C3E067 Bloody Flowers
Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see Bells Hells Campaign Stats — CritRoleStats for their version of this data.

Total: 6
Name | First mention | First appearance | Race (if given) | Description (if given) |
Baernie (Confirmed by Liam) | C3E066 Aid of the Tempest at 00:26:10 | C3E067 Bloody Flowers at 04:05:53 | Half-Elf | Pixie cut blonde hair (she/her) |
Teven Klask, Retribution of the Hells (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E067 Bloody Flowers at 01:47:54 | C3E067 Bloody Flowers at 01:47:54 | Devil | Humanoid, deep red skin, mane of gray hair like a lion main that meets with a beard, handlebar horns that curve at the front, cloak of dark black and tattered velvet, folded leathery wings, 6 ½’, 7’ tall (he/him) |
Erana (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E067 Bloody Flowers at 02:19:16 | C3E067 Bloody Flowers at 02:19:16 | Tempest Blade | |
Jennis (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E067 Bloody Flowers at 02:19:27 | C3E067 Bloody Flowers at 02:19:27 | Gnome | Tempest Blade |
Uwon (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E067 Bloody Flowers at 04:06:10 | C3E067 Bloody Flowers at 04:06:10 | Iridon Bastion soldier | |
Diedrich (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E067 Bloody Flowers at 04:22:48 | C3E067 Bloody Flowers at 04:22:48 | Iridon Bastion soldier |
Total: 5
Timestamp | Description |
00:16:21 | Sam starts off the flower puns with "taint flowers." |
00:21:34 | Laudna explains away "the beef" between her and Imogen to the curious party. |
00:57:45 | FCG summons Spiritual Windshields against the bird-like demons. |
01:27:58 | Fearne still has it up, ooh wah-ah-ah-ah! |
02:48:44 | Laudna pops the lock. |
Total: 46
Character | Spell | Base level | Cast at | Notes |
Orym | Druidcraft | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Pass Without a Trace | 2 | 2 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Spirit Guardians | 3 | 3 | |
Imogen | Catapult | 1 | 2 | |
Laudna | Mirror Image | 2 | 2 | |
Chetney | Rite of the Flame | - | - | |
Laudna | Silvery Barbs | 1 | 1 | |
Laudna | Eldritch Blast | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Burning Hands | 1 | 3 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Speak with Animals | 1 | 1 | |
Imogen | Shocking Grasp | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Tongues | 3 | 3 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding | - | - | Chetney, Fearne |
Imogen | Synaptic Static | 5 | 5 | |
Laudna | Form of Dread | - | - | |
Laudna | Feather Fall | 1 | 1 | |
Orym | Gust | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Orym | Grasping Vine | 4 | - | Via Seedling |
Fresh Cut Grass | Command | 1 | 2 | Mime |
Fresh Cut Grass | Scramble the Dead | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Melf's Minute Meteors | 3 | 3 | |
Chetney | Blood Curse of Bloated Agony | - | - | |
Laudna | Mirror Image | 2 | 2 | |
Laudna | Ray of Frost | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Scorching Ray | 2 | 2 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Command | 1 | 1 | Betray |
Imogen | Lightning Bolt | 3 | 3 | |
Chetney | Blood Curse of Bloated Agony | - | - | |
Laudna | Shocking Grasp | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Shocking Grasp | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Feather Fall | 1 | 1 | |
Fearne | Blight | 4 | 4 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Sacred Flame | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Raulothim's Psychic Lance | 4 | 4 | |
Laudna | Blight | 4 | 4 | |
Laudna | Shocking Grasp | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Wild Shape | - | - | Giant Shoebill |
Fresh Cut Grass | Healing Word | 1 | 1 | Imogen heals 4 points, is conscious |
Imogen | Shocking Grasp | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Invisibility | 2 | 3 | Imogen and Laudna |
Chetney | Shatter | 2 | - | Via Turmoil |
Fearne | Blight | 4 | 5 | |
Laudna | Ray of Frost | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Produce Flame | Cantrip | Cantrip |
PC natural 20s
Total: 11
Timestamp | Character | Description |
00:38:51 | FCG | Survival Check with advantage |
00:54:35 | FCG | Stealth Check with PWaT |
01:08:32 | Laudna | Eldritch Blast against Vrock 1 |
01:21:54 | Chetney | History Check with advantage |
01:27:46 | Ashton | Stealth Check with PWaT |
02:17:44 | Laudna | Initiative |
02:22:19 | Laudna | Dexterity Check |
02:47:27 | Orym | Seedling against Nalfeshnee with advantage |
03:18:18 | Orym | Seedling Disarming against Nalfeshnee |
02:17:23 | Ashton | Athletics Check with advantage |
03:47:34 | Orym | Seedling against Nalfeshnee |
PC natural 1s
Total: 9
Timestamp | Character | Description |
00:54:24 | Laudna | Stealth Check with PWaT |
00:54:25 | Imogen | Stealth Check with PWaT |
00:54:28 | Ashton | Stealth Check with PWaT |
00:39:00 | Orym | Stealth Check with Halfling Luck and PWaT (disregarded) |
01:27:27 | Orym | Stealth Check with Halfling Luck and PWaT (disregarded) |
01:56:49 | Ashton | Stealth Check |
02:28:08 | FCG | Scramble the Dead (disregarded) |
03:46:08 | Orym | Acrobatics Check with Halfling Luck (disregarded) |
03:50:04 | Laudna | Shocking Grasp against Extovass the Gluttonous |
DM natural 20s
DM natural 1s
Total: 6
Total: 8
Timestamp | Character | Description |
01:09:16 | Laudna | Vrock 1, Eldritch Blast |
01:14:03 | Imogen | Vrock 2, Shocking Grasp |
01:53:24 | Imogen | Quasit 1, Synaptic Static |
01:53:24 | Imogen | Quasit 2, Synaptic Static |
02:36:31 | Chetney | Demon 2, Turmoil |
03:08:28 | Ashton | Demon 1, Hammer |
03:13:37 | Chetney | Demon 3, Blood Curse of Bloated Agony |
04:16:43 | Fearne | Extovass the Gluttonous, Blight |