C3E018 A Hungry Jungle
Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see Bells Hells Campaign Stats — CritRoleStats for their version of this data.

Total: 15
Name | First mention | First appearance | Race (if given) | Description (if given) |
Evon Hytroga (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates at 01:42:18 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 03:04:26 | Half-Elf | Tall man, spider-like body, thin waifishness, bright flamboyant red and goldmantle that extends to Dr. Strange-type points beyond the shoulders, heavily set in gray hair, long intricately manicured sideburns that go to the bottom of the chin, thin mustache like a John Waters pencil stache that pulls into a thin Hogan, thick eyebrows pulled up into points, jewelry and rings, necklaces upon necklaces, bright silver robe (he/him) |
Roe Estani (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E011 Chasing Nightmares at 04:14:03 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 03:18:21 | Uniya | Old man, long wisps of fine silver hair drift beyond the edges of the scalp, blue-gray skin, weathered skin from age and travel, long pointed ears, defined orcish nose, thinner, fine bone structure, one clouded cataract eye, striking deep emerald green eye, warm somewhat dirty robe (he/they) |
Honored Trails Travelers | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:07:45 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:07:45 | Standard clothing, general travel protection, leather armor | |
Hutchin (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:12:27 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:12:27 | Dragonborn | Silver-scaled woman, very thin snake-like physicality, tall neck, head comes to very striking point, bright golden eyes peer through side slits in bundled hoods (she/her) |
Hutchin's Crew 1 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:12:27 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:12:27 | Katari | Man, Egyptian cat variety, hairless, heavily wrinkled gray skin, big pointed ears to the sides, bright yellow wide eyes, small pursed cat-like nose, big thick leather mantle, bundled cloak, hunter’s bow |
Hutchin's Crew 2 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:12:27 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:12:27 | Human | Woman, drum tucked under the side of their travel garb, general travel clothing, hunting knife |
Hutchin's Crew 3 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:12:27 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:12:27 | Goblin | Man, small upturned nose wide and pressed against the center of the face, light pink-reddish eyes, yellow-green skin |
Tejana (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:12:27 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:12:27 | Firbolg | Woman, tall, big bushy black mane of hair past shoulders that covers her eyes, 6'8" tall with slight head hunch (she/her) |
Evishi Craftswoman | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:25:33 | |||
Heartmoor Hamlet Wilders | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:32:17 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:32:17 | Two, familiar garb, less upkeep, thicker garb | |
Dry Dock Stables Employee | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:38:43 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:38:43 | Goblin | Woman, long stringy black hair with gray and white streaks pulled into three ponytail bumps and goes to lower back, work shirt (she/they) |
Heartmoor Hamlet Citizens | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:46:40 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:46:40 | Older folk playing chess-like boardgame | |
Dobby Kingsman (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:48:14 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:48:14 | Halfling | Very old man, rough looking fellow, dark mahogany pipe blackened at the dges, big bush gray beard, large ears, hair curling out the sides (he/him) |
Parmi Kingsman (Confirmed by Matt) | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 02:51:24 | (she/her) | ||
Twilight Mirror Museum Guards | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 03:04:19 | C3E018 A Hungry Jungle at 03:04:19 | Two |
Total: 1
Timestamp | Occasion | Type |
00:32:48 | Plant | Probability |
Total: 21
Character | Spell | Base level | Cast at | Notes |
Imogen | Dancing Lights | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Poison Spray | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding | - | - | Imogen, Fearne |
Laudna | Hex | 1 | 1 | |
Laudna | Ray of Frost | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Catapult | 1 | 3 | |
Fearne | Flame Blade | 2 | 2 | |
Laudna | Hellish Rebuke | 1 | 2 | |
Chetney | Rite of the Flame | - | - | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Healing Word | 1 | 2 | Ashton heals 6 points |
Laudna | Form of Dread | - | - | |
Imogen | Lightning Bolt | 3 | 3 | |
Fearne | Scorching Ray | 2 | 2 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Transfer Suffering | - | - | |
Imogen | Mage Hand | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Identify | 1 | - | Via Lens |
Orym | Druidcraft | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Orym | Druidcraft | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Detect Thoughts | 2 | 2 | |
Fresh Cut Grass | Enhance Ability | 2 | 2 | Imogen, Eagle's Splendor |
PC natural 20s
PC natural 1s
DM natural 20s
DM natural 1s
Total: 1
Timestamp | Character | Description |
01:12:04 | Plant | Dexterity Save |
Total: 5
Timestamp | Payer | Where obtained | Recipient | How obtained | Gained item(s)/money | Paid item(s)/money | Notes |
01:52:15 | - | Oderan Wilds | Imogen | Looted | Ruin (piece) | ||
02:25:57 | Ashton | - | Hutchin | Purchased | Bracelet | 20gp | |
02:39:47 | Party | Dry Dock Stables | Party | Purchased | Room and food for horses | 35sp | |
02:49:54 | Chetney | Sodden Grange Inn | Party | Purchased | Room and board | 28sp | |
02:57:41 | Ashton | Sodden Grange Inn | Party | Purchased | Drinks | 2sp |
Total: 1
Timestamp | Description |
01:45:34 | “You can’t tip the earth, it’s flat” |