The Omen Archive

previous episode C3E112 The Assembling of Legends
next episode C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge

Thumbnail for episode 113. Taliesin and Laura stand close together, Taliesin’s arm around Laura’s waist. Taliesin looks forward seriously, while Laura looks upwards with her mouth slightly open. Taliesin is dressed in a black studded jacket over blue and black button-up shirts, while Laura wears all black with a wide leather belt. They stand against a colorful backdrop with splashes of tans, blues, and greens over white.


5h 4m 58s

Gameplay Start 00:08:13

Break Start 02:43:29

Break End 03:02:16

Battlemap Highlight

A battlemap of a large outdoor space filled with stone walls and parts of buildings. In the center is a tower with a pale white globe at the top. A large brass dragon sits perched overlooking the battlefield. A large, red, insectoid vidulch stands on the ground underneath.

Sam’s Tankard

A comically-large silver beer stein being lifted by Sam to drink. Pasted on the bottom is a human face mask with empty eye holes seemingly made of skin. Underneath it is an orange biohazard symbol. A yellow label on the open lid reads “CAUTION”, and one visible on the side of the stein reads “WARNING”.

Sam Riegel is a paid actor, any resemblance to drinking directly from the tankard is purely coincidental.

Total Combat Time

1h 54m 49s

HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:

Created by Flando Maltrizian, Master of Time(stamps)
Timestamp Description
00:00:20 Don’t wake Sammy
00:03:35 Several people can sing
00:04:50 Laura’s merch corner
00:06:20 Intro cinematic
00:10:15 Recap Ends
00:11:15 What’s the Exandrian equivalent of the Eiffel Tower
00:12:35 Lionel the Duckbarian, Keg, and Kent Plucker
00:15:20 Sam brought coconuts
00:16:30 Scanlan’s bathroom mechanics
00:17:55 Horse stealth
00:20:00 These are the generals of the armies
00:23:40 Grog Crocs (Grog actually is a bootmaker)
00:24:10 Keyleth and the parents (Pike and Scanlan do also have kids, but they’re less cute)
00:26:50 Vex has great ability to give comfort
00:27:40 Old Trinket
00:30:15 No kids
00:31:00 Pike and Scanlan (dating Andy)
00:33:05 Three small beds
00:35:20 Grog is awake
00:36:45 How do centaurs even sleep
00:37:50 Cerkonos is a Scan stan
00:39:45 Chetney doesn’t know how close he was to death
00:44:50 Whitestone’s troops
00:47:20 Cerkonos and Scanlan are broing out
00:53:55 Lieve’tel
00:56:50 Letting Lieve’tel know about her boytoy Bertrand
00:58:40 Cerkonos X Lieve’tel ship launches
01:02:25 Matt’s banner noise
01:02:50 High Hierophant Ophera
01:07:25 On your left
01:09:40 Keyleth’s inspirational leader speech
01:14:30 Grog starts to mosh
01:17:10 Vex is technically the champion of the Dawnfather
01:22:00 Maybe Trinket shouldn’t come
01:24:10 Talking to Trinket
01:24:50 The original cup
01:28:45 Scanlan gives dating advice to Cerkonos
01:31:15 Grog approaches 300HP
01:32:30 Fake Essek checks up on M9
01:35:50 Essek’s jock younger brother
01:38:10 Verin getting autographs
01:43:10 The children and beer will be fine
01:44:05 Grog makes fine leather boots
01:45:45 Percy and Keyleth
01:46:50 Lieve’tel supports the Raven ladies
01:48:15 Cerkonos has game
01:49:50 Xandis is flying the ship
01:53:45 Grog is caped up
02:00:50 Fighting alien wyverns
02:09:20 HDYWTDT
02:15:30 Elemental rescue form
02:22:50 Cape off
02:23:35 Scanlan inspiration (SS Yo)
02:29:20 You have to jump
02:37:25 Cerkonos can fall cancel
NaN:NaN:NaN Art Montage
03:02:15 BREAK ENDS (map out)
03:11:40 Battle begins
03:16:55 Inspiring Cerkonos
03:17:45 Wet Ass Percy
03:22:05 Percy pulls out the cane sword gun
03:25:30 Pass through fire
03:26:50 Zero-G Grog
03:39:30 Sperm swarm
03:45:25 Ashley’s back
03:48:40 Cerkonos supports his bro
03:58:20 Splat
04:00:45 Watch me neigh
04:01:50 Big bugs
04:06:50 I want to bite you with my mandibles
04:10:00 Questions
04:14:10 Boobs of Feral Leaping
04:18:50 Keyleth carpet bombs the battlefield
04:22:35 Friendly fire is never friendly
04:25:30 Opal
04:29:50 Ain’t room on this bug for the two of us
04:44:45 Here to help
04:47:25 Devo’ssa airstrike
04:50:35 HDYWTDT
04:56:05 HDYWTDT
05:02:55 Opal kills the vidulch
05:05:35 Episode Ends
Full time Gameplay time Game 1st half Game 2nd half Mid break 1st start 1st end 2nd start 2nd end
5h 4m 58s 4h 37m 58s 2h 35m 16s 2h 2m 42s 18m 47s 00:08:13 02:43:29 03:02:16 05:04:58
Encounter Total length Start time End time Rounds In game time Notes
Vox Machina enters the Malleus Keep 1h 54m 49s 03:10:09 05:04:58 3 18s Starts with roll for initiative, ends with episode end

Guests were Robbie Daymond.

Map number Map

Total: 38

Name First mention First appearance Race (if given) Description (if given)
Families of Vasselheim C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:42:31 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:42:31 Brought their children out to see soldiers off to war
Army of Syngorn C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:42:53 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:42:53
Five or six Pale Guard plus some rifle corps members C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:45:01 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:45:01 Came with Percy and Vex to Vasselheim
Army of the Stratos Throne C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:49:42 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:49:42
Army of Aeshanadoor C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:49:58 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:49:58
Pa'tice, the Heart of the Mountain C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:52:01 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:52:01 Leader of the Earth Ashari
Earth Ashari soldiers C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:52:02 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:52:02
Leadership of Lyrengorn C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:52:36 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:52:36 Ancient brass dragon
Devo'ssa (Dragon form of J'mon Sa Ord) C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:52:48 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 00:52:48
Three priests of the Dawnfather C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 01:16:52 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 01:16:52
Various Pyrah generals C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 01:18:45 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 01:18:45
Verin Thelysss C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 01:35:42 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 01:36:02 Drow Essek's brother. Dark elf with lavender skin, long white hair tightly braided in the back. Broad shoulders but lithe and tightly muscular. Wears Kryn armor and carries a glaive. (He/him)
Two mages C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 01:49:21 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 01:49:21 Part of Vox Machina's departure troop. Wearing light ceremonial-looking armor. Strapped (seatbelted) to the side of the skyship.
Airship captain C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 02:16:52 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 02:16:52 Captain of the crashing airship
Ten Kryn soldiers C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 02:17:16 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 02:17:16 On crashing airship with Verin Thelyss
Dispel Magic tower operator C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 02:31:49 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 02:31:49 In cockpit, operating the device by turning a polished marble orb
Vanguard member C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 02:37:19 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 02:37:19 Killed by Cerkonos
Operator of golem C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 02:40:44 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 02:40:44
Dozens of soldiers C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 02:43:16 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 02:43:16
Reiloran Juggernaut C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:08:12 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:08:12
Judicator C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:08:14 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:08:14
Group of enemy soldiers C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:14:49 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:14:49
Exandrian soldier C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:17:15 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:17:15
Blade Warden C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:18:20 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:18:20
Additional Ruidian/Vanguard enemies C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:18:23 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:18:23
Enemy with staff C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:18:34 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:18:34
Enemy with shield C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:18:41 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:18:41
Kryn troop of soldiers C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:20:04 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:20:04
Reiloran Thought Eater C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:21:38 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:21:38 Reilora Fights with Percy
Planar Ally/Harbinger C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:34:10 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:34:10 Celestial Looks like a massive three-headed white raven. Uses the stats of a deva.
Weave Mind projection C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:41:24 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:41:24 Ceremonial, armored, high-crested, robe-covered Reilora, massive and ancient and operated remotely
Enemy soldier C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:55:14 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:55:14
Enemy soldiers C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:56:43 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 03:56:43
Vanguard soldiers C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 04:01:26 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 04:01:26
Devils C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 04:25:23 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 04:25:23
Reilora C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 04:29:32 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 04:29:32 Reilora
Reiloran Juggernaut C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 04:30:22 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 04:30:22 Reilora
Divine ally C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 04:44:35 C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key at 04:44:35 Celestial Massive flaming blade, pale golden skin, white hair, white eyes with an angelic energy in them

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 2102

Character Damage dealt
Cerkonos 193
Grog 290
Keyleth 649
Lieve’tel 44
Percy 142
Pike 53
Scanlan 386
Vex 345

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 459

Character Damage taken
Cerkonos 26
Grog 82
Keyleth 148
Lieve’tel 77
Percy 4
Pike 71
Scanlan 51
Vex 0

Total: 6

Character Healing performed
Cerkonos 0
Grog 0
Keyleth 0
Lieve’tel 6
Percy 0
Pike 0
Scanlan 0
Vex 0

Total: 23

Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
Keyleth Transport via Plants 6 6
Vex Speak with Animals 1 1
Keyleth Heroes' Feast 6 6
Lieve'tel Power Word Fortify 7 7
Lieve'tel Death Ward 4 4
Lieve'tel Death Ward 4 4
Lieve'tel Power Word Fortify 7 7
Cerkonos Goodberry 1 1
Vex Hunter's Mark 1 1
Pike Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Lieve'tel Word of Radiance Cantrip Cantrip
Vex Hail of Thorns 1 4
Scanlan Reverse Gravity 7 7
Lieve'tel Planar Ally 6 6
Lieve'tel Toll the Dead Cantrip Cantrip
Pike Guiding Bolt 1 5
Cerkonos Wall of Fire 4 4
Scanlan Thunderwave 1 2
Keyleth Fire Storm 7 - via Spire of Conflux
Lieve'tel Bless 1 1
Pike Guiding Bolt 1 4
Scanlan Lightning Bolt 3 4
Keyleth Call Lightning 3 4

PC natural 20s

Total: 7

Timestamp Character Description
02:33:41 Pike Dexterity Save against Siege Weapon
03:10:27 Vex Initiative
03:10:30 Scanlan Initiative
03:22:24 Percy Briarsbane attack on Reiloran Thought Eater
03:23:12 Percy Wisdom Save with advantage against Reiloran Thought Eater’s Whispering Aura
03:52:32 Vex Fenthras attack with advantage on Dispel Tower
04:08:53 Keyleth Dexterity Save against Vidulch’s Corroding Spray

PC natural 1s

Total: 4

Timestamp Character Description
02:00:06 Scanlan Strength Save to maintain balance on Key Breaker
02:10:58 Keyleth Perception Check over the bow of Key Breaker
04:12:17 Percy Animus attack on Ruby Vanguard Soldier, gun breaks
05:00:17 Lieve’tel d20 roll for Kryn forces

DM natural 20s

Total: 2

Timestamp Character Description
03:50:41 Slither Dexterity Save against Cerkonos’s Wall of Fire
04:07:32 Vidulch Scythe Claw attack on Keyleth

DM natural 1s

Total: 3

Timestamp Character Description
03:40:34 Slither Vice Bite attack on Scanlan
03:40:54 Slither Vice Bite attack on Scanlan
04:48:26 Devil Dexterity Save against Devo’ssa’s Fire Breath

Total: 32

Timestamp Character Description
02:09:21 Grog Ruidian Wyvern, Bloodaxe, HDYWTDT
02:38:05 Cerkonos Ruby Vanguard Soldier, Obsidian Spear
03:28:26 Grog Magic User with Staff, Bloodaxe with Great Weapon Master
03:30:32 Keyleth Reiloran Thought Eater, Touch
03:37:31 Lieve’tel Reiloran Juggernaut, Toll the Dead
03:50:03 Cerkonos Slither, Wall of Fire
03:50:03 Cerkonos Slither, Wall of Fire
03:50:03 Cerkonos Slither, Wall of Fire
03:54:20 Vex Dispel Tower, Fenthras with Sharpshooter
03:57:37 Scanlan Slither, Thunderwave
03:57:37 Scanlan Slither, Thunderwave
03:58:56 Scanlan Enemy, Fall Damage (Reverse Gravity)
03:58:56 Scanlan Enemy, Fall Damage (Reverse Gravity)
03:58:56 Scanlan Enemy, Fall Damage (Reverse Gravity)
03:58:56 Scanlan Enemy, Fall Damage (Reverse Gravity)
03:58:56 Scanlan Enemy, Fall Damage (Reverse Gravity)
03:58:56 Scanlan Enemy, Fall Damage (Reverse Gravity)
04:13:25 Percy Ruby Vanguard Soldier, Animus
04:21:11 Keyleth Enemy, Fire Storm
04:21:11 Keyleth Enemy, Fire Storm
04:21:11 Keyleth Enemy, Fire Storm
04:21:11 Keyleth Enemy, Fire Storm
04:21:11 Keyleth Vanguard Soldier, Fire Storm
04:21:11 Keyleth Vanguard Soldier, Fire Storm
04:21:11 Keyleth Vanguard Soldier, Fire Storm
04:21:11 Keyleth Kryn Soldier, Fire Storm
04:21:11 Keyleth Kryn Soldier, Fire Storm
04:21:11 Keyleth Kryn Soldier, Fire Storm
04:42:18 Vex Enemy, Fenthras with Hunter’s Mark, Sneak Attack, and Sharpshooter
04:50:32 Grog Reiloran Juggernaut, Bloodaxe with Great Weapon Master, HDYWTDT
04:51:37 Grog Enemy, Bloodaxe with Great Weapon Master
04:56:04 Grog Vidulch, Bloodaxe with Sentinel, HDYWTDT

Total: 3

Timestamp Character Description
02:09:21 Grog Ruidian Wyvern, Bloodaxe
04:50:32 Grog Reiloran Juggernaut, Bloodaxe with Great Weapon Master
04:56:04 Grog Vidulch, Bloodaxe with Sentinel

Total: 14

Timestamp Payer Where obtained Recipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
00:22:51 Grog Grog Created Horse booties Leather leg armor
01:44:21 Grog Scanlan Gifted Horse booties
01:48:44 Cerkonos Created Goodberries (10)
01:48:55 Cerkonos Lieve'tel Gifted Goodberries (10)
02:02:01 Vex Used/opened/expended Arrow
02:02:42 Vex Used/opened/expended Arrow
02:17:50 Percy Used/opened/expended Rope
02:22:53 Grog Dropped/threw/placed down Cape
03:12:56 Vex Used/opened/expended Arrow
03:15:01 Vex Used/opened/expended Arrow
03:52:32 Vex Used/opened/expended Arrow
03:54:02 Vex Used/opened/expended Arrow
04:41:33 Vex Used/opened/expended Arrow
04:42:35 Vex Used/opened/expended Arrow

Total: 1

Timestamp Kiss
01:43:12 Vex kisses Percy

Total: 6

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
00:29:13 Vax is still bound by the Matron In world
00:56:17 Raven's Crest means to have a hand in this day of consequence (Lieve’tel is joining Vox Machina) In world (not by name)
00:57:56 The Matron will no longer abide Ludinus abusing her champion In world
00:59:34 The party discusses Lieve’tel’s role in helping release the champion of the Raven Queen; Lieve’tel says the Matron is in her mind, and they will unbreak his bonds and set the Raven free In world
01:13:34 Keyleth sees a raven after giving her hype speech before the armies of Exandria In world (not by name) Implied to be sent by the Matron
01:46:48 The Matron has given Lieve’tel glimpses of Vax In world