The Omen Archive

A passport for someone with surname “Unknown”, given name “Emhira”, age “29”, ancestry “Human”, classification “Warlock”, armor class “19”, and hitpoints “203”. A human woman with light skin and long black hair past her shoulders staring directly at the viewer. Wearing an ornate layered outfit with a breast of green fabric over a ruffled white shirt with gold accents. Her left hand is held clasped over the center of her chest. At the bottom of the passport is the text “P<AEOR<EMHIRA<<01000100<<01000101<<01000001<<01010100<<01001000”.
Art by Hannah Friederichs

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Level 20

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 539

Average per episode present: 179.67

Episode Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
C3E099 Downfall: Part One Emhira Suggestion 2 2
C3E099 Downfall: Part One Emhira Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
C3E099 Downfall: Part One Emhira Invisibility 2 2
C3E100 Downfall: Part Two Emhira Invisibility 2 2
C3E100 Downfall: Part Two Emhira Shadow Blade 2 2
C3E100 Downfall: Part Two Emhira Speak with Dead 3 3
C3E100 Downfall: Part Two Emhira Arcane Gate 6 6
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three Emhira Geas 5 5 Spell not said but context suggests this is most likely (and not Command)
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three Emhira Mislead 5 5
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three Emhira Armor of Agathys 1 5 Laura said Armor of Ayda but referred to it as Agathys and mentioned necrotic damage (02:37:15)
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three Emhira Crown of Stars 7 7
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three Emhira Mislead 5 5
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three Emhira Shatter 2 5
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three Emhira Hellish Rebuke 1 5
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three Emhira Maddening Darkness 8 8
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three Emhira Eldritch Blast Cantrip Cantrip

PC natural 20s

Total: 1

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 03:41:47 Emhira Constitution Save against Acastriel’s unknown ability, would cause instant death for creature under 100 HP

PC natural 1s

Total: 2

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E099 Downfall: Part One 02:11:17 Emhira Charisma Save
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 02:48:20 Emhira Constitution Save against Acastriel’s Blinding Gaze

Total: 1

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 05:04:31 Emhira Irrevocable, Eldritch Blast

Episode Timestamp Payer Where obtained Receipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
C3E099 Downfall: Part One 01:26:05 S.I.L.A.H.A Asha, Ayden, Emhira, Trist Gifted Emblem of Sanctuary
C3E099 Downfall: Part One 02:48:47 Emhira Stole Necklace containing Imp spirit