C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge

4h 46m 44s
Total Combat Time
3h 54m 21s
Campaign 1 Superlatives (Courtesy of CritRoleStats and the Critical Role Wiki!)
Episodes with Most Combat Time (updated)
- 3h 54m 21s (C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge)
- 3h 26m (C3E101 Downfall: Part Three)
- 2h 55m 44s (C3E061 Crisis of Faith)
- 2h 49m 27s (C3E028 The Deathwish Run)
- 2h 40m 58s (C3E091 True Heroism)
- 2h 25m 38s (C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye)
- 2h 20m 39s (C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras)
- 2h 20m 10s (C3E067 Bloody Flowers)
- 2h 17m 10s (C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions)
- 2h 9m 57s (C3E092 Broken Roads)
HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:
Timestamp | Description |
00:00:25 | Time capsule |
00:05:40 | Laura’s merch corner |
00:08:00 | Wedding at Bernie’s |
00:10:30 | Intro cinematic |
00:12:15 | EPISODE STARTS |
00:13:30 | Recap Ends, map out |
00:21:40 | Gravelly Keyleth and Grande Grog |
00:26:40 | Scanlan asks the big questions |
00:35:50 | Battle begins |
00:37:55 | Early win |
00:45:45 | Friendly fire |
00:53:20 | Scrag |
01:00:40 | Save us Cerkonos |
01:05:50 | Goosh |
01:08:30 | What do your horse eyes see? |
01:12:50 | Sunder King Ozo Cruth (and Carnage and Bone Graver) |
01:18:40 | Shai Hulud (Vorak) |
01:22:55 | Finally Cerkonos |
01:23:50 | Animal facts alert |
01:27:45 | What I Would Like to Do |
01:34:15 | Lots of toys |
01:37:00 | Right where Grog wants to be |
01:39:30 | No handrails |
01:50:50 | Percy supplies his own Fluffernutter |
01:53:30 | Five feet (Here’s What I’m Going to Do) |
02:03:20 | Matt bought all the rocks |
02:04:45 | The Reiloran falls again |
02:17:35 | Lieve’tel’s divine intervention |
02:28:35 | I don’t know that ‘plucking’ is the ideal interaction with such a thing |
02:31:45 | BREAK STARTS |
02:45:05 | Art Montage |
02:47:05 | BREAK ENDS |
02:49:00 | Neigh-O |
02:51:55 | If he has advantage, on average this ability one-shots raging Grog from full |
02:59:05 | Death of Vex |
03:05:45 | Pike’s divine intervention |
03:17:30 | Within 90 feet of that ass |
03:18:45 | Sam’s shirt (throwing the pokeball) |
03:22:20 | Like a surgeon |
03:30:20 | So much teeth |
03:35:05 | Vax returns |
03:38:45 | Trinket takes a ride |
03:49:20 | Grog theme song |
03:51:10 | HDYWTDT |
03:57:25 | The worm gets a snack |
04:00:35 | WWSD (Cerkonos hands out a sick burn) |
04:06:20 | Catching Pike |
04:09:40 | Intimidation poops |
04:15:40 | Dagger, dagger, dagger (and luck) |
04:17:50 | HDYWTDT |
04:23:45 | HDYWTDT |
04:26:40 | Free Scraggy (that’s definitely gonna screw them in Campaign 4) |
04:28:25 | Reunion |
04:37:45 | Vax gets a choice |
04:45:00 | All the kids |
04:47:30 | Episode Ends |
Guests were Robbie Daymond.
Map number | Map |
1 |
Total: 13
Name | First mention | First appearance | Race (if given) | Description (if given) |
Reiloran Thought Eater | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:33:20 | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:33:20 | Reilora | |
Professor Anders | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:34:06 | |||
Enemy soldier | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:38:22 | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:38:22 | ||
Two enemy soldiers | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:38:29 | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:38:29 | ||
Scrag the vidulch | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:52:57 | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:52:57 | Vidulch | Absolutely massive vidulch. Has a saddle for Ozo Cruth to ride in (He/him) |
Reiloran Thought Eater | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:00:18 | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:00:18 | Arrives from the Bloody Bridge during combat | |
Three Reiloran shrikes | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:04:29 | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:04:29 | Reilora | |
Two Vanguard soldiers | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:07:53 | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:07:53 | Cowering in a tent during combat. Young. | |
Vorak the bane worm | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:18:39 | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:18:39 | Bane worm | Ozo Cruth's bane worm. Massive invertebrate with spines along its body and dozens of armlike tendrils in its mouth |
Various combatants | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:31:09 | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:31:09 | Between 1:31:09 and 1:32:27 | |
Additional Reiloran troops | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 02:13:19 | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 02:13:19 | Reilora | Arrive from the Bloody Bridge during combat |
Various reinformcements | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 04:35:20 | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 04:35:20 | Reinforcement troops that arrive at the end of combat, including devils, warriors, mages, leaders, planetars, and celestial messengers and other warriors for the gods | |
Celestial combatant | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 04:35:57 | C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 04:35:57 | Celestial | A hooded, massive, angelic figure with gold skin and a feathered wingspan that stretches 40 feet |
Total: 22
Character | Spell | Base level | Cast at | Notes |
Grog | Enlarge/Reduce | 2 | 2 | |
Lieve'tel | Holy Aura | 8 | 8 | |
Keyleth | Freedom of Movement | 4 | 4 | |
Keyleth | Freedom of Movement | 4 | 4 | |
Scanlan | Dimension Door | 4 | 4 | |
Vex | Lightning Arrow | 3 | 3 | |
Lieve'tel | Freedom of Movement | 4 | 4 | |
Scanlan | Scanlan's Hand | 5 | 6 | |
Cerkonos | Conjure Animals | 3 | 5 | |
Pike | Sunburst | 8 | 8 | |
Keyleth | Earthquake | 8 | 8 | |
Lieve'tel | Healing Word | 1 | 3 | |
Scanlan | Dominate Monster | 8 | 8 | |
Pike | Revivify | 3 | - | Via Divine Intervention |
Pike | Healing Word | 1 | 3 | |
Percy | Hex | 1 | 1 | |
Lieve'tel | Mass Heal | 9 | 9 | |
Scanlan | Lightning Bolt | 3 | 4 | |
Pike | Inflict Wounds | 1 | 7 | |
Scanlan | Counterspell | 3 | 6 | |
Vex | Hunter's Mark | 1 | 1 | |
Keyleth | Transport via Plants | 6 | 6 |
PC natural 20s
Total: 8
Timestamp | Character | Description |
00:18:30 | Lieve’tel | Perception Check on whether the party has been noticed |
00:36:08 | Vex | Fenthras attack on Reiloran Soldier |
00:41:13 | Keyleth | Initiative |
02:10:31 | Keyleth | Dexterity Save against Scrag’s Corroding Spray |
02:23:36 | Grog | Bloodaxe attack on Vorak |
03:37:07 | Vax | Initiative |
03:58:57 | Grog | Dexterity Save with advantage against Vorak’s Bane Spines |
04:11:37 | Vax | Whisper attack on Reiloran Soldier |
DM natural 20s
Total: 7
Timestamp | Character | Description |
01:31:57 | Ruby Vanguard Soldier | Constitution Save against Pike’s Sunburst |
02:52:19 | Ozo Cruth | Carnage attack with advantage on Vex |
02:57:07 | Ozo Cruth | Carnage attack on Vex |
03:14:55 | Reiloran Soldier | Jagged Dart attack on Grog |
03:39:18 | Scrag | Scythe Claw attack on Ozo Cruth |
03:47:11 | Reiloran Shrike | Bone Cestus attack on Grog |
04:10:46 | Reiloran Soldier | Attack with advantage on Vax |
DM natural 1s
Total: 8
Timestamp | Character | Description |
00:38:05 | Vex | Reiloran Soldier, Fenthras with Sneak Attack, Sharpshooter, Explosive Arrow, and Blazing Bowstring, Nat 20 |
01:31:26 | Pike | Ruby Vanguard Soldier, Sunburst |
02:27:02 | Grog | Reiloran Shrike, Bloodaxe with Retaliation |
03:51:11 | Grog | Ozo Cruth, Bloodaxe with Great Weapon Master and Disarming Strike, HDYWTDT |
03:55:24 | Scanlan | Reiloran Thought Eater, Lightning Bolt |
04:00:05 | Cerkonos | Reiloran Shrike, Touch |
04:17:51 | Vax | Reiloran Thought Eater, Dagger, HDYWTDT |
04:23:39 | Vex | Vorak, Fenthras with Sharpshooter and Residuum Arrow, HDYWTDT |
Total: 1
Timestamp | Character | Circumstance | Resurrection | Notes |
02:59:05 | Vex | Ozo Cruth, Sword | Divine Intervention from Pike Trickfoot (C3E114, initiated at 03:05:48, resurrected at 03:07:34) | Associated KO (C3E114 02:58:22) |
Total: 1
Timestamp | Character | Circumstance | Resolution | Notes |
02:58:22 | Vex | Ozo Cruth, Carnage+Frenzied Strike | Dies | Associated Death (C3E114 02:59:05) |
Total: 14
Timestamp | Payer | Where obtained | Recipient | How obtained | Gained item(s)/money | Paid item(s)/money | Notes |
00:33:17 | Vex | Used/opened/expended | Explosive arrow | ||||
00:33:54 | Percy | Used/opened/expended | Professor Anders wind up toy | ||||
00:48:00 | Vex | Used/opened/expended | arrow | used with Lightning Arrow spell | |||
01:55:32 | Vex | Used/opened/expended | arrow | ||||
01:55:54 | Vex | Used/opened/expended | arrow | ||||
02:15:42 | Vex | Dropped/threw/placed down | Death from Above (broom of flying) | ||||
02:30:02 | Scanlan | Retrieved | beacon | ||||
02:48:35 | Scanlan | Lieve'tel | Gifted | beacon | |||
03:18:56 | Percy | Dropped/threw/placed down | Manners | ||||
03:26:10 | Vex | Retrieved | Death from Above (broom of flying) | ||||
03:27:34 | Vex | Used/opened/expended | Explosive arrow | ||||
03:28:28 | Vex | Used/opened/expended | arrow | ||||
04:20:51 | Vex | Used/opened/expended | arrow | ||||
04:22:25 | Vex | Used/opened/expended | Residuum arrow |
Total: 4
Timestamp | Description | Mention type | Notes |
02:17:40 | Lieve’tel speaks to the Matron, using Divine Intervention to ask her to rip the beacon from the tower and deliver it into her hands. (The Matron removes all barriers to taking the beacon, but doesn't relocate it.) | In world | |
04:16:01 | Travis jokes "The Matron giveth, then taketh away" when Vax’s mini falls off the board | Above table | |
04:30:51 | Keyleth asks Vax what would happen to him if the Matron were gone, and he replies that he would not have her go (but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to stay) | In world | |
04:37:35 | Without physically appearing, the Matron touches Vax’s shoulder and tells him to, in this fleeting moment, choose what's important to him. Vax replies that he will serve her in the mortal world. She clarifies that he only has one night | Appearance |