C3E040 Compulsions
Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see Bells Hells Campaign Stats — CritRoleStats for their version of this data.

Total: 8
Name | First mention | First appearance | Race (if given) | Description (if given) |
Divaasheela (Divaas)/Annaline (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E022 Promise and Potential at 03:01:33 | C3E040 Compulsions at 02:58:59 | Human/Lycan (Weretiger) | Weretiger form: Wide shoulders, giant hammer with iron head with tightly leather-wrapped long handle that is close to seven feet long, 6 and a half feet tall, dark gray-brown hide armor, jet black cloak, deep red-orange fur, wild spiky hair. Human form: Woman in late 40s, short dark red hair with gray streaks in three places that push to the back, intense expression, perpetually clenched jaw |
Manad (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:02:12 | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:02:12 | Orc/Lycan (Werepanther) | Werepanther form: Jet black fur, lithe, thin, one milky white eye, dark brown leathers, two shortswords, starkly green eyes, warm smile. Orc form: Scrawny, gray complexion, long black tangled hair, big tusks, well-kept goatee, piercing green eyes (he/him) |
Yuvelo (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:02:12 | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:02:12 | Dragonborn/Lycan (Werewolf) | Werewolf form: Pale gray leather, metallic bracers, wide back, stocky center, heavy crossbow. Dragonborn form: Green-scaled, pale blue eyes (he/him) |
Fresceo (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:02:58 | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:02:58 | Dwarf/Lycan (Werewolf) | Woman |
Uther (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:03:00 | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:03:00 | Human/Lycan (Wereboar) | Wereboar form: Dark gray, wiry tufted fur, large snout, tusks that curl outward. Human form: Man in late 50s or early 60s, short gray hair, bushier bear, medium tan skin, missing a tooth or two in the front of his jaw (he/him) |
Gorgynei Werebear | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:03:12 | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:03:12 | Unknown/Lycan (Werebear) | |
Barinak Citizens | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:16:34 | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:16:34 | Lycans, some soldier-types, some just people, farmers | |
Tarad Cornei (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:35:07 | C3E040 Compulsions at 03:35:07 | Gnome | Man that looks in human 30s, two big curly tufts of brown hair on the sides, big pair of square glass, a tiny Steve Brule (he/him) |
Total: 1
Timestamp | Whisper |
03:48:55 | Matt to Ashley about Annaline |
Total: 6
Timestamp | Description |
00:56:24 | Chetney demonstrates how he's manacling himself, in case anyone wants to cuddle. |
01:36:45 | Mister loads his new gun. |
02:36:31 | Even before he was a werewolf, Chetney doesn't do half-measures. |
03:04:43 | Chetney transforms, Magic Mike style. |
03:53:02 | Matt gets himself with his own Silence of the Lambs reference. |
03:53:14 | Continued regret about Silence of the Lambs. |
Total: 1
Timestamp | Occasion | Type |
01:11:17 | Cockatrices and Chimera | Probability |
Total: 31
Character | Spell | Base level | Cast at | Notes |
Imogen | Sending | 3 | 3 | Liliana |
Imogen | Sending | 3 | 3 | Liliana |
Fresh Cut Grass | Cure Wounds | 1 | Unknown | Chetney heals 17 points |
Fresh Cut Grass | Cure Wounds | 1 | Unknown | Orym heals 9 points |
Fresh Cut Grass | Speak with Animals | 1 | 1 | |
Fearne | Wild Shape | - | - | Mister |
Fearne | Flame Blade | 2 | 2 | |
Imogen | Witch Bolt | 1 | 3 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Transfer Suffering | - | - | |
Laudna | Form of Dread | - | - | |
Laudna | Bane | 1 | 1 | |
Chetney | Blood Curse of Bloated Agony | - | - | |
Chetney | Invisibility | 2 | - | Shadow Touched |
Fresh Cut Grass | Spiritual Weapon | 2 | 2 | Butcher knife |
Fearne | Scorching Ray | 2 | 2 | |
Imogen | Summon Crimson Shade | 4 | 4 | |
Laudna | Silvery Barbs | 1 | 1 | |
Laudna | Eldritch Blast | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Shocking Grasp | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Chetney | Rite of the Flame | - | - | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Sacred Flame | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Transfer Suffering | - | - | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Mage Armor | 1 | 1 | |
Ashton | Pass Without a Trace | 2 | - | Merge with Stone |
Fresh Cut Grass | Enhance Ability | 2 | 2 | Chetney, Eagle's Splendor |
Fearne | Wild Shape | - | - | Wolf |
Fresh Cut Grass | Enhance Ability | 2 | 2 | Chetney, Eagle's Splendor |
Imogen | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Prestidigitation | Cantrip | Cantrip |
PC natural 20s
PC natural 1s
DM natural 20s
Total: 1
Timestamp | Character | Description |
01:56:23 | Chimera | Wisdom Save with Bane |
DM natural 1s
Total: 1
Timestamp | Description | Mention type | Notes |
00:34:38 | Discussing the ways the Hells are powderkegs: "I still don't know what's going on with Delilah" | Mention |