C3E121 A New Age Begins

8h 34m 59s
Episodes with Most Kisses
See all episodes ranked in the Kisses Summary.
PCs Appearing in C3E121
Total: 30
Stay tuned for a full list of C3 PCs, coming soon!
HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:
Timestamp | Description |
00:01:25 | Unused ad ideas |
00:04:45 | Laura’s merch corner |
00:06:40 | Intro cinematic |
00:08:25 | EPISODE STARTS |
00:09:40 | Recap Ends (back to M9) |
00:11:00 | BH and Caleb are bad at messages |
00:12:05 | Can’t read the die |
00:15:30 | Caleb could’ve been talking to them the whole time |
00:17:25 | All messaging must go through Laura’s character |
00:18:20 | Now to VM |
00:22:35 | Scanlan has no arms (Cerkonos rides Scanlan bareback) |
00:26:00 | One big bed |
00:28:25 | Cerkonos is very protective of Scanlan |
00:32:15 | Infectious (Back to BH) |
00:39:50 | Performance review |
00:42:50 | Go to her (upskirt Raven Queen) |
00:46:45 | Council of the Gods |
00:59:30 | Catatheosis |
01:02:25 | Orym testifies to the Gods (group skill check) |
01:05:35 | Oh yeah, we hadn’t accounted for the Chained Oblivion |
01:06:35 | Oh yeah, we hadn’t accounted for Vecna |
01:09:35 | Braius and Asmodeus |
01:15:45 | Pate talks to the Gods |
01:19:30 | They don’t like Laudna |
01:21:50 | Fearne shows that a mortal can get a lot done |
01:25:15 | Dorian asks why the Gods do not play dice |
01:29:00 | Ashton tells off Tiamat |
01:33:10 | Chetney doesn’t fear death |
01:38:35 | Imogen’s final threat |
01:40:05 | The biggest check in CR history (Lending Laura the energy) |
01:43:50 | The Divine Gate breaks |
01:46:40 | Ashton’s skull was a beacon the whole time |
01:49:25 | Ashton is nobody’s child |
01:55:40 | Catching Ashton |
02:02:05 | The Shoebill comes due |
02:08:40 | Shadow catch |
02:11:35 | The catch |
02:16:25 | 3 parties try to bring back Ashton |
02:27:05 | Saving Ashton with dunamancy |
02:30:40 | Call them Kingsley (Caduceus is good at healing) |
02:32:50 | That was Essik? |
02:36:50 | Puking up Ruidus |
02:41:45 | Predathos is released |
02:48:30 | Imogen sketch |
02:50:55 | BREAK STARTS (Where the rest of the story takes us) |
03:07:20 | Art Montage |
03:09:20 | BREAK ENDS |
03:10:15 | Vax alone |
03:13:15 | The Champions of Death |
03:31:25 | Deanna and the Dawn Father |
03:44:20 | FRIDA |
03:53:10 | Everyone comes back |
03:55:25 | Ashton’s new head |
04:00:25 | Explaining Braius to Deanna (Chetney died for our sins) |
04:02:10 | A piece of FCG |
04:04:25 | Death is retirement |
04:05:35 | Chetney made a toy |
04:07:00 | Loose eye |
04:08:05 | Braius’s god history |
04:09:05 | The Dawn Daddy (Campaign 4’s quest objective) |
04:12:35 | “Kissing” the hand |
04:16:10 | Banging evil people is hot and a good idea |
04:24:50 | Messaging Opal (a couple times) |
04:31:05 | FRIDA is a robowolf |
04:34:30 | Chetney finally made something from metal |
04:38:30 | Fit to be tied |
04:40:20 | Redead |
04:42:30 | Opal |
04:44:40 | Nancy |
04:48:00 | Spider Queen stuff |
04:53:40 | Ruidian refugee crisis |
04:56:50 | Crisis network |
04:59:00 | Grog, Champion of the Moon |
05:04:10 | Moon franchising |
05:06:20 | The charisma characters have no stake |
05:07:50 | Caleb makes his case |
05:09:05 | Braius’s 6 days |
05:10:45 | Imogen makes her case |
05:14:05 | Planerider Ryn |
05:18:10 | Byroden girls |
05:19:40 | Opal leaves as we start epilogue mode |
05:21:20 | Rashinna and Rynn |
05:25:30 | Healing Rynn |
05:30:35 | Laudna and Lieve’tel (Braius still has the real mask) |
05:36:30 | Divine intervention? |
05:41:40 | Imogen and Laudna |
05:44:45 | Liliana |
05:51:25 | Lieve’tel and Cerkonos do bang it out |
05:51:50 | Braius is still a double agent |
05:57:00 | You’ll have to go through them too |
05:58:00 | Anyway, what were you saying Braius |
05:59:50 | A baby is gonna kill me |
06:04:00 | Braius considers a new god |
06:05:40 | Braius hands out the last paintings |
06:07:00 | Last rollies |
06:12:50 | Married blood |
06:14:00 | Dorian finds his mom |
06:22:30 | Hanging out with FRIDA in Jrusar (good to know Prism is doing well) |
06:27:05 | Chetney is FRIDA’s daddy |
06:27:50 | Pretty |
06:30:20 | Krook House |
06:33:00 | FCG relics |
06:35:40 | FCG’s flashdrive |
06:39:30 | To FCG |
06:41:50 | Orym and Dorian |
06:46:10 | Recreating the first combat |
06:47:35 | Fearne’s plans |
06:50:50 | Ashton’s plans |
06:54:20 | Ashton played himself |
06:56:50 | Crownkeepers reunion |
06:59:50 | Dariax |
07:02:30 | Deni$e |
07:06:15 | The crown is permanent, the accent is not |
07:08:10 | Take the night off |
07:09:05 | She-Ra’s there too |
07:10:55 | Orym and Keyleth |
07:14:15 | Thanks Keyleth |
07:20:15 | Tipsy Keyleth and Crownkeepers (the stamp) |
07:24:00 | Chetney’s epilogue |
07:28:00 | Fearne’s epilogue |
07:32:45 | Ira and Morri get back together |
07:35:50 | Quest for the Eggs |
07:37:45 | Ashton’s epilogue |
07:42:20 | Braius’s epilogue |
07:45:40 | Braius pledges himself to the Traveler |
07:47:55 | Orym’s epilogue |
07:49:45 | Morri’s deals were always fake |
07:52:10 | Dorian’s epilogue |
07:55:00 | Imogen and Laudna’s epilogues |
07:57:25 | Pockopea house |
07:58:20 | Laudna doesn’t know how donkeys work |
08:00:50 | Chetney death fakeout (engagement gift) |
08:02:35 | Jester and Fjord do some wedding planning |
08:04:45 | Caleb and Essek |
08:06:40 | Ludinus |
08:08:15 | Beau takes a summer off |
08:10:25 | Grog meets Gaz |
08:11:35 | Scankan and Koko |
08:14:05 | Lieve’tel comes with Cerkonos |
08:14:40 | Whitestone epilogue |
08:17:10 | Percy and Vex retire |
08:19:05 | Pike epilogue |
08:21:00 | Scanlan epilogue |
08:24:40 | Best of both worlds |
08:26:15 | Last Scanlan song |
08:26:45 | End of an era |
08:28:00 | Vax |
08:35:00 | That’s the end |
08:36:35 | Episode Ends |
Guests were Aabria Iyengar, Aimee Carrero, Christian Navarro, Erica Lindbeck, and Robbie Daymond.
Total: 11
Name | First mention | First appearance | Race (if given) | Description (if given) |
Dorian's Mother | C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads at 03:50:34 | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 06:16:06 | Genasi (Air) | Shoulder length teal hair with touches of white in it (She/her) |
Vasselheim Bastion soldiers and leaders | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 00:34:25 | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 00:34:25 | Escorting Bell's Hells into Vasselheim | |
Militiamen, more soldiers, and thousands of citizens | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 00:34:38 | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 00:34:38 | Watching Bell's Hells enter Vasselheim | |
Older Vasselheim citizen | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 03:46:42 | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 03:46:42 | Older grandmotherly figure with a heavy coat that she knitted herself (she/her) | |
Platinum Sanctuary guards | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 04:42:11 | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 04:42:11 | Surrounding Opal | |
Spire by Fire patrons | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 06:47:05 | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 06:47:05 | Terrified or spellbound by Laudna dancing with her animated furniture | |
Ashari guard members and villagers | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 06:57:33 | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 06:57:33 | Recognize Orym when he arrives home to Zephrah | |
Three elderly Ashari community members | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:00:13 | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:00:13 | Wearing gardening attire with their jackets off, sitting around drinking light alcoholic beverages or coffee at the café where Dariax plays | |
Bar proprietor | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:08:08 | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:08:08 | Tells Dariax to take the evening or possibly the whole week off | |
Ruidians | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:22:29 | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:22:29 | Three Reiloran children, a young bormodo, and one adult, being welcomed to Zephrah by Shendunei | |
Unknown figure | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:29:37 | C3E121 A New Age Begins at 07:29:37 | Has their thread of fate in Nana Morri's skein plucked by Fearne while they're in a mud-covered alleyway full of rickety buildings, waiting to jump onto a horse-drawn cart with a knife |
Total: 11
Timestamp | Description |
00:23:09 | Scanlan’s missing arms |
02:30:51 | You have to call him Kingsley now |
02:37:23 | Birth out Predathos |
04:02:49 | Chopped out that flesh tongue |
04:09:49 | Fuck every single god |
04:12:56 | Coochie calling Tevan |
04:34:40 | Chetney swore he would never make anything out of metal |
04:41:41 | How cute are the guards? |
04:45:02 | We have inside jokes too |
06:33:50 | Flat Exandria frisbee sketch |
08:25:39 | Double centaurs |
NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.
Total: 0
NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.
Total: 0
Total: 30
Character | Spell | Base level | Cast at | Notes |
Fearne | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Enhance Ability | 2 | 2 | |
Laudna | Minor Illusion | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Orym | Gust | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Darkness | 2 | 2 | |
Chetney | Banishment | 4 | - | Via Staff of Dark Odyssey |
Laudna | Feather Fall | 1 | 1 | |
Braius | Plant Growth | 3 | 3 | |
Caleb | Telekinesis | 5 | 5 | |
Caduceus | Spare the Dying | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Pike | Resurrection | 7 | 7 | |
Caleb | Raise Dead | 5 | 5 | |
Caduceus | Heal | 6 | 6 | |
Caduceus | Heal | 6 | 6 | |
Caduceus | Spirit Guardians | 3 | 3 | |
Deanna | Dawn | 5 | 5 | |
Deanna | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Sending | 3 | 3 | |
Imogen | Sending | 3 | 3 | |
Dorian | Thunderclap | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Prestidigitation | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Orym | Druidcraft | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Dorian | Gust | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Animate Objects | 5 | 5 | |
Dorian | Invisibility | 2 | 2 | |
Dorian | Cure Wounds | 1 | 1 | |
Caleb | Scrying | 5 | 5 | |
Scanlan | True Polymorph | 9 | 9 |
PC natural 20s
Total: 4
Timestamp | Character | Description |
01:41:26 | Imogen | Persuasion Check with advantage to convince the gods to take part in the ritual |
02:01:54 | Chetney | Athletics or Acrobatics Check to push through the crowd to get beneath the falling Ashton |
02:04:00 | Fearne | Athletics or Acrobatics Check to fly through the wind towards the falling Ashton |
03:50:16 | Deanna | Intimidation Check with advantage on the guard blocking the Heaven’s Stair |
Total: 1
Timestamp | Character | Circumstance | Resurrection | Notes |
01:51:11 | Ashton | Matron of Ravens, Rites of Catatheosis | Raise Dead from Caleb Widogast with dunamantic assistance from Essek (C3E121, spell cast at 02:26:20, resurrected at 02:30:14) | Instant death without KO |
Total: 33
Timestamp | Payer | Where obtained | Recipient | How obtained | Gained item(s)/money | Paid item(s)/money | Notes |
00:22:32 | - | Scanlan | Purchased | Trinket Bearclaws | |||
00:28:12 | Scanlan | Party | Gifted | Trinket Bearclaws | |||
01:26:52 | Dorian | - | Dropped/threw/placed down | Die | |||
02:23:40 | Vex | Pike | Gifted | diamond worth 1000 g | |||
02:23:54 | Scanlan | Crowd of onlookers | Gifted | Trinket Bearclaws | |||
02:24:18 | Pike | - | Used/opened/expended | diamond worth 1000 g | Used to cast Resurrection on Ashton | ||
02:26:04 | Caleb | - | Used/opened/expended | Transmuter's Stone | Used to cast Raise Dead on Ashton | ||
02:48:40 | Braius | Imogen | Gifted | Painting of Imogen | |||
04:02:24 | Chetney | FRIDA | Gifted | Piece of FCG | |||
04:02:27 | Orym | FRIDA | Gifted | Piece of FCG | |||
04:06:00 | Chetney | Deanna | Gifted | Wooden Whale Automata | |||
04:37:44 | FRIDA | Chetney | Gifted | stone Aeormaton heart | |||
06:05:47 | Braius | Chetney | Gifted | Painting of Chetney | |||
06:06:01 | Braius | Dorian | Gifted | Painting of Dorian | |||
06:06:14 | Braius | Ashton | Gifted | Painting of Ashton | |||
06:06:17 | Braius | Orym | Gifted | Painting of Orym | |||
06:24:11 | Laudna | Zhudanna | Gifted | Reiloran Juggernaut Finger | |||
06:24:14 | Laudna | Zhudanna | Gifted | Fetus Jar | |||
06:25:40 | FRIDA | Ashton | Gifted | Green embroidered coat | |||
06:33:35 | - | FRIDA | Found | FCG's pencil attachement | |||
06:33:39 | - | FRIDA | Found | Sketch of flat Exandria | |||
06:35:32 | Ashton | Milo | Loaned | damaged Glass Hammer | |||
06:35:39 | - | FRIDA | Found | FCG's crescent-shaped microchip | |||
06:42:17 | Dorian | Orym | Gifted | 1cp | |||
06:47:19 | - | Laudna | Gifted | undetermined number of coins | |||
07:36:25 | - | Fearne | Stolen | C-Pop egg 1 | |||
07:36:30 | - | Fearne | Stolen | C-Pop egg 2 | |||
07:36:48 | - | Fearne | Stolen | C-Pop egg 3 | |||
07:39:14 | Milo | Ashton | Returned | Spherical Glass Hammer | |||
07:53:41 | Dorian | Opal | Gifted | Sending Stone | Sending Stone | ||
07:53:41 | - | Dorian | Purchased | Sending Stone | |||
07:59:27 | - | Imogen | Gifted | horse (Flora) | |||
08:01:18 | Chetney | Jester | Gifted | Wooden Jellyfish |
Total: 8
Timestamp | Kiss |
04:12:33 | Fearne kisses Teven Klask's kiss mark on her own hand |
04:45:10 | Fearne showers Opal with kisses |
05:40:42 | Imogen kisses Laudna |
06:44:23 | Orym kisses Dorian |
06:45:55 | Dorian kisses Orym |
07:05:28 | Deni$e kisses Dariax |
08:13:46 | Cerkonos kisses Scanlan on the forehead |
08:34:00 | Keyleth kisses Vax |
Total: 3
Timestamp | Description | Mention type | Notes |
01:19:48 | Laudna rolls a 9 on her persuasion check against the gods and Liam jokes that Delilah busts out as a result | Out of character | |
02:08:25 | Marisha is running through her options in the effort to save Ashton and Sam says that she's got Delilah, but Marisha points out Delilah isn't active | Out of character | |
02:42:14 | Imogen is trying to keep Predathos contained until she can safely release it; Laudna, more than most, understands what she's going through | Mention (not by name) |
Total: 25
Timestamp | Description | Mention type | Notes |
00:44:04 | The Mistresses of the Matron use a black bead to summon the Matron, who stands protectively over Bell's Hells | Appearance | |
00:45:01 | The Matron speaks in defense of Bell's Hells and summons a council of the other gods | Appearance | |
00:49:55 | The Matron shrinks to human size to stand with the Hells | Appearance | |
00:59:14 | The Matron proposes the Rites of Catatheosis to the other gods | Appearance | |
01:00:35 | The Matron explains what will happen with the gods become mortal: they're bound to Exandria as the Kryn are to the Luxon, and will be reborn | Appearance | |
01:05:44 | The Matron specifies that the Chained Oblivion is not kin to the other gods and will not be affected by the Rites | Appearance | |
01:38:02 | The Matron returns to full size and carries the Hells up with her, to eye level with the gods | Appearance | |
01:45:25 | The Divine Gate having just shattered, the Matron appears on the material plane for the first time in centuries | Appearance | |
01:45:54 | The Matron says the rites require a Luxon and asks one of the Bright Queen, who refuses | Appearance | |
01:48:10 | The Matron accepts Ashton’s offer to be used as a Luxon in the rites | Appearance | |
01:52:28 | The Matron removes her mask, says that they will return, and then disappears | Appearance | |
02:24:27 | The parties collectively try to revive Ashton; who will receive the call now that the Matron isn't here? | In world | |
02:37:45 | The Matron isn't present in Vasselheim anymore. She and the gods all disappeared | In world | |
03:09:43 | We see the Matron's realm, and Vax’ildan appears there | In world (not by name) | |
03:11:20 | The Matron appears to Vax | Appearance | |
03:12:35 | The Matron brings Morrighan Ferus into her realm | Appearance | |
03:16:15 | The Matron explains the Rites of Catatheosis to her champions | Appearance | |
03:20:39 | The Matron's champions are the guardians of her realm and faith while she is gone, and they'll be tasked to find her as a mortal | Appearance | |
03:25:24 | The Matron is at peace with, scared of, and exhilarated by the change that is coming | Appearance | |
03:28:42 | The Matron gives Vax a fragment of his life back and tells him to go to his friends and Keyleth when he needs rest | Appearance | |
05:30:09 | Laudna, bringing Imogen with her, goes to the Matron's temple | In world | |
05:32:39 | The Matron was the one who walked souls between life and death; with her gone, Laudna feels even more out of place and wants to know if she will ever be whole again | In world | |
05:36:36 | Lieve’tel uses Divine Intervention to tie Laudna’s life to Imogen’s so that they will grow old and die together | In world (not by name) | |
07:30:24 | Nana Morri's fatestitching was frowned upon by the Matron, but the Matron isn't here right now and Nana is teaching Fearne | In world | |
08:28:20 | The Champion of the Matron appears to Keyleth. It's his duty to find her, but for now, duty brings him home | In world |