C3E111 The Nein Hells

3h 32m 6s
Some Nein/Hells Highlights
- Chetney helps Caduceus cook
- Fjord and Caleb examine Ashton’s head
- Jester and Braius bond over art
- Veth and Braius dance
- Caleb gives Orym advice
- Laudna is rebuffed by Beau
- Jester feeds Dorian cake while he plays
- Ashton asks Yasha and Jester for help
- Fearne and Jester cause mischief
- Caleb meets his hero
- Fearne attempts to relieve Caleb of his egg
- Caduceus talks about faith with Braius
- Beau and Yasha try to pick up Imogen and Laudna
- Yasha does not forfeit to Braius
- Caleb talks to Imogen and Laudna about the possibilities ahead
HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:
Timestamp | Description |
00:00:30 | Sam deadliest ad yet |
00:05:40 | Laura’s merch corner |
00:08:10 | Intro cinematic |
00:10:00 | EPISODE STARTS |
00:12:20 | Recap Ends |
00:15:35 | Lots of material to catch up on |
00:16:10 | Space pirates |
00:18:00 | Veth has updated her look (also an open? relationship) |
00:19:50 | Caduceus knows to only talk to Imogen and Orym |
00:22:10 | The ring was worth the money |
00:23:20 | My wife and I like your vibe |
00:24:30 | Braius finds Jester familiar |
00:25:55 | Beau is on that fitness grindset |
00:27:10 | M9 just straight up tells Braius what happened |
00:32:25 | Caleb knows some stuff about Caduceus |
00:35:10 | Imogen started floating because of Essek (good luck with the Weave Mind) |
00:36:50 | Caduceus is the only normal one |
00:40:35 | Laudna/Beau fan |
00:42:10 | Just Jester and a Goblin |
00:43:30 | Pocket bacon (constant singing) |
00:47:35 | Third character reference |
00:48:50 | An additional layer of conversation |
00:51:30 | Jester and Braius compare art |
00:54:40 | Braius’s fiancée Suzy Greene |
00:56:25 | Messaging Suzy through her underwear (quartertaur with a bootie) |
00:59:35 | Jester’s message |
01:02:30 | Suzy is really gross now |
01:04:00 | Dodge a pepperbox |
01:07:00 | Jester brought cupcakes |
01:08:45 | Liam loses the thread (FCG’s body parts) |
01:18:55 | Sam changes shirts (Riding Braius) |
01:24:25 | Robbie is Braius |
01:28:15 | Freaking out on the moon |
01:33:20 | Sashimi’s daggers (wedding plans) |
01:37:20 | The staff |
01:38:35 | Splitting the tables |
01:44:40 | The Tower |
01:48:20 | Spectral cat butt (She’s in the walls) |
01:49:55 | BREAK STARTS |
02:01:20 | Art Montage |
02:03:20 | BREAK ENDS |
02:06:25 | Ode to Joy |
02:08:10 | The background features not affecting the game in any way? What a surprise |
02:10:45 | The Alabaster Baby |
02:11:20 | Sam’s one man show |
02:14:20 | Jester and Fearne are meant for each other |
02:16:45 | Caleb’s magic fingers |
02:20:20 | Liam’s one man show |
02:23:30 | Ashton gets romantic advice |
02:28:45 | Jester has disappointed Henry Crabgrass |
02:30:00 | Fearne’s whole character |
02:31:35 | Caleb has Scanlan-proofed the Tower |
02:32:35 | Fjord and Beau |
02:38:10 | Caleb is a C-popper |
02:40:25 | Nein Hellz |
02:42:55 | Caleb has an egg |
02:45:50 | The inevitable happens |
02:48:15 | Fearne will not settle for a pity egg |
02:48:55 | Caduceus and Braius (moo) |
02:57:45 | Dorian and Fearne end the song |
02:59:30 | Yasha tries to seal the deal |
03:00:30 | Thanos Fearne |
03:02:10 | Yasha forfeits the fight |
03:04:30 | Caleb takes Imogen and Laudna to the observatory |
03:16:05 | Afterparty at Taste of Tal’dorei |
03:19:00 | Hitting Braius with inspiration |
03:21:20 | Remembering Sprinkle |
03:22:50 | Sprinkle makes a break for it |
03:23:40 | Chet goes wild on the shield |
03:25:20 | Dorian and Orym |
03:32:10 | Braius wants in |
03:32:55 | Episode Ends |
Guests were Robbie Daymond.
Total: 9
Name | First mention | First appearance | Race (if given) | Description (if given) |
Sprinkle (Sprinkle & Artagan) | C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:12:40 | C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:12:47 | Weasel, occasionally the vessel for an archfey | Frazzled red weasel (Jester mentions at 3:22:16 that it's actually Artie) (He/him) |
Luc Brenatto | C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:17:32 | Halfling | Veth's son (He/him) | |
Yeza Brenatto | C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:17:41 | Halfling | Veth's husband (He/him) | |
Beth | C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:19:19 | Girl that Luc is interested in at camp (She/her) | ||
The Traveler (Artagan) | C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:27:28 | Archfey | Jester's "god" ("kind of not quite a god but kind of like a god") (He/him) | |
Suzy Greene | C3E111 The Nein Hells at 00:54:54 | C3E111 The Nein Hells at 01:00:17 | Quartertaur (quarter minotaur) | Braius's ex-fiancée. Beautiful, kind, nice, smart, tiny horns, nub tail, wears glasses, has a "big old ass," has a button nose and big dimples and big flat teeth "for grinding" (She/her) |
Mollymauk Tealeaf (and Kingsley Tealeaf) | C3E111 The Nein Hells at 01:08:00 | Tiefling | Mention is initially indirect; the Mighty Nein describe a friend they lost (and who came back, sort of) (He/him/any) | |
Calianna Mordsson | C3E111 The Nein Hells at 01:44:10 | Half-elf with draconic heritage | Gave Caleb the wand he uses to conjure his tower (She/her) | |
Lucien Tavelle | C3E111 The Nein Hells at 02:06:01 | Tiefling | Beau briefly menttions that Molly came back as a really big bad guy (He/him) |
Total: 27
Character | Spell | Base level | Cast at | Notes |
Jester | Charm Person | 1 | 1 | |
Caleb | Fortune's Favor | 2 | 2 | |
Laudna | Silent Image | 1 | 1 | |
Jester | Sending | 3 | 3 | |
Jester | Sending | 3 | 3 | |
Orym | Gust | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Dancing Lights | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Caduceus | Light | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Caleb | Dancing Lights | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Sending | 3 | 3 | |
Chetney | Teleport | 7 | - | Via Staff of Dark Odyssey |
Caleb | Teleport | 7 | 7 | |
Caduceus | Detect Magic | 1 | 1 | |
Caleb | Widogast's Nascent Nine-Sided Tower | 7 | 7 | |
Laudna | Spider Climb | 2 | 2 | |
Caduceus | Heroes' Feast | 6 | 6 | |
Jester | Heroes' Feast | 6 | 6 | |
Caleb | Mind Blank | 8 | 8 | |
Caleb | Mind Blank | 8 | 9 | |
Jester | Polymorph | 4 | 4 | |
Caleb | Telekinesis | 5 | - | Via Ring of Telekinesis |
Imogen | Mage Hand | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Mage Hand | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Identify | 1 | 1 | |
Jester | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fjord | Eldritch Blast | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Mage Hand | Cantrip | Cantrip |
PC natural 20s
Total: 4
Timestamp | Character | Description |
00:30:55 | Braius | Wisdom Save against Jester’s Charm Person |
00:46:47 | Dorian | Insight Check with advantage against Jester saying the Mighty Nein are “the sneakiest people you’ve ever met” |
01:03:55 | Jester | Deception Check to convince Braius of what Suzy “said” |
01:29:08 | Orym | Perception Check with advantage to listen for giant monsters in the moon cave |
PC natural 1s
Total: 24
Timestamp | Payer | Where obtained | Recipient | How obtained | Gained item(s)/money | Paid item(s)/money | Notes |
00:29:27 | Jester | Ashton | Gifted | Pamphlet of the Traveller | |||
00:29:31 | Jester | Braius | Gifted | Pamphlet of the Traveller | |||
00:29:32 | Jester | Fearne | Gifted | Pamphlet of the Traveller | |||
00:39:48 | Caduceus | Party | Consumed | Spicy lentil wraps | |||
00:40:18 | Caduceus | Party | Consumed | Carnelion tea | |||
00:43:15 | Dorian | Chetney | Consumed | dried meat | |||
00:57:19 | Braius | Jester | Loaned | Suzy Greene's underwear | Presumably returned but it was never clear so maybe Jester just has them now | ||
01:07:05 | Jester | Fearne | Gifted | cupcake | |||
01:07:18 | Jester | Orym | Gifted | cupcake | |||
01:32:45 | Laudna | Caleb | Loaned | Little glass sculpture of a Reilora dancer | |||
01:32:57 | Caleb | Laudna | Returned | Little glass sculpture of a Reilora dancer | Liam said he was handing it to Chetney but Travis pointed to Marisha; Chetney has his own Ruidian glass | ||
02:09:55 | Caduceus | Party | Consumed | Heroes Feast pastries (moon shaped) | |||
02:09:55 | Jester | Party | Consumed | Heroes Feast pastries (heart shaped) | |||
02:26:25 | Jester | Ashton | Gifted | copy of the book "Tusk Love" | |||
02:28:40 | Jester | Ashton | Gifted | little prayer dick | |||
02:33:23 | Beau | Fjord | Consumed | whiskey hot toddy | |||
02:37:35 | Beau | Fjord | Consumed | whiskey hot toddy | |||
02:40:37 | Caleb | Chetney | Loaned | Wooden Shield | |||
02:44:24 | Caleb | Chetney | Traded | wooden dinosaur | |||
02:44:29 | Chetney | Caleb | Traded | wooden alligator | |||
02:46:06 | Caleb | Fearne | Loaned | C-POP egg | |||
02:48:14 | Fearne | Caleb | Returned | C-POP egg | |||
03:13:45 | Caleb | Imogen | Gifted | Intuit Charge | Intuit Charge | ||
03:13:52 | Imogen | Laudna | Gifted | Intuit Charge | Intuit Charge |
Total: 4
Timestamp | Description | Mention type | Notes |
00:41:04 | Caduceus’s family has a bit of a tie to the Matron. | In world | |
00:41:22 | The Hells met the Matron of Ravens not too long ago | In world | |
03:14:25 | Imogen tells Caleb that the Matron made them fight a vision of what could be, and worries that it reflected reality. | In world | |
03:17:30 | The party identifies the Mask of the Matron and the cast either won't or literally can't read the item description out loud | Above table |