The Omen Archive

previous episode C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key
next episode C3E115 To the Arx Creonum

Thumbnail for episode 114. A group photo of Sam, Taliesin, Travis, Robbie Daymond, Matt, Laura, Liam, Marisha, and Ashley. They make a variety of goofy poses, including Marisha laying sideways in front of the group, Robbie in combat stance with one eyebrow raised, Ashley with her face smushed against her hand, Liam perched on a box labeled “matt”, and Matt leaning forward spookily with his hands resting on an invisible cane. They are dressed in mostly black and blue with a white shirt on Sam and some red accents on Marisha. They are placed against a colorful backdrop with splashes of reds, greens, and blues over white.


4h 46m 44s

Gameplay Start 00:12:19

Break Start 02:31:39

Break End 02:47:06

Total Combat Time

3h 54m 21s

Campaign 1 Superlatives (Courtesy of CritRoleStats and the Critical Role Wiki!)

Most Damage Dealt and Taken

Grog, 10038 and 5646

Most Spells Cast

Keyleth, 644

Most Top Initiatives

Percy, 35

Highest Average Kills per Episode Present

Pike, 1.38 (109 / 79)

Third Fewest Kisses

Scanlan, 8

Most Nat 20s

Vax, 100

Most Nat 1s

Vex, 68

Sam’s Tankard

A comically-large silver beer stein being lifted by Sam to drink. Pasted on the bottom is the text “CENTAUR OF ATTENTION”. Underneath it is an orange biohazard symbol. A yellow label on the open lid reads “CAUTION”. Sam is wearing a pink T-shirt with an image of Matt sporting a goofy smile on it.

HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:

Created by Flando Maltrizian, Master of Time(stamps)
Timestamp Description
00:00:25 Time capsule
00:05:40 Laura’s merch corner
00:08:00 Wedding at Bernie’s
00:10:30 Intro cinematic
00:13:30 Recap Ends, map out
00:21:40 Gravelly Keyleth and Grande Grog
00:26:40 Scanlan asks the big questions
00:35:50 Battle begins
00:37:55 Early win
00:45:45 Friendly fire
00:53:20 Scrag
01:00:40 Save us Cerkonos
01:05:50 Goosh
01:08:30 What do your horse eyes see?
01:12:50 Sunder King Ozo Cruth (and Carnage and Bone Graver)
01:18:40 Shai Hulud (Vorak)
01:22:55 Finally Cerkonos
01:23:50 Animal facts alert
01:27:45 What I Would Like to Do
01:34:15 Lots of toys
01:37:00 Right where Grog wants to be
01:39:30 No handrails
01:50:50 Percy supplies his own Fluffernutter
01:53:30 Five feet (Here’s What I’m Going to Do)
02:03:20 Matt bought all the rocks
02:04:45 The Reiloran falls again
02:17:35 Lieve’tel’s divine intervention
02:28:35 I don’t know that ‘plucking’ is the ideal interaction with such a thing
02:45:05 Art Montage
02:47:05 BREAK ENDS
02:49:00 Neigh-O
02:51:55 If he has advantage, on average this ability one-shots raging Grog from full
02:59:05 Death of Vex
03:05:45 Pike’s divine intervention
03:17:30 Within 90 feet of that ass
03:18:45 Sam’s shirt (throwing the pokeball)
03:22:20 Like a surgeon
03:30:20 So much teeth
03:35:05 Vax returns
03:38:45 Trinket takes a ride
03:49:20 Grog theme song
03:51:10 HDYWTDT
03:57:25 The worm gets a snack
04:00:35 WWSD (Cerkonos hands out a sick burn)
04:06:20 Catching Pike
04:09:40 Intimidation poops
04:15:40 Dagger, dagger, dagger (and luck)
04:17:50 HDYWTDT
04:23:45 HDYWTDT
04:26:40 Free Scraggy (that’s definitely gonna screw them in Campaign 4)
04:28:25 Reunion
04:37:45 Vax gets a choice
04:45:00 All the kids
04:47:30 Episode Ends
Full time Gameplay time Game 1st half Game 2nd half Mid break 1st start 1st end 2nd start 2nd end
4h 46m 44s 4h 18m 58s 2h 19m 20s 1h 59m 38s 15m 27s 00:12:19 02:31:39 02:47:06 04:46:44
Encounter Total length Start time End time Rounds In game time Notes
Vox Machina at the Bloody Bridge 3h 54m 21s 00:33:29 04:27:50 4 24s Starts at call for initiative after Vex’s declared attack; actual rolls do not happen until 00:40:45

Guests were Robbie Daymond.

Map number Map

Total: 13

Name First mention First appearance Race (if given) Description (if given)
Reiloran Thought Eater C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:33:20 C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:33:20 Reilora
Professor Anders C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:34:06
Enemy soldier C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:38:22 C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:38:22
Two enemy soldiers C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:38:29 C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:38:29
Scrag the vidulch C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:52:57 C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 00:52:57 Vidulch Absolutely massive vidulch. Has a saddle for Ozo Cruth to ride in (He/him)
Reiloran Thought Eater C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:00:18 C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:00:18 Arrives from the Bloody Bridge during combat
Three Reiloran shrikes C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:04:29 C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:04:29 Reilora
Two Vanguard soldiers C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:07:53 C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:07:53 Cowering in a tent during combat. Young.
Vorak the bane worm C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:18:39 C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:18:39 Bane worm Ozo Cruth's bane worm. Massive invertebrate with spines along its body and dozens of armlike tendrils in its mouth
Various combatants C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:31:09 C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 01:31:09 Between 1:31:09 and 1:32:27
Additional Reiloran troops C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 02:13:19 C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 02:13:19 Reilora Arrive from the Bloody Bridge during combat
Various reinformcements C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 04:35:20 C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 04:35:20 Reinforcement troops that arrive at the end of combat, including devils, warriors, mages, leaders, planetars, and celestial messengers and other warriors for the gods
Celestial combatant C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 04:35:57 C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge at 04:35:57 Celestial A hooded, massive, angelic figure with gold skin and a feathered wingspan that stretches 40 feet

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 1675

Character Damage dealt
Cerkonos 55
Grog 454
Keyleth 216
Lieve’tel 0
Percy 171
Pike 234
Scanlan 26
Vax 81
Vex 438

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 826

Character Damage taken
Cerkonos 5
Grog 112
Keyleth 76
Lieve’tel 135
Percy 108
Pike 62
Scanlan 72
Vax 24
Vex 232

Total: 134

Character Healing performed
Cerkonos 0
Grog 0
Keyleth 0
Lieve’tel 113
Percy 0
Pike 21
Scanlan 0
Vax 0
Vex 0

Total: 22

Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
Grog Enlarge/Reduce 2 2
Lieve'tel Holy Aura 8 8
Keyleth Freedom of Movement 4 4
Keyleth Freedom of Movement 4 4
Scanlan Dimension Door 4 4
Vex Lightning Arrow 3 3
Lieve'tel Freedom of Movement 4 4
Scanlan Scanlan's Hand 5 6
Cerkonos Conjure Animals 3 5
Pike Sunburst 8 8
Keyleth Earthquake 8 8
Lieve'tel Healing Word 1 3
Scanlan Dominate Monster 8 8
Pike Revivify 3 - Via Divine Intervention
Pike Healing Word 1 3
Percy Hex 1 1
Lieve'tel Mass Heal 9 9
Scanlan Lightning Bolt 3 4
Pike Inflict Wounds 1 7
Scanlan Counterspell 3 6
Vex Hunter's Mark 1 1
Keyleth Transport via Plants 6 6

PC natural 20s

Total: 8

Timestamp Character Description
00:18:30 Lieve’tel Perception Check on whether the party has been noticed
00:36:08 Vex Fenthras attack on Reiloran Soldier
00:41:13 Keyleth Initiative
02:10:31 Keyleth Dexterity Save against Scrag’s Corroding Spray
02:23:36 Grog Bloodaxe attack on Vorak
03:37:07 Vax Initiative
03:58:57 Grog Dexterity Save with advantage against Vorak’s Bane Spines
04:11:37 Vax Whisper attack on Reiloran Soldier

DM natural 20s

Total: 7

Timestamp Character Description
01:31:57 Ruby Vanguard Soldier Constitution Save against Pike’s Sunburst
02:52:19 Ozo Cruth Carnage attack with advantage on Vex
02:57:07 Ozo Cruth Carnage attack on Vex
03:14:55 Reiloran Soldier Jagged Dart attack on Grog
03:39:18 Scrag Scythe Claw attack on Ozo Cruth
03:47:11 Reiloran Shrike Bone Cestus attack on Grog
04:10:46 Reiloran Soldier Attack with advantage on Vax

DM natural 1s

Total: 2

Timestamp Character Description
01:31:01 Scrag Constitution Save against Pike’s Sunburst
02:56:59 Ozo Cruth Carnage attack on Vex

Total: 8

Timestamp Character Description
00:38:05 Vex Reiloran Soldier, Fenthras with Sneak Attack, Sharpshooter, Explosive Arrow, and Blazing Bowstring, Nat 20
01:31:26 Pike Ruby Vanguard Soldier, Sunburst
02:27:02 Grog Reiloran Shrike, Bloodaxe with Retaliation
03:51:11 Grog Ozo Cruth, Bloodaxe with Great Weapon Master and Disarming Strike, HDYWTDT
03:55:24 Scanlan Reiloran Thought Eater, Lightning Bolt
04:00:05 Cerkonos Reiloran Shrike, Touch
04:17:51 Vax Reiloran Thought Eater, Dagger, HDYWTDT
04:23:39 Vex Vorak, Fenthras with Sharpshooter and Residuum Arrow, HDYWTDT

Total: 3

Timestamp Character Description
03:51:11 Grog Ozo Cruth, Bloodaxe with Great Weapon Master and Disarming Strike
04:17:51 Vax Reiloran Thought Eater, Dagger
04:23:39 Vex Vorak, Fenthras with Sharpshooter and Residuum Arrow


Total: 1

Timestamp Character Circumstance Resurrection Notes
02:59:05 Vex Ozo Cruth, Sword Divine Intervention from Pike Trickfoot (C3E114, initiated at 03:05:48, resurrected at 03:07:34) Associated KO (C3E114 02:58:22)


Total: 1

Timestamp Character Circumstance Resolution Notes
02:58:22 Vex Ozo Cruth, Carnage+Frenzied Strike Dies Associated Death (C3E114 02:59:05)

Total: 14

Timestamp Payer Where obtained Recipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
00:33:17 Vex Used/opened/expended Explosive arrow
00:33:54 Percy Used/opened/expended Professor Anders wind up toy
00:48:00 Vex Used/opened/expended arrow used with Lightning Arrow spell
01:55:32 Vex Used/opened/expended arrow
01:55:54 Vex Used/opened/expended arrow
02:15:42 Vex Dropped/threw/placed down Death from Above (broom of flying)
02:30:02 Scanlan Retrieved beacon
02:48:35 Scanlan Lieve'tel Gifted beacon
03:18:56 Percy Dropped/threw/placed down Manners
03:26:10 Vex Retrieved Death from Above (broom of flying)
03:27:34 Vex Used/opened/expended Explosive arrow
03:28:28 Vex Used/opened/expended arrow
04:20:51 Vex Used/opened/expended arrow
04:22:25 Vex Used/opened/expended Residuum arrow

Total: 4

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
02:17:40 Lieve’tel speaks to the Matron, using Divine Intervention to ask her to rip the beacon from the tower and deliver it into her hands. (The Matron removes all barriers to taking the beacon, but doesn't relocate it.) In world
04:16:01 Travis jokes "The Matron giveth, then taketh away" when Vax’s mini falls off the board Above table
04:30:51 Keyleth asks Vax what would happen to him if the Matron were gone, and he replies that he would not have her go (but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to stay) In world
04:37:35 Without physically appearing, the Matron touches Vax’s shoulder and tells him to, in this fleeting moment, choose what's important to him. Vax replies that he will serve her in the mortal world. She clarifies that he only has one night Appearance