C3E020 Breaking and Entering...
Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see Bells Hells Campaign Stats — CritRoleStats for their version of this data.

Total: 5
Name | First mention | First appearance | Race (if given) | Description (if given) |
Lyth-Priest (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E020 Breaking and Entering... at 01:24:39 | |||
Ovorag House (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E020 Breaking and Entering... at 02:18:13 | Dwarf | ||
Vespin Chloras (Confirmed in Guides) | C3E020 Breaking and Entering... at 02:52:39 | C3E109 A Test of Fate at 02:27:39 | Human | First appearance is as a facsimile summoned by the Matron of Ravens for combat with Bell's Hells (he/him) |
Eldor Trornak, Captain (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E020 Breaking and Entering... at 02:55:22 | |||
Yuana Bretei (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E020 Breaking and Entering... at 02:55:57 | (she/her) |
Total: 42
Character | Spell | Base level | Cast at | Notes |
Chetney | Invisibility | 2 | - | Shadow Touched |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Dancing Lights | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Heat Metal | 2 | 2 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Ray of Frost | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Mage Armor | 1 | 1 | |
Fearne | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Locate Object | 2 | 2 | |
Laudna | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Find Traps | 2 | 2 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Dispel Magic | 3 | 3 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Message | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Mage Hand | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Detect Magic | 1 | 1 | |
Imogen | Calm Emotions | 2 | 2 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Cure Wounds | 1 | 1 | Imogen heals 4 points |
Laudna | Darkness | 2 | 2 | |
Laudna | Bane | 1 | 1 | |
Laudna | Eldritch Blast | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Entangle | 1 | 1 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Scorching Ray | 2 | 2 | |
Laudna | Eldritch Blast | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Scorching Ray | 2 | 2 | |
Chetney | Minor Illusion | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Silent Image | 1 | 1 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Locate Object | 2 | 2 | |
Imogen | Dancing Lights | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Command | 1 | - | Chetney, Stop, Fey Touched |
Fresh Cut Grass | Cure Wounds | 1 | 1 | Chetney heals 4 points |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Dispel Magic | 3 | 3 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Sacred Flame | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Ray of Frost | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Scorching Ray | 2 | 2 |
PC natural 20s
Total: 8
Timestamp | Character | Description |
01:35:16 | Ashton | Strength Check with advantage |
01:52:09 | Fearne | Charisma Save with disadvantage (disregarded) |
02:38:26 | FCG | Wisdom Save |
02:50:26 | Chetney | Investigation Check |
03:01:40 | Chetney | Strength Check |
03:19:37 | Chetney | Athletics Check with advantage |
03:29:38 | Orym | Investigation Check |
03:31:33 | Ashton | Hammer against Glass |
PC natural 1s
Total: 12
Timestamp | Character | Description |
01:31:11 | Orym | Dexterity Save with Halfling Luck (disregarded) |
01:31:11 | Orym | Dexterity Save with Halfling Luck |
01:46:05 | Orym | Investigation Check with Halfling Luck (disregarded) |
01:47:27 | Fearne | Wisdom Save |
01:47:30 | Laudna | Wisdom Save |
01:50:30 | Chetney | Unarmed Strike against Orym with advantage (disregarded) |
02:22:00 | Orym | Shortsword against Marionette 1 with Halfling Luck (disregarded) |
02:26:14 | Orym | Strength Save with Halfling Luck (disregarded) |
02:30:16 | FCG | Wisdom Save |
02:31:00 | Chetney | Wisdom Save |
02:58:40 | Chetney | Dexterity Save |
03:23:59 | Orym | Investigation Check with Halfling Luck and with Guidance (disregarded) |
Total: 7
Timestamp | Payer | Where obtained | Recipient | How obtained | Gained item(s)/money | Paid item(s)/money | Notes |
00:43:58 | Chetney | - | - | Expended | Fishing line | ||
01:01:32 | Evon Hytroga | - | Orym | Stolen | Lentils (sack), Flour (sack) | ||
01:05:01 | Imogen | - | - | Expended | Ball bearings | ||
01:07:33 | Evon Hytroga | - | Fearne | Stolen | Salt shaker, Pepper shaker | ||
01:18:47 | Orym | - | - | Expended | Lentils (sack), Flour (sack) | ||
02:46:25 | Laudna | - | - | Expended | Ball bearings | ||
03:08:25 | Chetney | - | Chetney | Expended | Potion of Greater Healing |