C3E027 A Race for the Prize
Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see Bells Hells Campaign Stats — CritRoleStats for their version of this data.
Guests were Erika Ishii.
Total: 4
Name | First mention | First appearance | Race (if given) | Description (if given) |
Undercarriage Employee | C3E027 A Race for the Prize at 00:14:34 | C3E027 A Race for the Prize at 00:14:34 | Ogre | Thick-shouldered, cloven gash across lips, teeth peek through lips |
Chetney's Parents | C3E027 A Race for the Prize at 01:46:12 | At least two | ||
Chetney's Siblings | C3E027 A Race for the Prize at 01:46:12 | |||
Paragon's Call Members | C3E027 A Race for the Prize at 02:27:55 | C3E027 A Race for the Prize at 02:27:55 | Gold or brass bands on parts of the armor, things that match the Duskmaven pendant |
Total: 9
Timestamp | Description |
00:01:08 | Ludo McGillicutty and Dallas Baumgartner-Bouvier. There’s two of them now. |
00:01:43 | For the last time (not the last time), his name is Matt. |
00:17:34 | Chetney used to do miming, back in his hundreds. |
00:44:37 | Sam’s canister: 0 Minutes Since Major Lore Drop. |
01:39:09 | Chetney invented the term “hangry” about 300 years ago. |
01:48:30 | Chetney: “The invitation’s out there, but there’s been some personal s*** tonight, so it feels a little tone deaf.” |
03:02:09 | Fearne describes Otohan’s body, which she crawled up as a rat. |
03:17:27 | Dusk’s signals are mixed. Why else would they have missed the supposedly obvious fact that Joe wants to bone FCG? |
03:34:48 | Chetney reasons that based on statistics alone, a person at his age is the most lethal individual behind the wheel. |
Total: 17
Character | Spell | Base level | Cast at | Notes |
Chetney | Minor Illusion | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Enhance Ability | 2 | 2 | Fox's Cunning, Chetney |
Fearne | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Transfer Suffering | - | - | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Calm Emotions | 2 | 2 | |
Imogen | Calm Emotions | 2 | 2 | |
Orym | Gust | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Orym | Gust | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Enhance Ability | 2 | 2 | Eagle's Splendor, Ashton |
Laudna | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip |
Total: 19
Timestamp | Payer | Where obtained | Recipient | How obtained | Gained item(s)/money | Paid item(s)/money | Notes |
00:14:37 | Ashton | The Undercarriage | Party | Purchased | Rooms (3) | 3sp | |
00:32:03 | Orym | The Undercarriage | Orym | Purchased | Lantern oil (2 vials) | 2sp | |
00:52:03 | Laudna | - | Dusk | Gifted | Hair (chunk) | Hair (chunk) | |
00:53:54 | Imogen | - | Laudna | Gifted | Ring (snakes and ruby) | Ring (snakes and ruby) | |
01:32:56 | Orym | - | Dusk | Gifted | Toy sword | Toy sword | |
01:47:37 | Chetney | - | Fearne | Gifted | Toy wolf | Toy wolf | |
02:08:39 | Party | Bassuras | Party | Purchased | Breakfast beer | Cost unknown | |
02:11:58 | - | Finders Takers | Party | Retrieved | Bomb | ||
02:11:58 | Ashton | Finders Takers | Ashton | Purchased | Arcane fuse | 20gp | |
02:11:58 | Ashton | - | Party | Gifted | Arcane fuse | Arcane fuse | |
02:19:54 | Imogen | - | Esmer | Exchanged | Information (about Dancer) | 1sp | |
02:55:08 | General Ratanish | - | Ashton | Gifted | Emblem (Paragon's Call) | ||
03:11:50 | Justi Pross | - | Laudna | Gifted | Drugs (small bag) | ||
03:13:33 | Justi Pross | - | Ashton | Gifted | Cloth (yellow, ripped in two pieces) | ||
03:20:33 | Ashton | Imahara Joe's | Ashton | Exchanged | Down payment on skirmisher-crawler (loaner) | Emblem (Paragon's Call) | |
03:32:18 | Dusk | - | Party | Distributed | 80gp | 80gp | |
03:32:18 | Imogen | - | Party | Distributed | 20gp | 20gp | |
03:32:18 | Party | Imahara Joe's | Party | Purchased | Crawler upgrades | 100gp | |
03:50:34 | - | Imahara Joe's | Party | Retrieved | Skirmisher-crawler, Skirmisher-crawler (loaner) |
Timestamp | Description | Mention type | Notes |
02:28:04 | Matt mentions that all of the Paragon's Call members are wearing Duskmaven pendants | Out of character |