C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon
Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see Bells Hells Campaign Stats — CritRoleStats for their version of this data.

Total: 4
Name | First mention | First appearance | Race (if given) | Description (if given) |
Qi Mandozi, Mythtaker (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon at 02:28:49 | C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon at 02:28:49 | Orc | Man, thin, very handsome, well-kept chinstrap beard that comes to two points at the dges of his rather chiseled jawline, (he/him) |
Tofor Brotoras, Guardian (Confirmed in Campaign 1) | C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon at 02:29:35 | C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon at 02:29:35 | Dragonborn (Silver) | Woman, missing an arm, massive chest plate, long cloak, tabard with symbol of Council of Tal’Dorei (she/her) |
Groon, Earthbreaker (Confirmed in Campaign 1) | C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon at 02:30:01 | C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon at 02:30:01 | Human | Elderly man, dark red-brown skin, gray balding hair and beard, large cloth mantle across his chest, massively ripped (he/him) |
Vasselheim Bastions | C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon at 02:30:29 | C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon at 02:30:29 | Red and white colored tabard and robes, extremely physically fit, Issylran banners, Stormlord symbols on armor |
Total: 5
Timestamp | Description |
00:19:48 | Chetney is not discouraged that Morri might turn him into a baby. Nay, encouraged! |
00:20:21 | "Nobody suspects a baby!" |
00:28:28 | Fearne just wants to see how deep in there Ashton can get. Into the ground. What did you think she meant? |
00:42:57 | Maybe Fearne is going to need some ginger touching. |
00:56:11 | Chetney could BECOME WOOD. |
Total: 12
Character | Spell | Base level | Cast at | Notes |
Fearne | Scorching Ray | 2 | 2 | |
Fearne | Scorching Ray | 2 | 2 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Heroes' Feast | 6 | 6 | All gain 13 HP |
Fresh Cut Grass | Shared Dream | 2 | 5 | |
Chetney | See Invisibility | 2 | - | Via Monocle |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Rary's Telepathic Bond | 5 | - | Ritual |
Imogen | Mage Armor | 1 | 1 | |
Imogen | Mass Nondetection | Unknown | - | Via Scroll |
Fearne | Pass Without a Trace | 2 | 2 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Death Ward | 4 | 4 | Imogen |
Fearne | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip |
Total: 7
Timestamp | Payer | Where obtained | Recipient | How obtained | Gained item(s)/money | Paid item(s)/money | Notes |
00:21:28 | - | Morrigan's Garden | Laudna | Looted | Bones | ||
01:01:06 | Chetney | Morrigan | Chetney | Exchanged | Promise to become the most famous toymaker | Promise of a piece of Exandria | |
01:09:50 | FCG | FCG | Expended | Heroes' Feast | Jeweled baking dish | ||
01:15:33 | Fearne | Ashton | Returned | Ring of Volcanic Flesh | Ring of Volcanic Flesh | ||
01:45:45 | Orym | Morrigan | Orym | Exchanged | Promise of aid in battles | Promise of service | Caveat: If everyone in Bells Hells returns alive |
02:09:05 | Morrigan | FCG | Gifted | Soul sphere | |||
02:10:10 | FCG | Consumed | Soul sphere |