C3E078 Fractures
Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see Bells Hells Campaign Stats — CritRoleStats for their version of this data.

Liam was absent this episode.
Total: 2
Name | First mention | First appearance | Race (if given) | Description (if given) |
Vitoren (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E078 Fractures at 03:35:41 | C3E078 Fractures at 03:35:41 | Fey, Big blonde curly hair to about the shoulders, elven, long ears (he/they) | |
Fey Realm Students | C3E078 Fractures at 03:36:01 | C3E078 Fractures at 03:36:01 |
Total: 1
Timestamp | Description |
00:02:45 | Sam: I’m a cat. And That’s Not a Hat! |
Total: 8
Character | Spell | Base level | Cast at | Notes |
Fresh Cut Grass | Cure Wounds | 1 | 4 | Ashton heals 22 points |
Imogen | Detect Thoughts | 2 | 2 | |
Laudna | Form of Dread | - | - | |
Imogen | Mage Hand | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Sending | 3 | 3 | To Laudna (fails) |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guided Grace | - | - | Via Coin of the Changebringer |
Fearne | Plant Growth | 3 | 3 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Locate Creature | 4 | 4 | Laudna |
Total: 11
Timestamp | Payer | Where obtained | Recipient | How obtained | Gained item(s)/money | Paid item(s)/money | Notes |
00:23:41 | Imogen | Fearne | Stolen | Harness | Harness | ||
00:30:04 | Ashton | Whitestone | Regurgitated | Shard (Rau'shan) | |||
00:54:40 | Chetney | Chetney | Stolen | Harness | Harness | ||
01:02:49 | Whitestone | Imogen | Looted | Shard (Rau'shan) | |||
01:03:07 | Chetney | Imogen | Loaned | Bag of Holding | Bag of Holding | ||
01:04:31 | Imogen | FCG | Loaned | Bag of Holding | Bag of Holding | ||
01:22:10 | Fearne | Raven Queen Temple (Whitestone) | Gifted | Postcards | |||
02:27:59 | Whitestone | Laudna | Looted | Graffitied wood, Chipmunk skull, Quartz | |||
02:29:50 | Laudna | Laudna | Crafted | Doll (Ashton) | Graffitied wood, Chipmunk skull, Quartz | ||
03:07:14 | Laudna | Ashton | Gifted | Doll (Ashton) | Doll (Ashton) | ||
03:28:14 | Fearne | Allura Vysoren | Gifted | Flower |
Total: 6
Timestamp | Description | Mention type | Notes |
00:23:54 | Laudna is having a hard time holding back the thrumming in her chest | Mention | |
00:33:55 | Delilah tries to get Laudna to take the shard of Rau'shaun | Appearance (voice only) | |
01:55:38 | Delilah and Laudna talk about the pain of love, and Laudna decides to make Ashton a doll | Appearance (voice only) | |
02:26:10 | Delilah tries to convince Laudna she deserves the shard while Laudna makes a doll of Ashton | Appearance (voice only) | |
02:39:38 | As they try to find Laudna, Imogen tells FCG they woke Delilah up the day before | Mention | |
02:54:23 | Imogen checks that Laudna is still Laudna; Laudna tells Imogen she spoke to Delilah | Mention |
Total: 8
Timestamp | Description | Mention type | Notes |
01:15:57 | After throwing rocks at the windows of Whitestone Castle with Chetney, Fearne walks to the Temple of the Matron | Above table | |
01:17:57 | Fearne arrives at the Temple of the Matron | In world | |
01:20:18 | Fearne talks to the Matron and says she made a bad decision and is scared, and she's looking for guidance. She likes that the Matron was normal and then wasn't anymore. | In world | |
01:22:06 | Fearne leaves her postcards with the Matron | In world | |
01:23:38 | Fearne encounters a group of ravens: an adolescent with one leg and two adult ones that bring it food | In world | Implied the ravens were sent by the Matron |
03:28:05 | Fearne tells the party that she left her postcards with the Matron | In world | |
03:45:38 | Nana Morri talks about fate and how she rarely knows exactly what will happen if she tugs on a thread. She says there are some threads that only the Matron can view, cut, and weave | In world | |
03:50:04 | Fearne asks Nana Morri what she thinks of the Matron and is told that it's complicated, but they have an understanding | In world |