The Omen Archive

previous episode C3E110 In the Shadow of War
next episode C3E112 The Assembling of Legends

Thumbnail for episode 111. A group photo of Sam, Liam, Marisha, Travis, Taliesin, Robbie Daymond, Ashley, Matt, and Laura. They are posed with their arms on each other’s shoulders, smiling widely. They are dressed in mostly black and blue with a white shirt on Sam and some red accents on Marisha. They stand against a colorful backdrop with splashes of blues, greens, reds, and oranges over white.


3h 32m 6s

Gameplay Start 00:10:05

Break Start 01:49:44

Break End 02:03:22

Sam’s Shirt

Sam wearing a black T-shirt with an image of Matt zoomed in close to his face printed on the front. Matt is wide-eyed and making a goofy purse-lipped frown. Sam is smiling mischievously.

Table Talk

A pie chart titled “Speaking Time” where each slice represents a player. Liam is labeled “34m 48s, 18%“. Laura is labeled “32m 3s, 17%”. Matt is labeled “25m 34s, 14%”. Taliesin is labeled “21m 3s, 11%”. Marisha is labeled “19m 43s, 10%”. Sam is labeled “17m 34s, 9%”. Travis is labeled “15m 59s, 8%”. Ashley is labeled “12m 45s, 7%”. Robbie is labeled “11m 13s, 6%”. A pie chart titled “Speech Occurrences” where each slice represents a player. Liam is labeled “445, 12%”. Laura is labeled “704, 20%”. Matt is labeled “214, 6%”. Taliesin is labeled “436, 12%”. Marisha is labeled “449, 12%”. Sam is labeled “368, 10%”. Travis is labeled “374, 10%”. Ashley is labeled “427, 12%”. Robbie is labeled “216, 6%”.

(Thank you to the CR Linkable Transcript site! All times are approximate.)

Campaign 2 Superlatives (Courtesy of CritRoleStats!)

Most Damage Taken

Fjord, 3394

Most Nat 20s and Nat 1s

Beau, 126 and 92

Most Fragment of Possibility Uses

Veth/Nott, 6

Most Wisdom Saves

Yasha, 99

Most Kisses

Jester, 19

Most Times Knocked Out

Caleb, 17

Most Healing Given

Caduceus, 5289

HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:

Created by Flando Maltrizian, Master of Time(stamps)
Timestamp Description
00:00:30 Sam deadliest ad yet
00:05:40 Laura’s merch corner
00:08:10 Intro cinematic
00:12:20 Recap Ends
00:15:35 Lots of material to catch up on
00:16:10 Space pirates
00:18:00 Veth has updated her look (also an open? relationship)
00:19:50 Caduceus knows to only talk to Imogen and Orym
00:22:10 The ring was worth the money
00:23:20 My wife and I like your vibe
00:24:30 Braius finds Jester familiar
00:25:55 Beau is on that fitness grindset
00:27:10 M9 just straight up tells Braius what happened
00:32:25 Caleb knows some stuff about Caduceus
00:35:10 Imogen started floating because of Essek (good luck with the Weave Mind)
00:36:50 Caduceus is the only normal one
00:40:35 Laudna/Beau fan
00:42:10 Just Jester and a Goblin
00:43:30 Pocket bacon (constant singing)
00:47:35 Third character reference
00:48:50 An additional layer of conversation
00:51:30 Jester and Braius compare art
00:54:40 Braius’s fiancée Suzy Greene
00:56:25 Messaging Suzy through her underwear (quartertaur with a bootie)
00:59:35 Jester’s message
01:02:30 Suzy is really gross now
01:04:00 Dodge a pepperbox
01:07:00 Jester brought cupcakes
01:08:45 Liam loses the thread (FCG’s body parts)
01:18:55 Sam changes shirts (Riding Braius)
01:24:25 Robbie is Braius
01:28:15 Freaking out on the moon
01:33:20 Sashimi’s daggers (wedding plans)
01:37:20 The staff
01:38:35 Splitting the tables
01:44:40 The Tower
01:48:20 Spectral cat butt (She’s in the walls)
02:01:20 Art Montage
02:03:20 BREAK ENDS
02:06:25 Ode to Joy
02:08:10 The background features not affecting the game in any way? What a surprise
02:10:45 The Alabaster Baby
02:11:20 Sam’s one man show
02:14:20 Jester and Fearne are meant for each other
02:16:45 Caleb’s magic fingers
02:20:20 Liam’s one man show
02:23:30 Ashton gets romantic advice
02:28:45 Jester has disappointed Henry Crabgrass
02:30:00 Fearne’s whole character
02:31:35 Caleb has Scanlan-proofed the Tower
02:32:35 Fjord and Beau
02:38:10 Caleb is a C-popper
02:40:25 Nein Hellz
02:42:55 Caleb has an egg
02:45:50 The inevitable happens
02:48:15 Fearne will not settle for a pity egg
02:48:55 Caduceus and Braius (moo)
02:57:45 Dorian and Fearne end the song
02:59:30 Yasha tries to seal the deal
03:00:30 Thanos Fearne
03:02:10 Yasha forfeits the fight
03:04:30 Caleb takes Imogen and Laudna to the observatory
03:16:05 Afterparty at Taste of Tal’dorei
03:19:00 Hitting Braius with inspiration
03:21:20 Remembering Sprinkle
03:22:50 Sprinkle makes a break for it
03:23:40 Chet goes wild on the shield
03:25:20 Dorian and Orym
03:32:10 Braius wants in
03:32:55 Episode Ends
Full time Gameplay time Game 1st half Game 2nd half Mid break 1st start 1st end 2nd start 2nd end
3h 32m 6s 3h 8m 23s 1h 39m 39s 1h 28m 44s 13m 38s 00:10:05 01:49:44 02:03:22 03:32:06

Guests were Robbie Daymond.

Total: 9

Name First mention First appearance Race (if given) Description (if given)
Sprinkle (Sprinkle & Artagan) C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:12:40 C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:12:47 Weasel, occasionally the vessel for an archfey Frazzled red weasel (Jester mentions at 3:22:16 that it's actually Artie) (He/him)
Luc Brenatto C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:17:32 Halfling Veth's son (He/him)
Yeza Brenatto C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:17:41 Halfling Veth's husband (He/him)
Beth C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:19:19 Girl that Luc is interested in at camp (She/her)
The Traveler (Artagan) C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:27:28 Archfey Jester's "god" ("kind of not quite a god but kind of like a god") (He/him)
Suzy Greene C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:54:54 C3E111 The Nein Hells at 01:00:17 Quartertaur (quarter minotaur) Braius's ex-fiancée. Beautiful, kind, nice, smart, tiny horns, nub tail, wears glasses, has a "big old ass," has a button nose and big dimples and big flat teeth "for grinding" (She/her)
Mollymauk Tealeaf (and Kingsley Tealeaf) C3E111 The Nein Hells at 01:08:00 Tiefling Mention is initially indirect; the Mighty Nein describe a friend they lost (and who came back, sort of) (He/him/any)
Calianna Mordsson C3E111 The Nein Hells at 01:44:10 Half-elf with draconic heritage Gave Caleb the wand he uses to conjure his tower (She/her)
Lucien Tavelle C3E111 The Nein Hells at 02:06:01 Tiefling Beau briefly menttions that Molly came back as a really big bad guy (He/him)

Total: 3

Timestamp Description
00:58:28 Big flat teeth, for grinding
00:59:55 Braius is a shell of a man
02:25:47 She's got BIG boobs

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 14

Character Damage dealt
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 14
Braius 0
Beau 0
Caduceus 0
Caleb 0
Fjord 0
Jester 0
Veth 0
Yasha 0

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 14

Character Damage taken
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 14
Braius 0
Beau 0
Caduceus 0
Caleb 0
Fjord 0
Jester 0
Veth 0
Yasha 0

Total: 0

Character Healing performed
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 0
Braius 0
Beau 0
Caduceus 0
Caleb 0
Fjord 0
Jester 0
Veth 0
Yasha 0

Total: 27

Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
Jester Charm Person 1 1
Caleb Fortune's Favor 2 2
Laudna Silent Image 1 1
Jester Sending 3 3
Jester Sending 3 3
Orym Gust Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Dancing Lights Cantrip Cantrip
Caduceus Light Cantrip Cantrip
Caleb Dancing Lights Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Sending 3 3
Chetney Teleport 7 - Via Staff of Dark Odyssey
Caleb Teleport 7 7
Caduceus Detect Magic 1 1
Caleb Widogast's Nascent Nine-Sided Tower 7 7
Laudna Spider Climb 2 2
Caduceus Heroes' Feast 6 6
Jester Heroes' Feast 6 6
Caleb Mind Blank 8 8
Caleb Mind Blank 8 9
Jester Polymorph 4 4
Caleb Telekinesis 5 - Via Ring of Telekinesis
Imogen Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Identify 1 1
Jester Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Fjord Eldritch Blast Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip

PC natural 20s

Total: 4

Timestamp Character Description
00:30:55 Braius Wisdom Save against Jester’s Charm Person
00:46:47 Dorian Insight Check with advantage against Jester saying the Mighty Nein are “the sneakiest people you’ve ever met”
01:03:55 Jester Deception Check to convince Braius of what Suzy “said”
01:29:08 Orym Perception Check with advantage to listen for giant monsters in the moon cave

PC natural 1s

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
00:18:06 Veth Deception Check to convince Caleb she has an open relationship

Total: 24

Timestamp Payer Where obtained Recipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
00:29:27 Jester Ashton Gifted Pamphlet of the Traveller
00:29:31 Jester Braius Gifted Pamphlet of the Traveller
00:29:32 Jester Fearne Gifted Pamphlet of the Traveller
00:39:48 Caduceus Party Consumed Spicy lentil wraps
00:40:18 Caduceus Party Consumed Carnelion tea
00:43:15 Dorian Chetney Consumed dried meat
00:57:19 Braius Jester Loaned Suzy Greene's underwear Presumably returned but it was never clear so maybe Jester just has them now
01:07:05 Jester Fearne Gifted cupcake
01:07:18 Jester Orym Gifted cupcake
01:32:45 Laudna Caleb Loaned Little glass sculpture of a Reilora dancer
01:32:57 Caleb Laudna Returned Little glass sculpture of a Reilora dancer Liam said he was handing it to Chetney but Travis pointed to Marisha; Chetney has his own Ruidian glass
02:09:55 Caduceus Party Consumed Heroes Feast pastries (moon shaped)
02:09:55 Jester Party Consumed Heroes Feast pastries (heart shaped)
02:26:25 Jester Ashton Gifted copy of the book "Tusk Love"
02:28:40 Jester Ashton Gifted little prayer dick
02:33:23 Beau Fjord Consumed whiskey hot toddy
02:37:35 Beau Fjord Consumed whiskey hot toddy
02:40:37 Caleb Chetney Loaned Wooden Shield
02:44:24 Caleb Chetney Traded wooden dinosaur
02:44:29 Chetney Caleb Traded wooden alligator
02:46:06 Caleb Fearne Loaned C-POP egg
02:48:14 Fearne Caleb Returned C-POP egg
03:13:45 Caleb Imogen Gifted Intuit Charge Intuit Charge
03:13:52 Imogen Laudna Gifted Intuit Charge Intuit Charge
Timestamp Occasion Occasion (actual version)
03:10:15 Laudna calls Imogen capable Caleb Widogast recognizes Imogen’s raw talent, and Laudna chimes in that she is very capable.

Total: 4

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
00:41:04 Caduceus’s family has a bit of a tie to the Matron. In world
00:41:22 The Hells met the Matron of Ravens not too long ago In world
03:14:25 Imogen tells Caleb that the Matron made them fight a vision of what could be, and worries that it reflected reality. In world
03:17:30 The party identifies the Mask of the Matron and the cast either won't or literally can't read the item description out loud Above table

Total: 1

Timestamp Description
02:21:33 Caleb giving advice to Orym