The Omen Archive

previous episode C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge
next episode C3E116 The Weave Mind

Thumbnail for episode 115. Marisha stands with her arms crossed next to Sam, who is shrugging and giving an easy smile, his head tilted slightly. Marisha looks directly at the viewer with a serious expression. Marisha wears a gauzy black dress with red belt and scissors on a red string around her waist. Sam wears a black suit jacket with black pocket square over a white button-up shirt and button adornment in the shape of a crescent moon. They stand against a colorful backdrop with splashes of greens over white.


4h 22m 30s

Gameplay Start 00:09:19

Break Start 01:30:05

Break End 01:42:53

Sam’s Flask

A comically-large flask covered in black tape with an image of Veth on the front. Above the image is the text “N-O-T-T-O-G-O!”. Below the image is the text “You can take me Nott to go!”. Sam holds the flask, smiling widely.

Total Combat Time

1h 15m 57s

HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:

Created by Flando Maltrizian, Master of Time(stamps)
Timestamp Description
00:00:15 Autotune
00:05:40 Celi-bate
00:07:30 Intro cinematic
00:12:25 Recap Ends (whip it out)
00:16:35 Who is talking to who?
00:18:50 BH is an improv troupe
00:20:00 BH and M9 god talk
00:24:55 Do you want to fight a snowman?
00:28:50 Does it blow your minds to be travelling with Chetney
00:31:20 Ludinus has the same weak point as titans
00:32:30 Dicks out for Ludinus
00:33:35 Gaz is the best
00:35:30 Psychic grappling jet packs
00:37:35 Veth is a slime YouTuber
00:40:10 Veth poisoned Beau
00:44:15 Braius is going down
00:46:30 Blue guy makes a toast
00:48:30 Explaining tea and cheese
00:50:00 Tattoos
00:52:30 Dorian and Caleb
00:54:00 Laudna and Imogen
00:58:10 Veth and Yasha (canonical marriage status)
00:59:55 Yeza is into some wild stuff (we’re really opening up these relationships)
01:02:25 No, we’re gonna keep talking about this
01:06:20 Wedding planning
01:09:45 Chiffon
01:12:20 Aaaand, now we can get going
01:13:35 Do what feels kind
01:15:00 The Raven mask (divine throuple)
01:17:50 Cup reveal
01:20:10 A committed casting of intellect fortress
01:21:05 Dorym confirmation (Braius heart break)
01:22:35 Somehow, Ashton and Fearne are even more romantic (Braius heart break)
01:24:55 Imogen and Caleb
01:25:50 Liliana’s luck runs out
01:40:50 Art Montage
01:42:50 BREAK ENDS (M9 art)
01:49:15 Throwing them off the trail
02:01:10 Sam’s shirt
02:05:00 They finally notice the shirt
02:06:50 Naruto running across a cable
02:14:10 Time trials
02:18:10 It has begin
02:19:55 Veth is Donatello
02:32:05 The boom goes off
02:36:20 The rogues are back in style
02:37:55 Beau dashes over the cable
02:40:05 Shocking grasp
02:42:15 Sam’s flask
02:46:30 Single again
02:54:20 Eagle poops like a human
02:55:35 And this is why I hate random tables
02:58:35 Beetle Caduceus (Beau forfeits)
03:01:45 Map out
03:05:05 Hello Bees!
03:07:55 Battle begins
03:10:20 I’m the Juggernaut (seven to put in you)
03:30:15 Eldritch blasts
03:33:40 Gaz attack
03:35:00 Too dark to hear
03:39:50 I’m a belabor
03:41:15 You’ve got the Gaz
03:43:05 Eagleback
03:49:30 Ashley has to get rid of that dice
03:54:35 I feel good
04:00:25 Do the big one first
04:05:15 Gaz vs. The Blade Baron
04:08:55 Dapping up Gaz
04:13:10 Second fire crotch
04:17:15 How dare Beau drop these ball bearings
04:20:10 Gaz covers the rear
04:22:45 Episode Ends
Full time Gameplay time Game 1st half Game 2nd half Mid break 1st start 1st end 2nd start 2nd end
4h 22m 30s 4h 23s 1h 20m 46s 2h 39m 37s 12m 48s 00:09:19 01:30:05 01:42:53 04:22:30
Encounter Total length Start time End time Rounds In game time Notes
Busting into the Arx Creonum 1h 15m 57s 03:06:19 04:22:16 3 18s

Guests were Robbie Daymond.

Map number Map

Total: 12

Name First mention First appearance Race (if given) Description (if given)
Mounted sentinels C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 01:46:17 C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 01:46:17 Guarding Kreviris. Riding flying Feskuls
Three Reiloran sentinels C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 01:47:56 C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 01:47:56 Reilora Armored. Keeping an eye on the citizens departing Kreviris
Bormodo sentinel C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 01:48:02 C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 01:48:02 Bormodo Armored in slightly-too-small old armor, adorned with some gold-colored rings indicating station. Missing one eye, the socket covered with skin. The other eye is dark. Has droopy cheeks. Keeping an eye on the citizens departing Kreviris
Volition-allied bormodo C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:02:37 C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:02:37 Bormodo Older, female, lets Rashinna and the Mighty Nein into the belfry (She/her)
Demolition team C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:12:54 C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:12:54 A few of them. Masked and hooded, wearing blackened leather armor with a soft hide and patches. Have large pouches containing some kind of glass.
More demolition team members C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:15:05 C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:15:05 Two more demolition team members
Engineers C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:19:25 C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:19:25 Running the grappling hook/cable contraption that will let the Nein climb into the Arx Creonum. One is carrying a small glass orb used as a signaling device.
Soldiers (Arx Creonum) C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:26:09 C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:26:09 Stationed in the battlements of the Arx Creonum
Dead soldiers C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:33:22 C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:33:22 Many guards/soldiers who die when the Volition demolition team sets off an explosion that sheers off parts of the Arx Creonum
More soldiers (Arx Creonum) C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:44:25 C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:44:25 Stationed on the Arx Creonum. Psychically launch glass-tipped spears at the Mighty Nein
Soldiers (ground) C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:52:59 C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 02:52:59 Approaching the Prime Pillar through carved trenches in the ground
More soldiers (Arx Creonum) C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 03:00:58 C3E115 To the Arx Creonum at 03:00:58 Specifically two Juggernauts (3:03:49), an additional Juggernaut (3:21:56), one Blade Baron (3:03:52), two Shrikes with glass cannons (3:04:05), and two riderless Feskuls (3:04:22)

Total: 5

Timestamp Description
01:00:02 Veth and Yeza do all kinds of good stuff
01:03:58 Veth and Yasha’s last conversation before the end of the world
01:06:26 Pink and dark pink
01:16:17 God throuple
01:24:01 Ashton’s portrait

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 390

Character Damage dealt
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 0
Braius 0
Beau 73
Caduceus 0
Caleb 27
Fjord 163
Jester 0
Veth 39
Yasha 88

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 283

Character Damage taken
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 0
Braius 0
Beau 33
Caduceus 12
Caleb 52
Fjord 49
Jester 56
Veth 39
Yasha 42

Total: 9

Character Healing performed
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 0
Braius 0
Beau 0
Caduceus 9
Caleb 0
Fjord 0
Jester 0
Veth 0
Yasha 0

Total: 24

Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
Caleb Dancing Lights Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Dancing Lights Cantrip Cantrip
Fjord Create or Destroy Water 1 1
Imogen Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
Jester Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Caduceus Thamaturgy Cantrip Cantrip
Jester Thamaturgy Cantrip Cantrip
Veth Spider Climb 2 2
Caleb Polymorph 4 4
Fjord Fly 3 3
Jester Death Ward 4 4
Caduceus Death Ward 4 4
Veth Message Cantrip Cantrip
Jester Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Veth Shocking Grasp Cantrip Cantrip
Jester Polymorph 4 4
Jester Darkness 2 2
Fjord Hex 1 1
Fjord Eldritch Blast Cantrip Cantrip
Caduceus Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Jester Guiding Bolt 1 1
Fjord Eldritch Blast Cantrip Cantrip
Caleb Fire Bolt Cantrip Cantrip
Fjord Eldritch Blast Cantrip Cantrip

PC natural 20s

Total: 4

Timestamp Character Description
01:46:45 Beau Deception Check with advantage to remain undercover in Kreviris
03:06:41 Caleb Initiative
04:09:57 Veth Acrobatics Check to jump down and land on a Reiloran Juggernaut
04:19:32 Fjord Eldritch Blast attack on Feskul

PC natural 1s

Total: 5

Timestamp Character Description
02:47:28 Yasha Athletics Check with disadvantage to grab the falling Jester
02:51:02 Yasha Strength Save to grab the harness hook and avoid falling
02:55:45 Caduceus Roll for one segment of the climb up the cable
04:12:43 Beau Fist attack on Reiloran Juggernaut
04:17:16 Jester Acrobatics Check to leap down and join the rest of the party

DM natural 20s

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
03:22:16 Reiloran Juggernaut Roll to jump chasm (nat 20 was needed to succeed)

DM natural 1s

Total: 2

Timestamp Character Description
03:23:15 Reiloran Juggernaut Bone Cestus attack on Yasha
04:20:42 Feskul Claw attack on Gaz Tomo

Total: 4

Timestamp Character Description
04:02:09 Fjord Reiloran Juggernaut, Eldritch Blast with Hex
04:13:16 Caleb Reiloran Juggernaut, Fire Bolt
04:13:46 Beau Reiloran Juggernaut, Belabor with Force Push
04:20:00 Fjord Feskul, Eldritch Blast with Hex

Total: 16

Timestamp Payer Where obtained Recipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
00:37:38 - Veth Crafted purple slime
00:38:00 Veth Gaz Tomo Gifted purple slime
00:45:43 Caduceus Party Gifted tea
00:46:09 Ashton Veth Gifted alcohol
00:51:50 Chetney Braius Crafted RTA tattoo
00:51:56 Jester Caduceus Crafted tattoo
00:52:25 Beau Chetney Used/opened/expended Alcohol poured on "tattoo"
01:11:47 Jester Gaz Tomo Gifted scoop of lavender infused honey
01:16:41 Braius Laudna Gifted Raven Queen mask counterfeit Raven Queen mask counterfeit
01:22:11 - Braius Crafted Portrait of Orym
01:22:45 Caduceus Ashton Stole pouch of mystery mushrooms
01:23:53 - Braius Crafted Portrait of Ashton
02:45:55 Yasha Stole glass tipped spear
03:15:06 Yasha Dropped/threw/placed down glass tipped spear
04:14:19 Beau - Dropped/threw/placed down ball bearings
04:21:50 Jester Gaz Tomo Gifted pot of honey

Total: 5

Timestamp Kiss
00:55:16 Imogen kisses Laudna
00:57:29 Laudna kisses Imogen
01:04:19 Beau kisses Yasha
01:21:31 Orym kisses Dorian
01:22:04 Dorian kisses Orym

Total: 4

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
00:20:38 Caduceus mentions that his family goes back to followers of the Matron (alongside the Wildmother and Arch Heart) In world
00:22:24 The Hells talked to the Matron of Ravens and the Arch Heart about the Predathos situation In world
00:26:22 Fjord says that talking to the Arch Heart and the Matron is pretty rare and incredible In world
01:15:04 Laudna asks Braius for the Matron's mask back because she had a bit of a connection with the Matron. Braius hasn't prayed with the mask yet, so the two do so together In world