The Omen Archive

previous episode C3E116 The Weave Mind
next episode C3E118 The Hallowed Cage

Thumbnail for episode 117. Laura stands facing the viewer with her back to Matt, who faces away. Laura looks sad and distraught, her hand placed on her chest. Matt looks back over his right shoulder with a neutral expression. Laura wears a black blouse and jeans with a wide leather belt, while Matt is dressed in a black shirt with rolled-up sleeves. They stand against a colorful backdrop with splashes of purples and lavenders over white.


4h 35m 21s

Gameplay Start 00:07:31

Break Start 02:20:03

Break End 02:33:19

Total Combat Time

1h 59m 1s

PC Nat 20s

  1. Orym (00:22:55): Perception Check with advantage to anticipate problems and avoid soldiers
  2. Imogen (00:39:16): Deception Check with advantage to convince a Thought Eater that Fearne is her prisoner
  3. Ashton (00:54:08): Hammer attack with advantage on Avadon
  4. Braius (01:01:05): Athletics Check to shove Avadon
  5. Dorian (01:15:36): Perception Check to search for mycelium in the walls
  6. Ashton (01:28:42): Athletics Check to navigate down the slide
  7. Imogen (01:36:19): Perception Check to search for an exit to the cavern
  8. Fearne (01:48:13): Persuasion Check to convince the myceit hive mind to accept the Brood Pit
  9. Laudna (01:55:38): Acrobatics or Athletics Check to navigate down the slide
  10. Braius (02:47:51): Poison Pen attack on Exaltant
  11. Chetney (04:03:06): Strength Save with advantage against Imogen’s Whirlwind
  12. Braius (04:13:42): Dexterity Save against Imogen’s Whirlwind

Highest Damage Attack

Braius, 109

Just Some Myceit Noises

A blue audio waveform consisting of multiple sections of higher amplitude connected by spans of near silence.

Top Damage Dealer

Laudna, 189

HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:

Created by Flando Maltrizian, Master of Time(stamps)
Timestamp Description
00:00:50 Protecting Robbie’s info
00:04:00 Liam keeps it Jersey
00:05:40 Intro cinematic
00:08:45 Recap Ends
00:14:10 Two clocks
00:22:55 Dorian 20
00:23:55 Minor Illusion a clipboard
00:27:35 Sam’s shirts come for us all
00:33:30 Classic captive’s gambit
00:35:30 Not on first name basis (bound by the pouch)
00:39:15 Marking the clock
00:40:55 No need to kick her (great timing)
00:42:55 Reilorans are committed to prisoner welfare
00:48:25 A scritch based plan (it’s been nice knowing you)
00:53:45 Pushing Avadons in the hole
01:02:20 How do they breath?
01:03:45 The hole is stuffed
01:08:15 Meeting the myceit
01:18:15 Robbie breaks his chair (buy stuff)
01:26:30 Fearne lubes her cake
01:31:55 Imogen has picmen
01:39:10 Lubing Braius
01:45:45 Talking to the mushroom
01:53:55 Tastes like Pirates of the Caribbean
01:59:00 Splitting the party
02:07:35 I don’t appreciate your tone
02:12:05 Are we there yet?
02:17:15 Prepping for the big fight (mounting up)
02:31:15 Art Montage
02:33:15 BREAK ENDS
02:36:25 Life sized (baby) Trinket
02:38:35 3 rounds to save Liliana
02:39:35 Battle begins
02:48:40 Full moo
02:50:30 Stanley cup reveal
03:01:10 Psychic butler
03:17:05 Just a casual game
03:22:10 Braius doesn’t need Orym (Aeriolis)
03:28:45 Crush will (Ludinus is Mommy)
03:39:30 HDYWTDT (Braius)
03:44:40 HDYWTDT (Laudna) (Second shirt)
03:49:35 Dorian loves his mom
03:53:30 The “WAIT” joke may be one of their oldest
04:00:05 Imogen is coming for Ludinus
04:04:00 HDYWTDT (Chetney)
04:09:30 HDYWTDT (Fearne)
04:18:40 HDYWTDT (Super disintegrate)
04:19:30 Braius swings wide
04:26:00 Dorian finally gets Forcecage to work
04:28:40 AoO on Liliana
04:31:40 Liliana’s tether is gone
04:36:45 Episode Ends
Full time Gameplay time Game 1st half Game 2nd half Mid break 1st start 1st end 2nd start 2nd end
4h 35m 21s 4h 14m 34s 2h 12m 32s 2h 2m 2s 13m 16s 00:07:31 02:20:03 02:33:19 04:35:21
Encounter Total length Start time End time Rounds In game time Notes
Race to save Liliana 1h 59m 1s 02:36:20 04:35:21 3 18s Ends at end of episode as Ludinus spoke on his turn in initiative

Guests were Robbie Daymond.

Map number Map

Total: 12

Name First mention First appearance Race (if given) Description (if given)
Occasional civilians C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 00:18:24 C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 00:18:24 Leaving Kreviris with their belongings, going east
Clusters of soldiers C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 00:24:56 C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 00:24:56 On the streets of Kreviris
Two Reiloran Thought Eaters C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 00:26:26 C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 00:26:26 Reilora Guarding the entryway to the Prime Pillar
Massive armored Reiloran Juggernaut C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 00:26:35 C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 00:26:35 Reilora Guarding the entryway to the Prime Pillar, heavily armored with glass blades. Doesn't like when Braius (in disguise) kicks Fearne (pretending to be a prisoner).
Two patrolling soldiers C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 00:36:50 C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 00:36:50 Walking back and forth near the entryway to the Prime Pillar; approach when the Hells approach
Various soldiers C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 00:37:07 C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 00:37:07 Sitting around and resting, keeping an eye on things
Dozens and dozens of myceit C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 01:07:12 C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 01:07:12 Myceit Initially seen as the reflections of many eyes. The first dozen or so emerge at 1:08:19. A few smear Druidcrafted fruit on their heads.
Myceit hive mind C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 01:33:46 C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 01:33:46 Myceit Fungal film covering 40-50% of the exposed rock in a cavern. First mentioned at 1:32:50 but only revealed to also be moving/sentient at 1:33:46
Four Vanguard Exaltants C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 02:16:18 C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 02:16:18 Wearing Vanguard attire, have reddish-purple jagged marks glowing along up their arms
Fifth concentrating Exaltant C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 02:33:30 C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 02:33:30
Exaltant Knight C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 02:35:53 C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 02:35:53 Has a big glass blade and a psionic bracer/psychic buckler
Second Exaltant Knight C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 02:50:08 C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core at 02:50:08 Has a big glass blade and a psionic bracer/psychic buckler

Total: 2

Timestamp Whisper
01:10:57 Matt to Liam about whether the myceit seem innocent
01:18:24 Matt to Laura about whether the myceit swarming Imogen feels threatening

Total: 3

Timestamp Occasion Type
01:35:10 Planting the All-Minds-Burn seed with the myceit Probability
03:00:04 Saving Liliana (Unannounced roll as prep before break at 02:17:38; rage kicks in on Ashton’s first turn of combat at 03:00:04) Space
04:25:09 Saving Liliana Space

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 936

Character Damage dealt
Ashton 64
Fearne 89
Imogen 177
Laudna 189
Orym 158
Dorian 60
Chetney 65
Braius 134

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 210

Character Damage taken
Ashton 0
Fearne 33
Imogen 38
Laudna 42
Orym 32
Dorian 0
Chetney 20
Braius 45

Total: 84

Character Healing performed
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 61
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 0
Braius 23

Total: 35

Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Braius Locate Object 2 2
Fearne Shield 1 1
Laudna Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Dancing Lights Cantrip Cantrip
Orym Druidcraft Cantrip Cantrip
Orym Druidcraft Cantrip Cantrip
Orym Gust Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Feather Fall 1 1
Imogen Dancing Lights Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Speak with Plants 3 3
Imogen Dancing Lights Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Dancing Lights Cantrip Cantrip
Ashton Pass Without Trace 2 -
Chetney Arcane Eye 4 - via Monocle of True Essence
Laudna Mirror Image 2 2
Dorian Find Greater Steed 4 4
Imogen Jump 1 1
Fearne Scorching Ray 2 3
Laudna Fireball 3 3
Dorian Hypnotic Pattern 3 3
Imogen Whirlwind 7 7
Laudna Hellish Rebuke 1 1
Orym Grasping Vine 4 - via Seedling
Fearne Scorching Ray 2 3
Braius Healing Word 1 1
Laudna Shocking Grasp Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Eldritch Blast Cantrip Cantrip
Dorian Lightning Bolt 3 5
Chetney Misty Step 2 2
Fearne Wall of Fire 4 4
Braius Shining Smite 2 4
Laudna Disintegrate 6 6
Dorian Forcecage 7 7
Imogen Telekinesis 5 5

PC natural 20s

Total: 12

Timestamp Character Description
00:22:55 Orym Perception Check with advantage to anticipate problems and avoid soldiers
00:39:16 Imogen Deception Check with advantage to convince a Thought Eater that Fearne is her prisoner
00:54:08 Ashton Hammer attack with advantage on Avadon
01:01:05 Braius Athletics Check to shove Avadon
01:15:36 Dorian Perception Check to search for mycelium in the walls
01:28:42 Ashton Athletics Check to navigate down the slide
01:36:19 Imogen Perception Check to search for an exit to the cavern
01:48:13 Fearne Persuasion Check to convince the myceit hive mind to accept the Brood Pit
01:55:38 Laudna Acrobatics or Athletics Check to navigate down the slide
02:47:51 Braius Poison Pen attack on Exaltant
04:03:06 Chetney Strength Save with advantage against Imogen’s Whirlwind
04:13:42 Braius Dexterity Save against Imogen’s Whirlwind

PC natural 1s

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
03:54:24 Coriolis Wisdom Save against Exaltant’s Hypnotic Pattern

DM natural 20s

Total: 5

Timestamp Character Description
00:57:48 Avadon Strength Save against Imogen’s Telekinetic Shove
01:01:17 Avadon Athletics Check against Braius’s shove
02:58:35 Exaltant Knight Glass Blade attack on Braius
03:08:54 Exaltant Concentration Save with advantage on psychic dome
03:58:14 Exaltant Knight Concentration Save with advantage on psychic dome

DM natural 1s

Total: 3

Timestamp Character Description
00:59:20 Avadon Claw attack on Fearne
03:04:30 Exaltant Wisdom Save against Dorian’s Hypnotic Pattern
03:50:46 Exaltant Dexterity Save with disadvantage against against Dorian’s Lightning Bolt

Total: 8

Timestamp Character Description
02:48:46 Braius Exaltant, Poison Pen with Divine Smite, Crit
03:07:49 Imogen Laudna’s Hound of Ill Omen, Whirlwind with Quickened Spell
03:39:24 Braius Exaltant Knight, Poison Pen with Divine Smite, HDYWTDT
03:44:42 Laudna Exaltant, Eldritch Blast, HDYWTDT
04:03:59 Chetney Exaltant, Claw, HDYWTDT
04:08:55 Fearne Exaltant, Wall of Fire, HDYWTDT
04:08:55 Fearne Exaltant, Wall of Fire, HDYWTDT
04:18:38 Laudna Exaltant Knight, Disintegrate with Empowered Spell, HDYWTDT

Total: 5

Timestamp Character Description
03:39:24 Braius Exaltant Knight, Poison Pen with Divine Smite
03:44:42 Laudna Exaltant, Eldritch Blast
04:03:59 Chetney Exaltant, Claw
04:09:31 Fearne Exaltant, Wall of Fire
04:18:38 Laudna Exaltant Knight, Disintegrate with Empowered Spell

Total: 8

Timestamp Payer Where obtained Recipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
01:07:49 Imogen Ashton Gifted Brood Pit Brood Pit
01:12:39 - Orym Created Strawberry
01:12:39 Orym Myceit Gifted Strawberry
01:13:44 - Orym Created Blackberry
01:13:44 Orym Myceit Gifted Blackberry
01:34:08 Ashton - Planted Brood Pit
01:39:04 Chetney Braius Used/opened/expended Slickshimmer oil
04:29:14 Imogen - Used/opened/expended Potion of Supreme Healing Healed for 61 points

Total: 1

Timestamp Administered by Administered to Potion Effect
04:29:14 Imogen Liliana Supreme Healing Liliana heals for 61 points

Total: 1

Timestamp Kiss
02:19:11 Orym kisses Dorian on the cheek

Total: 1

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
03:15:03 Laudna Hellish Rebukes an Exaltant that deals her psychic damage because the feeling of having someone hurt her inside her head triggers her Delilah trauma Mention