The Omen Archive

previous episode C3E120 The Red End

Thumbnail for episode 121. A group photo of Sam, Liam, Ashley, Robbie Daymond, Matt, Marisha, Laura, Taliesin, and Travis. They stand in a line, all looking pleased. Sam is giving a finger gun, Ashley has her hand on her chin, Marisha has her arm around Laura’s shoulders, and Matt, Taliesin, and Travis are crossing their arms. They are dressed in mostly black and blue with a white shirt on Sam and some red accents on Marisha. They are placed against a colorful backdrop with splashes of reds, yellows, greens, and blues over white.


8h 34m 59s

Gameplay Start 00:08:34

Break Start 02:50:39

Break End 03:09:44

Stanley Cup

A tall cup covered in leathery monstrous skin. On the side is written “LET’S DO IT AGAIN.” in white text. Sam looks to his right, a look of bittersweetness on his face.

Thanks for the good story, Matt.

D20 Rolls This and Last Episode





PCs Appearing in C3E121

Total: 30

PCFinal SceneFirst C3 SceneFirst Ever Scene
Ashton C3E121 07:37:41 C3E001 00:43:38 C3E001 00:43:38
Beau C3E121 08:08:15 C3E050 02:58:15 C2E001 00:31:26
Braius C3E121 07:42:21 C3E098 00:55:21 C3E098 00:55:41
Caduceus C3E121 05:03:08 C3E110 03:59:08 C2E028 00:54:41
Caleb C3E121 08:04:44 C3E050 03:10:45 C2E001 00:20:04
Cerkonos C3E121 08:11:31 C3E105 00:52:03 C1E022 02:50:26
Chetney C3E121 08:00:47 C3E007 03:40:37 C3E007 03:40:37
Dariax C3E121 06:59:31 C3E061 04:36:38 ExU:01 00:19:25
Deanna C3E121 04:41:25 C3E052 00:49:26 C3E052 00:49:26
Deni$e C3E121 07:02:35 C3E059 00:37:55 C3E059 00:37:55
Dorian C3E121 07:52:13 C3E001 01:11:36 ExU:01 00:10:08
Fearne C3E121 07:27:59 C3E001 01:11:36 ExU:01 00:13:26
Fjord C3E121 08:02:41 C3E110 03:59:08 C2E001 00:31:59
FRIDA C3E121 06:29:39 C3E052 00:49:26 C3E052 00:49:26
Grog C3E121 08:10:16 C3E103 03:38:42 C1E001 00:01:09
Imogen C3E121 07:54:50 C3E001 00:16:41 C3E001 00:16:41
Jester C3E121 08:02:41 C3E086 01:33:09 C2E001 00:31:04
Keyleth C3E121 08:27:39 C3E031 02:17:32 C1E001 00:02:57
Laudna C3E121 07:54:50 C3E001 00:16:41 C3E001 00:16:41
Lieve’tel C3E121 08:14:06 C3E109 01:19:15 Sp:042 00:56:42
Morrighan C3E121 03:12:35 C3E092 01:49:03 Kym:01 00:29:27
Opal C3E121 07:09:47 C3E092 01:57:32 ExU:01 00:25:02
Orym C3E121 07:47:49 C3E001 01:11:36 ExU:01 00:07:05
Percy C3E121 08:14:33 C3E036 00:43:06 C1E001 00:05:01
Pike C3E121 08:21:04 C3E036 01:09:40 C1E001 00:52:21
Scanlan C3E121 08:21:04 C3E112 03:52:05 C1E001 00:06:15
Vax C3E121 08:27:39 C3E051 04:03:35 C1E001 00:09:35
Veth C3E121 05:01:20 C3E110 03:59:08 C2E001 00:21:10
Vex C3E121 08:14:33 C3E036 01:01:53 C1E001 00:11:04
Yasha C3E121 05:00:10 C3E110 03:59:08 C2E001 00:45:49

Stay tuned for a full list of C3 PCs, coming soon!

HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:

Created by Flando Maltrizian, Master of Time(stamps)
Timestamp Description
00:01:25 Unused ad ideas
00:04:45 Laura’s merch corner
00:06:40 Intro cinematic
00:09:40 Recap Ends (back to M9)
00:11:00 BH and Caleb are bad at messages
00:12:05 Can’t read the die
00:15:30 Caleb could’ve been talking to them the whole time
00:17:25 All messaging must go through Laura’s character
00:18:20 Now to VM
00:22:35 Scanlan has no arms (Cerkonos rides Scanlan bareback)
00:26:00 One big bed
00:28:25 Cerkonos is very protective of Scanlan
00:32:15 Infectious (Back to BH)
00:39:50 Performance review
00:42:50 Go to her (upskirt Raven Queen)
00:46:45 Council of the Gods
00:59:30 Catatheosis
01:02:25 Orym testifies to the Gods (group skill check)
01:05:35 Oh yeah, we hadn’t accounted for the Chained Oblivion
01:06:35 Oh yeah, we hadn’t accounted for Vecna
01:09:35 Braius and Asmodeus
01:15:45 Pate talks to the Gods
01:19:30 They don’t like Laudna
01:21:50 Fearne shows that a mortal can get a lot done
01:25:15 Dorian asks why the Gods do not play dice
01:29:00 Ashton tells off Tiamat
01:33:10 Chetney doesn’t fear death
01:38:35 Imogen’s final threat
01:40:05 The biggest check in CR history (Lending Laura the energy)
01:43:50 The Divine Gate breaks
01:46:40 Ashton’s skull was a beacon the whole time
01:49:25 Ashton is nobody’s child
01:55:40 Catching Ashton
02:02:05 The Shoebill comes due
02:08:40 Shadow catch
02:11:35 The catch
02:16:25 3 parties try to bring back Ashton
02:27:05 Saving Ashton with dunamancy
02:30:40 Call them Kingsley (Caduceus is good at healing)
02:32:50 That was Essik?
02:36:50 Puking up Ruidus
02:41:45 Predathos is released
02:48:30 Imogen sketch
02:50:55 BREAK STARTS (Where the rest of the story takes us)
03:07:20 Art Montage
03:09:20 BREAK ENDS
03:10:15 Vax alone
03:13:15 The Champions of Death
03:31:25 Deanna and the Dawn Father
03:44:20 FRIDA
03:53:10 Everyone comes back
03:55:25 Ashton’s new head
04:00:25 Explaining Braius to Deanna (Chetney died for our sins)
04:02:10 A piece of FCG
04:04:25 Death is retirement
04:05:35 Chetney made a toy
04:07:00 Loose eye
04:08:05 Braius’s god history
04:09:05 The Dawn Daddy (Campaign 4’s quest objective)
04:12:35 “Kissing” the hand
04:16:10 Banging evil people is hot and a good idea
04:24:50 Messaging Opal (a couple times)
04:31:05 FRIDA is a robowolf
04:34:30 Chetney finally made something from metal
04:38:30 Fit to be tied
04:40:20 Redead
04:42:30 Opal
04:44:40 Nancy
04:48:00 Spider Queen stuff
04:53:40 Ruidian refugee crisis
04:56:50 Crisis network
04:59:00 Grog, Champion of the Moon
05:04:10 Moon franchising
05:06:20 The charisma characters have no stake
05:07:50 Caleb makes his case
05:09:05 Braius’s 6 days
05:10:45 Imogen makes her case
05:14:05 Planerider Ryn
05:18:10 Byroden girls
05:19:40 Opal leaves as we start epilogue mode
05:21:20 Rashinna and Rynn
05:25:30 Healing Rynn
05:30:35 Laudna and Lieve’tel (Braius still has the real mask)
05:36:30 Divine intervention?
05:41:40 Imogen and Laudna
05:44:45 Liliana
05:51:25 Lieve’tel and Cerkonos do bang it out
05:51:50 Braius is still a double agent
05:57:00 You’ll have to go through them too
05:58:00 Anyway, what were you saying Braius
05:59:50 A baby is gonna kill me
06:04:00 Braius considers a new god
06:05:40 Braius hands out the last paintings
06:07:00 Last rollies
06:12:50 Married blood
06:14:00 Dorian finds his mom
06:22:30 Hanging out with FRIDA in Jrusar (good to know Prism is doing well)
06:27:05 Chetney is FRIDA’s daddy
06:27:50 Pretty
06:30:20 Krook House
06:33:00 FCG relics
06:35:40 FCG’s flashdrive
06:39:30 To FCG
06:41:50 Orym and Dorian
06:46:10 Recreating the first combat
06:47:35 Fearne’s plans
06:50:50 Ashton’s plans
06:54:20 Ashton played himself
06:56:50 Crownkeepers reunion
06:59:50 Dariax
07:02:30 Deni$e
07:06:15 The crown is permanent, the accent is not
07:08:10 Take the night off
07:09:05 She-Ra’s there too
07:10:55 Orym and Keyleth
07:14:15 Thanks Keyleth
07:20:15 Tipsy Keyleth and Crownkeepers (the stamp)
07:24:00 Chetney’s epilogue
07:28:00 Fearne’s epilogue
07:32:45 Ira and Morri get back together
07:35:50 Quest for the Eggs
07:37:45 Ashton’s epilogue
07:42:20 Braius’s epilogue
07:45:40 Braius pledges himself to the Traveler
07:47:55 Orym’s epilogue
07:49:45 Morri’s deals were always fake
07:52:10 Dorian’s epilogue
07:55:00 Imogen and Laudna’s epilogues
07:57:25 Pockopea house
07:58:20 Laudna doesn’t know how donkeys work
08:00:50 Chetney death fakeout (engagement gift)
08:02:35 Jester and Fjord do some wedding planning
08:04:45 Caleb and Essek
08:06:40 Ludinus
08:08:15 Beau takes a summer off
08:10:25 Grog meets Gaz
08:11:35 Scankan and Koko
08:14:05 Lieve’tel comes with Cerkonos
08:14:40 Whitestone epilogue
08:17:10 Percy and Vex retire
08:19:05 Pike epilogue
08:21:00 Scanlan epilogue
08:24:40 Best of both worlds
08:26:15 Last Scanlan song
08:26:45 End of an era
08:28:00 Vax
08:35:00 That’s the end
08:36:35 Episode Ends
Full time Gameplay time Game 1st half Game 2nd half Mid break 1st start 1st end 2nd start 2nd end
8h 34m 59s 8h 7m 20s 2h 42m 5s 5h 25m 15s 19m 5s 00:08:34 02:50:39 03:09:44 08:34:59

Guests were Aabria Iyengar, Aimee Carrero, Christian Navarro, Erica Lindbeck, and Robbie Daymond.

Total: 11

Name First mention First appearance Race (if given) Description (if given)
Dorian's Mother C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads at 03:50:34 C3E121 A New Age Begins at 06:16:06 Genasi (Air) Shoulder length teal hair with touches of white in it (She/her)
Vasselheim Bastion soldiers and leaders C3E121 A New Age Begins at 00:34:25 C3E121 A New Age Begins at 00:34:25 Escorting Bell's Hells into Vasselheim
Militiamen, more soldiers, and thousands of citizens C3E121 A New Age Begins at 00:34:38 C3E121 A New Age Begins at 00:34:38 Watching Bell's Hells enter Vasselheim
Older Vasselheim citizen C3E121 A New Age Begins at 03:46:42 C3E121 A New Age Begins at 03:46:42 Older grandmotherly figure with a heavy coat that she knitted herself (she/her)
Platinum Sanctuary guards C3E121 A New Age Begins at 04:42:11 C3E121 A New Age Begins at 04:42:11 Surrounding Opal
Spire by Fire patrons C3E121 A New Age Begins at 06:47:05 C3E121 A New Age Begins at 06:47:05 Terrified or spellbound by Laudna dancing with her animated furniture
Ashari guard members and villagers C3E121 A New Age Begins at 06:57:33 C3E121 A New Age Begins at 06:57:33 Recognize Orym when he arrives home to Zephrah
Three elderly Ashari community members C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:00:13 C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:00:13 Wearing gardening attire with their jackets off, sitting around drinking light alcoholic beverages or coffee at the café where Dariax plays
Bar proprietor C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:08:08 C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:08:08 Tells Dariax to take the evening or possibly the whole week off
Ruidians C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:22:29 C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:22:29 Three Reiloran children, a young bormodo, and one adult, being welcomed to Zephrah by Shendunei
Unknown figure C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:29:37 C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:29:37 Has their thread of fate in Nana Morri's skein plucked by Fearne while they're in a mud-covered alleyway full of rickety buildings, waiting to jump onto a horse-drawn cart with a knife

Total: 1

Timestamp Whisper
04:47:51 Matt to Aimee about what Lolth said to Opal

Total: 11

Timestamp Description
00:23:09 Scanlan’s missing arms
02:30:51 You have to call him Kingsley now
02:37:23 Birth out Predathos
04:02:49 Chopped out that flesh tongue
04:09:49 Fuck every single god
04:12:56 Coochie calling Tevan
04:34:40 Chetney swore he would never make anything out of metal
04:41:41 How cute are the guards?
04:45:02 We have inside jokes too
06:33:50 Flat Exandria frisbee sketch
08:25:39 Double centaurs

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 0

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 0

Total: 0

Character Healing performed
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 0
Deanna 0
Deni$e 0
Opal 0
Dariax 0
Morrighan 0
Braius 0
Beau 0
Caduceus 0
Caleb 0
Fjord 0
Jester 0
Veth 0
Yasha 0
Cerkonos 0
Grog 0
Keyleth 0
Lieve’tel 0
Percy 0
Pike 0
Scanlan 0
Vax 0
Vex 0

Total: 30

Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Enhance Ability 2 2
Laudna Minor Illusion Cantrip Cantrip
Orym Gust Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Darkness 2 2
Chetney Banishment 4 - Via Staff of Dark Odyssey
Laudna Feather Fall 1 1
Braius Plant Growth 3 3
Caleb Telekinesis 5 5
Caduceus Spare the Dying Cantrip Cantrip
Pike Resurrection 7 7
Caleb Raise Dead 5 5
Caduceus Heal 6 6
Caduceus Heal 6 6
Caduceus Spirit Guardians 3 3
Deanna Dawn 5 5
Deanna Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Sending 3 3
Imogen Sending 3 3
Dorian Thunderclap Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Orym Druidcraft Cantrip Cantrip
Dorian Gust Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Animate Objects 5 5
Dorian Invisibility 2 2
Dorian Cure Wounds 1 1
Caleb Scrying 5 5
Scanlan True Polymorph 9 9

PC natural 20s

Total: 4

Timestamp Character Description
01:41:26 Imogen Persuasion Check with advantage to convince the gods to take part in the ritual
02:01:54 Chetney Athletics or Acrobatics Check to push through the crowd to get beneath the falling Ashton
02:04:00 Fearne Athletics or Acrobatics Check to fly through the wind towards the falling Ashton
03:50:16 Deanna Intimidation Check with advantage on the guard blocking the Heaven’s Stair


Total: 1

Timestamp Character Circumstance Resurrection Notes
01:51:11 Ashton Matron of Ravens, Rites of Catatheosis Raise Dead from Caleb Widogast with dunamantic assistance from Essek (C3E121, spell cast at 02:26:20, resurrected at 02:30:14) Instant death without KO

Total: 33

Timestamp Payer Where obtained Recipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
00:22:32 - Scanlan Purchased Trinket Bearclaws
00:28:12 Scanlan Party Gifted Trinket Bearclaws
01:26:52 Dorian - Dropped/threw/placed down Die
02:23:40 Vex Pike Gifted diamond worth 1000 g
02:23:54 Scanlan Crowd of onlookers Gifted Trinket Bearclaws
02:24:18 Pike - Used/opened/expended diamond worth 1000 g Used to cast Resurrection on Ashton
02:26:04 Caleb - Used/opened/expended Transmuter's Stone Used to cast Raise Dead on Ashton
02:48:40 Braius Imogen Gifted Painting of Imogen
04:02:24 Chetney FRIDA Gifted Piece of FCG
04:02:27 Orym FRIDA Gifted Piece of FCG
04:06:00 Chetney Deanna Gifted Wooden Whale Automata
04:37:44 FRIDA Chetney Gifted stone Aeormaton heart
06:05:47 Braius Chetney Gifted Painting of Chetney
06:06:01 Braius Dorian Gifted Painting of Dorian
06:06:14 Braius Ashton Gifted Painting of Ashton
06:06:17 Braius Orym Gifted Painting of Orym
06:24:11 Laudna Zhudanna Gifted Reiloran Juggernaut Finger
06:24:14 Laudna Zhudanna Gifted Fetus Jar
06:25:40 FRIDA Ashton Gifted Green embroidered coat
06:33:35 - FRIDA Found FCG's pencil attachement
06:33:39 - FRIDA Found Sketch of flat Exandria
06:35:32 Ashton Milo Loaned damaged Glass Hammer
06:35:39 - FRIDA Found FCG's crescent-shaped microchip
06:42:17 Dorian Orym Gifted 1cp
06:47:19 - Laudna Gifted undetermined number of coins
07:36:25 - Fearne Stolen C-Pop egg 1
07:36:30 - Fearne Stolen C-Pop egg 2
07:36:48 - Fearne Stolen C-Pop egg 3
07:39:14 Milo Ashton Returned Spherical Glass Hammer
07:53:41 Dorian Opal Gifted Sending Stone Sending Stone
07:53:41 - Dorian Purchased Sending Stone
07:59:27 - Imogen Gifted horse (Flora)
08:01:18 Chetney Jester Gifted Wooden Jellyfish

Total: 8

Timestamp Kiss
04:12:33 Fearne kisses Teven Klask's kiss mark on her own hand
04:45:10 Fearne showers Opal with kisses
05:40:42 Imogen kisses Laudna
06:44:23 Orym kisses Dorian
06:45:55 Dorian kisses Orym
07:05:28 Deni$e kisses Dariax
08:13:46 Cerkonos kisses Scanlan on the forehead
08:34:00 Keyleth kisses Vax

Total: 3

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
01:19:48 Laudna rolls a 9 on her persuasion check against the gods and Liam jokes that Delilah busts out as a result Out of character
02:08:25 Marisha is running through her options in the effort to save Ashton and Sam says that she's got Delilah, but Marisha points out Delilah isn't active Out of character
02:42:14 Imogen is trying to keep Predathos contained until she can safely release it; Laudna, more than most, understands what she's going through Mention (not by name)

Total: 25

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
00:44:04 The Mistresses of the Matron use a black bead to summon the Matron, who stands protectively over Bell's Hells Appearance
00:45:01 The Matron speaks in defense of Bell's Hells and summons a council of the other gods Appearance
00:49:55 The Matron shrinks to human size to stand with the Hells Appearance
00:59:14 The Matron proposes the Rites of Catatheosis to the other gods Appearance
01:00:35 The Matron explains what will happen with the gods become mortal: they're bound to Exandria as the Kryn are to the Luxon, and will be reborn Appearance
01:05:44 The Matron specifies that the Chained Oblivion is not kin to the other gods and will not be affected by the Rites Appearance
01:38:02 The Matron returns to full size and carries the Hells up with her, to eye level with the gods Appearance
01:45:25 The Divine Gate having just shattered, the Matron appears on the material plane for the first time in centuries Appearance
01:45:54 The Matron says the rites require a Luxon and asks one of the Bright Queen, who refuses Appearance
01:48:10 The Matron accepts Ashton’s offer to be used as a Luxon in the rites Appearance
01:52:28 The Matron removes her mask, says that they will return, and then disappears Appearance
02:24:27 The parties collectively try to revive Ashton; who will receive the call now that the Matron isn't here? In world
02:37:45 The Matron isn't present in Vasselheim anymore. She and the gods all disappeared In world
03:09:43 We see the Matron's realm, and Vax’ildan appears there In world (not by name)
03:11:20 The Matron appears to Vax Appearance
03:12:35 The Matron brings Morrighan Ferus into her realm Appearance
03:16:15 The Matron explains the Rites of Catatheosis to her champions Appearance
03:20:39 The Matron's champions are the guardians of her realm and faith while she is gone, and they'll be tasked to find her as a mortal Appearance
03:25:24 The Matron is at peace with, scared of, and exhilarated by the change that is coming Appearance
03:28:42 The Matron gives Vax a fragment of his life back and tells him to go to his friends and Keyleth when he needs rest Appearance
05:30:09 Laudna, bringing Imogen with her, goes to the Matron's temple In world
05:32:39 The Matron was the one who walked souls between life and death; with her gone, Laudna feels even more out of place and wants to know if she will ever be whole again In world
05:36:36 Lieve’tel uses Divine Intervention to tie Laudna’s life to Imogen’s so that they will grow old and die together In world (not by name)
07:30:24 Nana Morri's fatestitching was frowned upon by the Matron, but the Matron isn't here right now and Nana is teaching Fearne In world
08:28:20 The Champion of the Matron appears to Keyleth. It's his duty to find her, but for now, duty brings him home In world

Total: 3

Timestamp Speaker Said to Notes
04:02:45 Taliesin The cast Joking about FCG’s detached face
06:31:09 FRIDA Anni Aughta
06:38:44 FCG through FRIDA Ashton and Milo Playing a recording of FCG’s voice

Total: 2

Timestamp Description
06:33:39 A sketch among FCG’s old things
07:03:05 “It’s a small, flat world, Dariax”—Orym

Total: 1

Timestamp Description
04:02:50 Giving FRIDA FCG’s face