The Omen Archive

previous episode C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core
next episode C3E119 Predathos Awakened

Thumbnail for episode 118. Travis, Liam, and Ashley stand side-by-side in action poses. Travis grimaces with his hands out in front like claws, Liam stands sideways with his right arm outstretched looking intensely at the viewer, and Ashley has one hand on her chin and another palm up at shoulder height. Travis is dressed in a blue hoodie, Liam in a black leather jacket, and Ashley in a blue jacket with brass buttons. They stand against a colorful backdrop with splashes of pinks, oranges, yellows, blues, and greens over white.

DC 22 is tough to hit! If you want more information than our At a Glance card had, this table gives the full range of probabilities accounting for things like Braius’s Aura of Protection (+4). Nat 20s are still always counted as success.

Str. SaveCharacter(s)StraightAdv.Disadv.
+1Laudna with Aura5.00%9.75%0.25%
+2Fearne with Aura5.00%9.75%0.25%
+3Dorian, Imogen with Aura10.00%19.00%1.00%
+7Dorian with Aura30.00%51.00%9.00%
+8Chetney with Aura35.00%57.75%12.25%
+9Braius, Ashton, Orym with Aura40.00%64.00%16.00%
+13Ashton with Aura60.00%84.00%36.00%


4h 56m 58s

Gameplay Start 00:08:02

Break Start 01:16:51

Break End 01:27:18

Total Combat Time

2h 19m 56s

Outstanding Outerwear

Ashley, Laura, and Liam sitting next to each other looking up and to the right. Ashley wears a loose knit sweater in pinks, greens, and purples. Laura wears a forest green jacket with large lapels over a white striped button-up. Liam wears an open dark blue sweater with white stripes over a dark gray T-shirt.

Sam’s Shirt

Sam wearing a royal blue T-shirt under a forest green hoodie. On the front of the shirt is a head shot of a younger Laura with hair cut short in a pixie bob wearing a black sleeveless turtleneck. She cocks her head to the side, staring intensely at the viewer. Sam’s head is also cocked to the side, his hand in his hair as he smiles coyly.

Known Spell Slot Levels Lost to the Neck Hole

At least 32*

~36% of a level 20 Wizard’s total of 89

*Ira’s d6 roll is unknown, but likely at least a 2 as Matt marked off a 2nd-level spell plus at least one additional

Percent Chance of Escaping the Void (DC 22)

CharacterStr. Save Base Mod.StraightAdv.Disadv.

Nat 20s are considered a success for this saving throw.

Braius has an additional +4 to his base of +5 from Aura of Protection. Chetney and Ashton have advantage on Strength Saves while in hybrid form or raging.

See our more thorough breakdown.

HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:

Created by Flando Maltrizian, Master of Time(stamps)
Timestamp Description
00:01:00 Animal facts with Sam
00:06:10 Intro cinematic
00:11:25 Recap Ends
00:14:20 Ludinus doesn’t care about the beginning of a new age
00:22:05 Ludinus backstory
00:26:45 First monologue gets a 6-7
00:27:50 Grow up
00:29:05 Becoming Predathos is just basically winning the lotto
00:35:20 Braius is surprisingly empathetic
00:37:40 Meanwhile, Chetney
00:43:00 Chetney invented pogs
00:46:50 Cup fart
00:48:45 Ludinus is gone
00:52:05 Braius just needs to do a quick prayer
00:54:05 Sam is alone with his Lord
01:08:15 The team comes back
01:09:30 10/10 monologue (back into it)
01:12:05 Chetney’s limited edition distractions
01:15:20 Fearne’s got it
01:25:15 Art Montage
01:27:15 BREAK ENDS
01:28:30 It’s just a magic trick
01:30:50 Battle begins (Orym’s disarm)
01:36:30 Ravenous void
01:41:05 Expert rules lawyering
01:44:45 Thanks Google AI
01:49:10 Laudna pops a pimple
01:55:30 Big Boy missed the save and saved the day
02:02:35 Imogen holds firm (Sam reveals the shirt)
02:05:20 Negging your rolls
02:08:10 Mister gets sucked in
02:20:45 Flirting with Chetney
02:25:30 Chetney is cusping
02:27:30 Beam
02:30:35 Deploying Pate
02:33:35 Ludinus meets Pate
02:44:30 Taliesin is going home
02:50:10 Pate sacrifices himself for Chetney
02:52:05 Ira brings the nightmare
02:57:40 Cocked
03:00:45 Mister is a hero
03:18:50 Back to the old tricks
03:21:40 Taliesin’s dice gets sucked
03:30:20 Not forcecage
03:34:30 Power Word Stun
03:48:30 HDYWTDT
03:56:35 What now?
04:06:20 The staff rejects identify
04:09:25 Busting a rest grenade on Braius
04:18:50 Ludinus is still alive
04:21:25 Boning Predathos
04:22:30 Spice up before the fight
04:28:25 The chamber of Predathos
04:32:00 Predathos
04:34:05 Predathos backstory
04:38:40 A Ruidian Flare
04:44:10 Predathos is hungry
04:50:50 Matt/Predathos is coming for you
04:52:15 Imogen goes for it, Fearne doesn’t
04:54:15 Pucci’s reminder
04:57:45 Episode Ends
Full time Gameplay time Game 1st half Game 2nd half Mid break 1st start 1st end 2nd start 2nd end
4h 56m 58s 4h 38m 29s 1h 8m 49s 3h 29m 40s 10m 27s 00:08:02 01:16:51 01:27:18 04:56:58
Encounter Total length Start time End time Rounds In game time Notes
Ludinus Da'leth 2h 19m 56s 01:28:45 03:48:41 4 24s

Guests were Robbie Daymond.

Map number Map

Total: 2

Name First mention First appearance Race (if given) Description (if given)
Predathos (Confirmed by Matt) C3E043 Axiom Shaken at 03:03:26 C3E118 The Hallowed Cage at 04:30:07 A mote of soft, glowing teal-white light that then takes on the form of a small Reiloran-esque child, with an almost gray, thin, small body and a large head crest
Ludinus's mother and father C3E118 The Hallowed Cage at 00:22:10 Elf Followers of the Lawbearer. Died in the battle between the Lawbearer and the Crawling King in their home city of Ozana.

Total: 2

Timestamp Whisper
00:26:37 Matt to Marisha about Ludinus's family's deaths
04:37:05 Matt to Liam about whether Predathos understands more than it lets on

Total: 1

Timestamp Occasion Type
01:53:33 Fighting Ludinus Probability

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 499

Character Damage dealt
Ashton 78
Fearne 120
Imogen 16
Laudna 71
Orym 43
Dorian 39
Chetney 105
Braius 27

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 534

Character Damage taken
Ashton 94
Fearne 48
Imogen 20
Laudna 95
Orym 80
Dorian 107
Chetney 90
Braius 0

Total: 0

Character Healing performed
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 0
Braius 0

Total: 30

Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
Dorian Message Cantrip Cantrip To Imogen
Imogen Misty Step 2 2
Chetney Detect Magic 1 - Via Monocle of True Essence
Imogen Psychic Lance 4 4
Fearne Earthbind 2 2
Orym Grasping Vine 4 - via Seedling
Chetney Shatter 2 - via Turmoil
Braius Silence 2 2
Laudna Eldritch Blast Cantrip Cantrip
Dorian Dimension Door 4 4
Imogen Misty Step 2 2
Imogen Mind Sliver Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Scorching Ray 2 5
Orym Misty Step 2 2
Orym Grasping Vine 4 - via Seedling
Braius Moonbeam 2 2
Laudna Shocking Grasp Cantrip Cantrip
Dorian Lightning Bolt 3 5
Imogen Lightning Bolt 3 5
Fearne Scorching Ray 2 6
Laudna Hex 1 1
Laudna Eldritch Blast Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Counterspell 3 5
Imogen Power Word Stun 8 8
Fearne Scorching Ray 2 5
Orym Grasping Vine 4 - via Seedling
Fearne Identify 1 1
Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Identify 1 1

PC natural 20s

Total: 7

Timestamp Character Description
01:29:15 Orym Initiative
02:02:08 Chetney Dexterity Save against Ludinus’s Lightning Bolt
02:02:41 Imogen Strength Save against Ludinus’s Ravenous Void
02:37:43 Ashton Strength Save with advantage against Ludinus’s Ravenous Void
02:59:14 Mister Strength Save against Ludinus’s Ravenous Void
03:10:44 Chetney Claw attack on Ludinus
03:47:15 Orym Seedling attack with advantage on the back of Ludinus’s neck

PC natural 1s

Total: 3

Timestamp Character Description
01:14:12 Dorian Arcana Check to observe Ludinus pushing through the Hallowed Cage barriers
01:29:53 Imogen Rollies to decide Initiative tie
03:27:47 Dorian Dexterity Save against Ludinus’s Chain Lightning

DM natural 20s

Total: 2

Timestamp Character Description
02:54:50 Ira Steel Wind Strike on Ludinus
03:12:36 Ludinus Concentration Save with advantage on Ravenous Void

DM natural 1s

Total: 2

Timestamp Character Description
02:34:09 Ludinus Concentration Save on Ravenous Void, used Legendary Resistance to succeed
02:57:02 Ira Strength Save against Ludinus’s Psychic Blast

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
03:48:26 Orym Ludinus, Neck Hit damage from Seedling, HDYWTDT

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
03:48:26 Orym Ludinus, Neck Hit damage from Seedling

Total: 10

Timestamp Payer Where obtained Recipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
01:32:17 Ludinus Orym Looted Staff of Soulbind Relay
02:16:39 Orym - Dropped/threw/placed down Staff of Soulbind Relay
03:51:54 Ludinus Party Looted Spell ring Mentioned in Cooldown at 8:33
03:51:54 Ludinus Party Looted Ludinus' second ring Mentioned in Cooldown at 8:34
03:51:54 Ludinus Orym Looted Supreme Healing potion
04:04:26 - Coriolis Retrieved Staff of Soulbind Relay
04:04:36 Coriolis Imogen Gifted Staff of Soulbind Relay
04:06:06 Imogen Fearne Gifted Staff of Soulbind Relay
04:09:36 Party - Used/opened/expended Sphere of Dunamantic Restoration
04:21:40 Fearne Chetney Gifted Staff of Soulbind Relay Placed in Bag of Holding

Total: 2

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
01:13:38 Ashley hopes that Earth Bind will work; it worked on Delilah Out of character
04:19:30 Marisha thinks that if Delilah had clones, Ludinus definitely has clones Out of character

Total: 4

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
04:02:19 Didn't the Matron and the Arch Heart both ask the Hells to interact with Predathos? In world
04:45:58 Laudna runs her fingers over the Matron of Ravens mask while talking to Predathos In world
04:47:11 The threads connecting everyone to Predathos are similar to the ones in the Matron's domain: the threads of fate In world
04:48:23 Laura recalls that the Matron said that she set the previous god of death free Above table