3 Healed Laudna for 24 points
C3E102 Reconciliation Fearne Cure Wounds 1 - Healed Ashton for 21 points, level unknown
C3E102 Reconciliation Fearne Identify 1 1
C3E102 Reconciliation Fearne Identify 1 1
C3E102 Reconciliation Fearne Identify 1 1
C3E103 Cages Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E103 Cages Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E103 Cages Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E103 Cages Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E103 Cages Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted Fearne Transmute Rock 5 5
C3E108 Looming Fearne Thorn Whip Cantrip Cantrip
C3E108 Looming Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip On Imogen
C3E108 Looming Fearne Primal Savagery Cantrip Cantrip
C3E109 A Test of Fate Fearne Identify 1 1
C3E109 A Test of Fate Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E109 A Test of Fate Fearne Aura of Life 4 4
C3E109 A Test of Fate Fearne Flame Strike 5 5
C3E110 In the Shadow of War Fearne Druidcraft Cantrip Cantrip
C3E110 In the Shadow of War Fearne Identify 1 1
C3E111 The Nein Hells Fearne Identify 1 1
C3E112 The Assembling of Legends Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core Fearne Shield 1 1
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core Fearne Speak with Plants 3 3
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core Fearne Scorching Ray 2 3
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core Fearne Scorching Ray 2 3
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core Fearne Wall of Fire 4 4
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage Fearne Earthbind 2 2
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage Fearne Scorching Ray 2 5
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage Fearne Scorching Ray 2 6
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage Fearne Scorching Ray 2 5
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage Fearne Identify 1 1
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage Fearne Identify 1 1
C3E119 Predathos Awakened Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
C3E119 Predathos Awakened Fearne Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
C3E119 Predathos Awakened Fearne Contagion 5 5
C3E120 The Red End Fearne Scorching Ray 2 4
C3E120 The Red End Fearne Shield 1 1
C3E120 The Red End Fearne Flame Blade 2 6
C3E120 The Red End Fearne Silvery Barbs 1 1
C3E120 The Red End Fearne Scorching Ray 2 4
C3E120 The Red End Fearne Silvery Barbs 1 1
C3E120 The Red End Fearne Cure Wounds 1 4 Imogen heals for 25 points
C3E121 A New Age Begins Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E121 A New Age Begins Fearne Enhance Ability 2 2
C3E121 A New Age Begins Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E121 A New Age Begins Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip

PC natural 20s

Total: 40

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 01:41:52 Fearne Initiative
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:49:35 Fearne Snake Bite against Shade Creeper 3
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 01:33:55 Fearne Stealth Check
C3E014 In Too Deep 03:11:30 Fearne Flame Blade against Emoth with advantage
C3E016 The Shade Mother 00:42:01 Fearne Perception Check with disadvantage (disregarded)
C3E016 The Shade Mother 02:16:20 Fearne Dexterity Save
C3E016 The Shade Mother 02:47:12 Fearne Acrobatics Check
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle 01:16:09 Fearne Scorching Ray against Plant
C3E019 Omens Above 03:21:26 Fearne Medicine or Investigation Check
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 01:52:09 Fearne Charisma Save with disadvantage (disregarded)
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 00:50:58 Fearne Acrobatics Check
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 03:35:24 Fearne Sleight of Hand Check
C3E023 To The Skies 03:35:55 Fearne Dexterity Check
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 01:07:58 Fearne Sleight of Hand Check
C3E027 A Race for the Prize 02:47:30 Fearne Stealth Check (as rat)
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 01:31:29 Fearne Dexterity Save
C3E043 Axiom Shaken 00:52:05 Fearne History Check
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 03:14:06 Fearne Persuasion Check with disadvantage (disregarded)
C3E052 Far From The Others 02:23:41 Fearne Constitution Save
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 03:20:27 Fearne Initiative
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 03:22:32 Fearne Scorching Ray against Craskkalid
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 03:32:36 Fearne d20
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 04:10:19 Fearne Constitution Save with advantage
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal 02:39:47 Fearne Athletics Check
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 01:09:20 Fearne Stealth Check
C3E083 Ruidus 00:53:20 Fearne Constitution Save
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 03:40:12 Fearne Scorching Ray against Ruby Vanguard 4
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths 00:12:24 Fearne Perception Check
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 01:45:12 Fearne Deception Check
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:02:55 Fearne Scorching Ray attack on Avadon
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:03:01 Fearne Scorching Ray attack on Avadon
C3E090 Mission Improbable 00:16:00 Fearne Sleight of Hand
C3E091 True Heroism 02:47:25 Fearne Attack of opportunity on Otohan Thull with Staff
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 00:46:52 Fearne Persuasion
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 03:32:34 Fearne Charisma Save against Braius’s Zone of Truth
C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye 01:21:48 Fearne Persuasion Check on the Unseelie Emissary
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core 01:48:13 Fearne Persuasion Check to convince the myceit hive mind to accept the Brood Pit
C3E120 The Red End 00:53:25 Fearne Scorching Ray on Predathos Head
C3E120 The Red End 02:12:04 Fearne Flame Blade on Predathos Head
C3E121 A New Age Begins 02:04:00 Fearne Athletics or Acrobatics Check to fly through the wind towards the falling Ashton

PC natural 1s

Total: 43

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 01:52:40 Fearne Persuasion Check with disadvantage
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 02:36:44 Fearne Scorching Ray against Spitting Mimic
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 00:14:45 Fearne Strength Check
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 01:02:53 Fearne Scorching Ray against Ira with advantage (disregarded)
C3E013 A Dance of Deception 01:02:37 Fearne Perception Check
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor 02:54:08 Fearne Wisdom Check
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle 01:16:18 Fearne Scorching Ray against Plant
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 01:47:27 Fearne Wisdom Save
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 03:36:15 Fearne Athletics or Acrobatics Check
C3E027 A Race for the Prize 01:37:37 Fearne Persuasion Check
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 00:42:05 Fearne Stealth Check
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 03:33:01 Fearne Strength Check
C3E029 Dark Portents 00:33:54 Fearne Flame Blade against Yu
C3E032 A Stage Set 03:28:51 Fearne History Check
C3E037 From the Boughs 03:28:38 Fearne Strength Save
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 01:57:47 Fearne Perception Check
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 02:55:45 Fearne Deception or Persuasion Check
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 03:12:27 Fearne Insight Check
C3E047 The Fey Key 03:07:56 Fearne Investigation Check
C3E049 The Aurora Grows 02:37:57 Fearne d20
C3E052 Far From The Others 01:09:26 Fearne Scorching Ray against Creature
C3E052 Far From The Others 03:07:40 Fearne Wisdom Check
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 02:13:06 Fearne Wisdom Check with disadvantage
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 03:29:14 Fearne Athletics or Acrobatics Check
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 00:31:22 Fearne Nature Check
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:42:20 Fearne Constitution Save
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 04:10:19 Fearne Constitution Save with advantage (disregarded)
C3E075 An Ancient Flame 00:14:49 Fearne Athletics Check
C3E075 An Ancient Flame 00:52:57 Fearne Perception Check with advantage (disregarded)
C3E080 A Test of Trust 03:09:52 Fearne Constitution Save
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 02:47:00 Fearne Deception Check
C3E085 Intense Interrogations 01:52:23 Fearne Perception Check
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths 03:20:40 Fearne Athletics Check (did not specify is Natural One or 1 with modifier; has negative modifier,so unclear)
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 02:31:04 Fearne Stealth Check
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:03:16 Fearne Scorching Ray attack on Avadon
C3E088 Seeking Sedition 00:34:46 Fearne Stealth Check
C3E091 True Heroism 00:35:02 Fearne Dexterity save
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 01:16:25 Fearne Constitution save
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 01:33:19 Fearne Scorching Ray attack
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 03:21:07 Fearne Stealth check
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 00:26:58 Fearne Initiative
C3E120 The Red End 01:38:54 Fearne Death Save
C3E120 The Red End 03:46:58 Fearne Death Save

Total: 25

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:50:21 Fearne Shade Creeper, Snake Bite
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 02:43:55 Fearne Shade Creeper, Scorching Ray
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:55:59 Fearne Shade Creeper, Scorching Ray
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 02:44:21 Fearne Marionette 2, Scorching Ray
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 02:44:23 Fearne Marionette 4, Scorching Ray
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 02:44:27 Fearne Marionette 5, Scorching Ray
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 01:06:41 Fearne Clay Warden 1, Scorching Ray
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 01:45:44 Fearne Fists of the Ruiner Gunner, Scorching Ray
C3E036 A Desperate Call 03:47:22 Fearne Lingering Horror 3, Ice Knife
C3E037 From the Boughs 04:00:46 Fearne Tree Roots, Scorching Ray
C3E040 Compulsions 01:56:56 Fearne Chimera, Ballista
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 04:10:47 Laudna/Fearne/Imogen Centaur; Eldritch Blast/Scorching Ray/Witch Bolt
C3E052 Far From The Others 01:09:52 Fearne Creature, Scorching Ray
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:37:21 Fearne Ghost 5, Ice Knife
C3E058 Escape From The Past 01:15:08 Fearne Hatemonger, Burning Hands
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 04:16:43 Fearne Extovass the Gluttonous, Blight
C3E083 Ruidus 03:25:48 Fresh Cut Grass/Fearne Reiloran Juggernaut, suffocated in Bag of Holding
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 03:17:29 Fearne Scorching Ray on Razora Ruby Vanguard 2
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 03:41:31 Fearne Scorching Ray on Razora Village Ruby Vanguard 4
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:03:37 Fearne Natural 20 scorching ray on Avadon
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 01:25:32 Fearne Two shadows of Dark Mirror Fearne, destroyed in blast from deactivating the Spark of Rau’shan
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 01:33:34 Fearne Dark Mirror Fearne, HDYWTDT, hit her with 3rd level Scorching Ray from on the ground
C3E102 Reconciliation 02:29:26 Fearne Specter, Flame Strike
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core 04:08:55 Fearne Exaltant, Wall of Fire, HDYWTDT
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core 04:08:55 Fearne Exaltant, Wall of Fire, HDYWTDT


Total: 1

Episode Timestamp Character Circumstance Resurrection Notes
C3E033 Blood and Dust 03:31:56 Fearne Otohan Thull, Sword Revivify from FCG (C3E034, spell cast at 00:35:01, resurrected 00:41:24) Associated KO (C3E033 03:18:51)


Total: 9

Episode Timestamp Character Circumstance Resolution Notes
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:18:11 Fearne Shade Creeper claw attack Brought back up by Healing Word from FCG
C3E033 Blood and Dust 02:33:26 Fearne Otohan Thull, Sword Brought back up by Healing Word from FCG
C3E033 Blood and Dust 03:18:51 Fearne Otohan Thull, Sword Dies Associated Death (C3E033 03:31:56)
C3E047 The Fey Key 04:17:42 Fearne Gloamglut, Claws Brought back up by Healing Word from FCG (at the top of the next episode)
C3E058 Escape From The Past 00:34:13 Fearne Hatemonger, Consume Stabilized by Spare the Dying from FRIDA, then brought back up by Preserve life from Deanna
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 04:30:13 Fearne Zombie 1, Longsword Brought back up by Mass Cure Wounds from FCG
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 01:29:04 Fearne Dark Mirror Fearne, Fearne hit by two void darts Brought back up by potion from Orym
C3E120 The Red End 01:34:45 Fearne Predathos, Shriek of Oblivion Brought back up by Lay on Hands from Braius
C3E120 The Red End 03:45:19 Fearne Predathos, ruinous claw attack Brought back up by Mass Cure Wounds from Dorian

Total: 211

Episode Timestamp Payer Where obtained Recipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 01:25:02 Orym Jrusar Fearne Gifted Gondola ride 1sp
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 01:30:27 Jrusar Citizen - Fearne Stolen Earring (Pachydan, Allhammer)
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 02:29:39 Fearne - Ashton Stolen Earring (Pachydan, Allhammer) Earring (Pachydan, Allhammer)
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 02:41:44 Bertrand Spire by Fire Fearne Gifted Dinner
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 03:03:52 Bertrand Spire by Fire Fearne Gifted Room
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 03:40:24 Bertrand - Fearne Gifted Breakfast (To-go)
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 01:43:16 Bertrand Weary Way Tavern Fearne Gifted Brunch
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 01:55:17 Lord Eshteross - Fearne Earned 50gp
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 03:20:10 Lord Eshteross - Fearne Earned 200gp
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 03:50:05 Bertrand Spire by Fire Fearne Purchased Room 5sp
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 03:50:31 Fearne Spire by Fire Bertrand Purchased Drink Unknown cost
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 00:34:02 Bertrand - Fearne Looted Peanuts, Condom (30 years old), Criterion Collection, Icy Hot, Werther's Originals, TV Guide Peanuts, Condom (30 years old), Criterion Collection, Icy Hot, Werther's Originals, TV Guide
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 01:07:49 Ashton - Fearne Gifted Breakfast sandwich Breakfast sandwich
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 02:59:03 Fearne - Bertrand Gifted Ribbon, Oleander Ribbon, Oleander
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 03:33:58 Ephred - Fearne Traded Pastry Hemlock
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 01:06:58 Fearne - Imogen Gifted 108gp 108gp
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 04:00:36 - Dugger's House Fearne Looted Chamber pot
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads 01:02:32 Fearne Spire by Fire Party Purchased Rooms 1gp 5sp
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads 01:03:39 Ashton Spire by Fire Fearne Purchased Bottle of alcohol 5gp
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads 03:36:33 Dreamscape Employee - Fearne Stolen 6pp
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 01:26:16 - Dreamscape Theater Fearne Stolen Dress (white, costume)
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 03:36:42 - Dreamscape Theater Alley Fearne Looted Teeth (spitting mimic)
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary 00:50:04 Chetney - Fearne Gifted Mini chisel Mini chisel
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary 02:33:08 Fearne Core Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 00:30:14 Fearne - Keledon Gifted Oleander
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 00:39:52 Fearne Core Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 01:18:13 Ashton - Fearne Stolen Earring (Pachydan, Allhammer) Earring (Pachydan, Allhammer)
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 01:18:58 Fearne Soot and Swill Soot and Swill Purchased Earring (Pachydan, Allhammer)
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 01:44:56 Fearne Soot and Swill Fearne Purchased Meal Price unknown
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 03:40:23 Fearne - Ashton Stolen Chamber pot Chamber pot
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates 00:26:40 - Core Spire Fearne Looted Saber
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates 00:46:18 Fearne Core Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates 00:53:36 Chetney - Fearne Gifted 1pp 1pp
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates 01:14:03 Pretty - Fearne Gifted Pumpkins (2, connected)
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates 01:19:22 Pretty - Fearne Gifted Meal
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 02:07:05 Fearne - Gurge Loaned Cape
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 02:24:03 Fearne Core Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 02:34:54 Fearne Weary Way Tavern Party Purchased Lodging 1gp
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 02:35:13 Gurge - Fearne Returned Cape
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 03:48:50 Fearne Core Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 04:23:38 Fearne - Ela Lumas Gifted Snowdrops
C3E012 Make It Fashion 00:44:30 Fearne Core Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 00:44:30 Fearne Aerie Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 01:15:08 Fearne Golden Veil Fearne Purchased Jacket (Peach, sheer sleeves, ruffled collar) 35gp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 01:29:05 Fearne Lucent Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 01:40:33 Fearne Trove of Marwa Fearne Stolen Egg (glass, wrapped in leather cord)
C3E012 Make It Fashion 01:55:56 Fearne Trove of Marwa Fearne Purchased Obsidian flakes 5gp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 02:07:45 Fearne - Marwa Gifted Egg (glass, wrapped in leather cord)
C3E012 Make It Fashion 03:38:45 Fearne - Fearne Crafted Mask (traced hands, feathers)
C3E013 A Dance of Deception 02:41:49 Fearne - Preston Drodelon Gifted Flower
C3E013 A Dance of Deception 03:24:23 Fearne - Ashton Gifted Saber Saber
C3E014 In Too Deep 04:32:55 Fearne Dorian Gifted 6pp 6pp
C3E014 In Too Deep 04:37:36 Fearne Fearne Crafted Necklace (Mimic tooth) Mimic tooth, Ribbon
C3E014 In Too Deep 04:37:48 Fearne Dorian Gifted Necklace (Mimic tooth) Necklace (Mimic tooth)
C3E016 The Shade Mother 03:33:31 Fearne Soot and Swill Party Purchased Rooms (2) 1gp
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor 00:27:38 Imogen Soot and Swill Fearne Gifted Coffee Coffee
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor 01:02:15 Jiana Hexum - Fearne Earned 300gp
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor 01:18:36 Ariks Eshteross - Fearne Gifted Cookies (7)
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor 01:53:13 Fearne Jrusar Fearne Purchased Travel supplies 10gp
C3E019 Omens Above 01:36:20 Fearne Mosscobble Wares Fearne Purchased - 5gp
C3E019 Omens Above 01:42:56 - Mosscobble Wares Fearne Gifted Shovel Shovel
C3E019 Omens Above 01:43:18 Fearne - Laudna Purchased Shovel 3pp
C3E019 Omens Above 02:17:35 Fearne - Dobby Kingsman Gifted 1gp
C3E019 Omens Above 03:28:20 Fearne - Laudna Gifted Ribbon Ribbon
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 01:07:33 Evon Hytroga - Fearne Stolen Salt shaker, Pepper shaker
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 03:36:08 Ashton - Fearne Gifted Eyes of Charming Eyes of Charming
C3E022 Promise and Potential 00:43:06 Fearne Spire by Fire Party Purchased Breakfast 6sp
C3E022 Promise and Potential 00:57:56 Party - Fearne Distributed 500gp 500gp
C3E022 Promise and Potential 01:22:55 Fearne Lucent Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E022 Promise and Potential 02:02:55 Ariks Eshteross - Fearne Gifted Ribbon
C3E022 Promise and Potential 03:38:14 Fearne - Party Distributed 215gp 215gp
C3E023 To The Skies 00:38:20 Party - Fearne Distributed Portable Hole Portable Hole
C3E023 To The Skies 03:36:28 - - Fearne Looted Skirath hunter eye
C3E023 To The Skies 03:38:49 Fearne - Denalia Gifted Skirath hunter eye
C3E023 To The Skies 03:52:17 Fearne - Fearne Crafted Wig (for Sashimi) Leg fur
C3E023 To The Skies 03:52:17 Fearne - Laudna Gifted Wig (for Sashimi) Wig (for Sashimi)
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 03:45:33 - Bassuras Tent Fearne Looted Saber, Rice (bag), Pants (dupioni silk blue), Candles (box)
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 01:27:06 Fearne - A Taste of Tal'Dorei Bartender Traded Tea cup ("The Lady of Whitestone")
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 01:27:06 A Taste of Tal'Dorei Bartender - Fearne Traded Music Box
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 01:27:51 Fearne - Chetney Loaned Music Box Music Box
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 01:59:42 Chetney - Fearne Stored Music Box Music Box In portable hole
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 01:59:42 Dusk - Fearne Stored Foam hat, scarf, sweatshirt (jerkin-style) Foam hat, scarf, sweatshirt (jerkin-style) In portable hole
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 01:59:42 Party - Fearne Stored Cups (Souvenier, A Taste of Tal'Dorei) Cups (Souvenier, A Taste of Tal'Dorei) In portable hole
C3E026 Hidden Truths 01:59:45 Fearne Finders Takers Fearne Purchased Dynamite (5 sticks), Down payment (explosive device) 100gp
C3E026 Hidden Truths 03:32:03 Fearne Party Distributed 100gp 100gp
C3E027 A Race for the Prize 01:47:37 Chetney - Fearne Gifted Toy wolf Toy wolf
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 03:23:21 - Deathwish Run Fearne Purchased Candy Apples
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 03:41:48 Deathwish Run Fearne Stolen Braid (long, blonde)
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 03:42:13 Fearne - Party Gifted Candy Apples Candy Apples
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 03:46:06 - Deathwish Run Fearne Stolen Bowl of coins
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 03:46:06 Fearne - Fresh Cut Grass Gifted Bowl of coins Bowl of coins
C3E029 Dark Portents 01:08:55 Yu - Fearne Stolen Rope (50 feet), Hand mirror Rope (50 feet), hand mirror
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 01:58:37 Party - Fearne Distributed 70gp 70gp
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 01:58:58 Fearne - Ashton Stolen Thimble (porcelain, blue, giant-sized) Thimble (porcelain, blue, giant-sized)
C3E031 Breaking Point 01:25:37 Fearne - Birdie and Ollie Calloway Gifted Music box
C3E031 Breaking Point 01:54:06 Chetney - Fearne Gifted Wooden doll Wooden doll
C3E031 Breaking Point 02:28:05 - Calloway Hideout Fearne Looted Gnarlrock shards (2)
C3E031 Breaking Point 02:28:29 Fearne - Laudna Gifted Gnarlrock shard Gnarlrock shard
C3E031 Breaking Point 02:31:14 Fearne - Imogen Gifted Gnarlrock shard Gnarlrock shard
C3E031 Breaking Point 02:44:02 Chetney - Fearne Gifted Wooden dolls (Calloways) Wooden dolls (Calloways)
C3E032 A Stage Set 02:56:23 Paragon's Call - Fearne Gifted Kunai
C3E032 A Stage Set 02:56:45 Fearne - Mister Gifted Kunai
C3E033 Blood and Dust 00:23:15 - Seat of Disdain Fearne Stolen Crates
C3E033 Blood and Dust 00:27:14 - Seat of Disdain Fearne Stolen Crate (black)
C3E034 What Dreams May Come 01:00:32 FCG - Fearne Loaned Coin (Changebringer) Coin (Changebringer)
C3E034 What Dreams May Come 01:03:19 Fearne - - Expended Diamond (worth 300 gold) Revivify (Orym)
C3E034 What Dreams May Come 02:28:35 Party - Fearne Distributed Potion of Possibility Potion of Possibility
C3E034 What Dreams May Come 03:26:27 Fearne - Party Distributed 50gp 50gp
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 02:26:15 Chetney Aerie Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 02:27:54 Fearne - FCG Retrieved Coin (Changebringer) Coin (Changebringer)
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 03:37:16 Party - Fearne Distributed 3333gp 3333gp
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 04:22:17 Ashton Core Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola Ride 1sp
C3E036 A Desperate Call 02:15:21 Ashton - Fearne Wagered 5gp 5gp
C3E037 From the Boughs 01:24:47 - "Whitestone" Fearne Looted Dolls, bird doll, wooden necklace
C3E038 A Dark Balance 01:45:11 Percy de Rolo - Fearne Gifted Pop gun
C3E038 A Dark Balance 03:19:51 Fearne Gilmore's Glorious Goods (Whitestone) Fearne Purchased Griffon toy 70gp
C3E038 A Dark Balance 03:36:53 Laudna Aerie Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder 02:11:46 Ashton Smolder Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder 02:11:46 Ashton Aerie Spire Gondola Fearne Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E041 Call of the Wild 00:31:30 Chetney - Fearne Gifted Mushroom Mushroom
C3E041 Call of the Wild 00:31:32 Fearne - - Consumed Mushroom
C3E041 Call of the Wild 00:48:50 Fearne - FCG Gifted Mushroom Mushroom
C3E041 Call of the Wild 01:12:26 Manad - Fearne Gifted Twig
C3E041 Call of the Wild 04:09:14 Fearne - Wildmother Gifted 1pp
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 02:15:00 Fearne - Lakecap Skyport and Lounge Wagered 195gp
C3E043 Axiom Shaken 01:19:34 Fearne - Carolle Gifted Plurple poppy
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 02:51:01 Morrigan - Fearne Gifted Gloomscale Breastplate
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught 00:35:01 Fearne - - Expended Silver Fork
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught 01:06:35 Fearne - Terrosh Purchased Passage out of the Fey Realm Golden skeleton key
C3E049 The Aurora Grows 03:20:15 Fearne - Party Gifted 500gp 500gp
C3E050 Red Moon Rising 00:25:50 Ira Wendagoth Fearne Stolen Spyglass
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice 00:20:43 Fearne - Fearne Consumed Motes of Possibility (2) Potion of Possibility
C3E052 Far From The Others 02:25:27 FCG Fearne Gifted Bundt cake (mango) Bundt cake (mango)
C3E053 Ripples 01:48:54 FCG - Fearne Gifted Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Cinnamon Raisin Bagel
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 03:01:49 - D&O's Toy Emporium Fearne Stolen Toys
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 04:16:31 Party - Fearne Distributed 666gp 666gp
C3E055 Hope Within History 00:29:21 Desavon Kamash Fearne Stolen Ring (gem-encrusted)
C3E055 Hope Within History 02:38:14 Catlyn's Clothier Fearne Purchased New outfit
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 03:39:41 FCG - Fearne Gifted Muffin (Goat blood)
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 03:39:41 Fearne - - Consumed Muffin (Goat blood)
C3E064 Reunited 03:12:53 Ashton - Fearne Stolen Ring Ring
C3E064 Reunited 03:13:48 Fearne - Ashton Returned Ring Ring
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 04:18:18 Extovass the Gluttonous - Fearne Looted Nalfeshnee tusks (2)
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 04:31:20 Teven Klask - Fearne Gifted Aid upon request
C3E069 Nice 00:29:30 FCG Fearne Gifted Cigarette Cigarette
C3E069 Nice 02:18:47 FCG Fearne Gifted Cigarette Cigarette
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 03:20:25 Imahara Joe - Fearne Stolen Tools (assorted)
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 03:20:34 Laudna - Fearne Gifted Wishbone Wishbone
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 03:35:32 Party - Fearne Distributed 339gp 339gp
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 04:09:59 Fearne Jirana Gifted Salt and pepper shakers
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 00:44:47 Ashton Fearne Gifted Molars
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:31:26 Chetney Fearne Gifted Flower (purple) Flower (purple)
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 02:41:06 Chetney Fearne Gifted Chetney statue Chetney statue
C3E075 An Ancient Flame 03:46:41 Ludinus - Fearne Looted Opal (cracked)
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 02:58:49 Fearne Gwendolyn de Rolo Gifted Eyes of Charming
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 02:08:56 Orym Fearne Gifted Spyglass (Cyrillia's) Spyglass (Cyrillia's)
C3E078 Fractures 00:23:41 Imogen Fearne Stolen Harness Harness
C3E078 Fractures 01:22:10 Fearne Raven Queen Temple (Whitestone) Gifted Postcards
C3E078 Fractures 03:28:14 Fearne Allura Vysoren Gifted Flower
C3E080 A Test of Trust 02:52:49 Ashton - Fearne Loaned Ring of Volcanic Flesh Ring of Volcanic Flesh
C3E080 A Test of Trust 02:56:04 FCG - Fearne Loaned Harness Harness
C3E080 A Test of Trust 03:03:59 Chetney - Fearne Gifted Shard of Rau'shan Shard of Rau'shan
C3E080 A Test of Trust 03:00:48 Orym - Fearne Gifted Potion of Heroism Potion of Heroism
C3E080 A Test of Trust 03:00:48 Fearne - - Consumed Potion of Heroism
C3E080 A Test of Trust 03:05:56 Fearne - Fearne Absorbed Powers from the Shard of Rau'shan Shard of Rau'shan
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon 01:15:33 Fearne Ashton Returned Ring of Volcanic Flesh Ring of Volcanic Flesh
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 02:06:27 Reiloran Shrike Body Fearne Looted Reiloran Chain Weapons (x2)
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 02:07:41 Fearne Ishto Gifted Reiloran Chain Weapon
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 02:36:42 FCG Fearne Loaned Bag of Holding Bag of Holding
C3E083 Ruidus 03:29:14 FCG Fearne Gifted Apple Fritter Apple Fritter
C3E083 Ruidus 03:29:23 Fearne Consumed Apple Fritter 4 temp HP
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 00:18:01 Fearne Dono Gifted Druidcrafted purple flower
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths 00:27:12 Laudna Fearne Loaned Immovable rod Immovable rod
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths 00:28:00 Fearne Orym Loaned Immovable rod Immovable rod
C3E088 Seeking Sedition 01:39:53 Orym, Fearne Zhesh Basket of strawberries
C3E090 Mission Improbable 00:16:19 Fearne Reiloran Beggar Gifted Hairpin
C3E091 True Heroism 04:36:31 Fearne Retrieved Remains of FCG's Head
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 02:08:42 Fearne Looted Shattered shards of dark mirror
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 00:48:08 Fearne Fearne Purchased leatherbound picture porn 1pp
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 01:05:20 Fearne Purchased Yellow thread
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 01:15:10 Ashton Fearne Gifted Leather belt
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 01:22:26 Fearne Consumed two pies two pies
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 02:00:25 Fearne Party 3900gp
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 02:43:53 Fearne Ashton Stole Piece of lace
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 04:02:12 Orym Fearne Loaned Ishta the Summit Blade
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 04:09:26 Fearne Chetney Loaned Ishta the Summit Blade
C3E096 Shadows New and Old 02:27:07 Chetney Laudna, Fearne, Ashton, Dorian Gave Boar Jerky Boar
C3E096 Shadows New and Old 02:27:07 Laudna, Fearne, Ashton, Dorian Consumed Boar Jerky
C3E098 The Nox Engine 02:45:17 Fearne Retrieved Soul Anchor
C3E098 The Nox Engine 02:47:33 Fearne Chetney Gifted Soul Anchor in Bag of Holding
C3E102 Reconciliation 03:26:23 Chetney Fearne Loaned Arcane battery
C3E102 Reconciliation 03:28:09 Chetney Fearne Loaned Small-collared, deep rust colored scale cloak
C3E102 Reconciliation 03:29:56 Chetney Fearne Loaned Soul anchor
C3E102 Reconciliation 03:55:14 Imogen Fearne Gifted Stale cookies
C3E102 Reconciliation 04:06:01 Fearne Chetney Gifted Small-collared, deep rust colored scale cloak - Demonshell Armor
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 03:34:06 Chetney Fearne Stole Birthheart twigs
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 03:48:31 Fearne Ashton Stole tiny spoon engraved with the letters TJ
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 03:49:07 Ashton Fearne Gifted tiny spoon engraved with the letters TJ
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 03:51:55 Fearne Chetney Returned Birthheart twigs
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 00:44:00 Fearne Orym Gifted Potion of Invulnerability
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 01:35:23 Fearne Gifted Necklace made of broken piece of the Weave Lens From Birdie Calloway
C3E109 A Test of Fate 00:38:06 Orym Fearne Gifted Dusk Hunger
C3E111 The Nein Hells 00:29:32 Jester Fearne Gifted Pamphlet of the Traveller
C3E111 The Nein Hells 01:07:05 Jester Fearne Gifted cupcake
C3E111 The Nein Hells 02:46:06 Caleb Fearne Loaned C-POP egg
C3E111 The Nein Hells 02:48:14 Fearne Caleb Returned C-POP egg
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage 04:06:06 Imogen Fearne Gifted Staff of Soulbind Relay
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage 04:21:40 Fearne Chetney Gifted Staff of Soulbind Relay Placed in Bag of Holding
C3E121 A New Age Begins 07:36:25 - Fearne Stolen C-Pop egg 1
C3E121 A New Age Begins 07:36:30 - Fearne Stolen C-Pop egg 2
C3E121 A New Age Begins 07:36:48 - Fearne Stolen C-Pop egg 3

Total: 4

Episode Timestamp Administered by Administered to Potion Effect
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice 00:20:43 Fearne Fearne Possibility Fearne has two fragments of possibility
C3E080 A Test of Trust 03:00:48 Fearne Fearne Heroism 10 Temp HP, Bless spell
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 01:30:25 Orym Fearne Greater Healing Fearne heals 17 points
C3E120 The Red End 02:03:40 Orym Fearne Supreme Healing Fearne heals for 44 points

Total: 24

Episode Timestamp Kiss
C3E013 A Dance of Deception 01:29:00 Lord Drodelon kisses the hand of Fearne
C3E050 Red Moon Rising 01:22:25 Fearne kisses Ashton’s head
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 02:23:47 Fearne kisses Chetney
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 04:29:32 Teven Klask kisses Fearne’s knuckle
C3E069 Nice 00:54:04 Fearne kisses Orym’s hand
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits 02:36:47 Fearne kisses Cyrillia’s hand
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 03:51:14 Ashton kisses Fearne
C3E078 Fractures 01:15:45 Fearne kisses Chetney’s forehead
C3E078 Fractures 03:34:49 Fearne kisses Nana Morri on the Tummy face
C3E078 Fractures 03:38:19 Birdie kisses Fearne on the cheek
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 03:31:14 Fearne kisses Dorian all over his face to welcome him back
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 03:28:53 Fearne kisses Orym good night
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 03:28:55 Fearne kisses Dorian good night
C3E097 Ancient Sins 03:06:20 Fearne kisses Teven Klask's kiss mark on her own hand
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 03:33:17 Fearne kisses Chetney in Spin the Bottle
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 03:47:05 Ashton kisses Fearne after Spin the Bottle
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 03:49:19 Ashton resumes kissing Fearne
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 03:49:24 Fearne also goes in for another kiss
C3E105 Collecting Legends 03:17:45 Ashton gives Fearne a quick kiss
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 01:04:06 Fearne and Nana Morri exchange kisses
C3E109 A Test of Fate 00:53:57 Fearne kisses Nana Morri goodbye (interrupted by dialogue)
C3E109 A Test of Fate 00:54:42 Fearne kisses Nana Morri goodbye
C3E121 A New Age Begins 04:12:33 Fearne kisses Teven Klask's kiss mark on her own hand
C3E121 A New Age Begins 04:45:10 Fearne showers Opal with kisses