The Omen Archive

previous episode C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye
next episode C3E109 A Test of Fate

Thumbnail for episode 108. Matt looks sidelong at Ashley, who is staring at the viewer wide-eyed, her left hand raised in a grasping position and her right hand pulling at a strap around her neck. Matt wears a black denim jacket over a black T-shirt, and Ashley is dressed in a dark blue jacket with large brass buttons over a frilled black top. They stand against a colorful backdrop with splashes of blues and reds over white.


4h 16m 45s

Gameplay Start 00:08:31

Break Start 01:52:03

Break End 02:09:44

Just Some Gloamglut Noises

A spectrogram ranging from 0 Hz to 5000 Hz. Light blue lines show the rising and falling derived pitch. Darker bars are at the bottom indicating lower frequencies, and a dark vertical bar is at the right side.

Total Modify Memory Attempts

8 (2 successful)

Shortest combats

  1. 1m 56s: C3E108 [Knocking Emissary Cashadoor back out]
  2. 8m 2s: C3E100 [Trapping the Celestial]
  3. 10m 26s: C3E053 [Umudara the Sentinel Beast]
  4. 12m 10s: C3E037 [Ghostly Tendrils]
  5. 13m 21s: C3E027 [Orym and Dusk spar]
  6. 14m 9s: C3E031 [Fresh Cut Grass (Hellcatch Valley Lab)]
  7. 14m 19s: C3E039 [Chetney Under Ruidus (Silver Sun)]
  8. 14m 32s: C3E085 [Mindcontrolled PVP (Ruidus)]
  9. 14m 36s: C3E056 [Flotket Alps Frost Giants]
  10. 14m 44s: C3E095 [Laudna and Ishta]

Sam’s Shirt

Sam wearing a black T-shirt with a photo of Matt printed on it. Matt is wearing a large brown wide-brimmed hat and looking into the middle distance with his mouth slightly open. Sam’s shoulders are raised and he is grimacing.

All Animal Handling Checks in Campaign 3

  1. Chetney, horses at the Rapid Path Stables, 16 [C3E017]
  2. Fearne, rabbit call, 11 [C3E017]
  3. Orym, rabbit call, 5 [C3E017]
  4. Ashton, Trinket and cubs, 14 [C3E036]
  5. Ashton, Eremad, 12 (or Insight) [C3E047]
  6. Fearne, 14, Umudara [C3E053]
  7. FRIDA 22, Deanna 23, FCG 34, Fearne 27, Umudara (or Persuasion) [C3E053]
  8. Deanna, pymon firebugs, 24 (initially Persuasion) [C3E054]
  9. Chetney, 8, Musky the goat [C3E055]
  10. Fearne, 25, goats [C3E056]
  11. Deni$e, 12, bunny for dinner [C3E062]
  12. Bor’Dor, 17, eidolon cougar [C3E062]
  13. Deni$e, hunting, 24 (or survival) [C3E062]
  14. FCG 12, Fearne 19, wuukors [C3E083]
  15. Laudna, nat 20, slither [C3E088]
  16. Whole party, spectral steeds (or Athletics/Acrobatics) [C3E106]
  17. Imogen, 20, Gloamglut [C3E107]
  18. Fearne, 18, Gloamglut [C3E107]
  19. Imogen, 12, Gloamglut [C3E108]
  20. Imogen, 13, Gloamglut [C3E108]
  21. Imogen, 25, Gloamglut [C3E108]

HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:

Created by Flando Maltrizian, Master of Time(stamps)
Timestamp Description
00:00:25 Sam shares some slides
00:02:30 Wait, Sam is based?
00:03:45 Afraid to get wet?
00:04:15 Taylor actually made a supercut
00:06:30 Intro cinematic
00:11:15 Recap Ends (Can’t die from this)
00:16:05 Blessing of the hells
00:25:25 Brainwashing the guards
00:28:15 Melting the guard’s brain
00:40:50 Counting bodies
00:47:05 Whack-a-mole
00:51:45 Staging a play
00:53:10 It’s pronounced geese
00:59:35 Going for the long con
01:01:00 A poorly thought out skit (mo-cap Ludinus)
01:04:40 Aaand… action!
01:07:15 Prepping for act 2
01:09:00 Ashton directs and edits act 2
01:10:30 Act 3 (ruining Donnie Darko)
01:11:10 Capturing the audience
01:15:30 Chetney marks his work
01:16:30 Gloamglut’s back
01:19:45 The moment Matt sees the shirt
01:23:45 Zathuda expires
01:32:20 We’re struggling out here
01:33:55 Monkey noises
01:36:35 Sad Gloamglut
01:43:05 Mounting the beast
01:47:35 Chetney and Orym get whiplash
01:49:45 Driving a horse
01:51:40 Mustachioed Arch Heart
02:07:35 Art Montage
02:09:35 BREAK ENDS
02:11:10 Having a discussion in a dragon’s claws
02:19:05 No dragons were harmed
02:26:00 The Loom it is
02:29:15 Last chance to leave (Nana does some Slaanesh stuff)
02:36:05 Ashton on parents
02:37:25 Doing okay, Matt?
02:37:55 Fearne and Zathuda
02:45:25 Zathuda’s whole plan
02:50:15 Let the painting answer
02:52:35 Itchy nose (lots of Ludinus stuff)
02:58:50 Why the long face?
02:59:40 He only got one shot, did not miss his chance to blow (fey techniques)
03:00:55 I want to know what love is
03:07:00 Laudna and Orym
03:08:45 Ashton and Fearne
03:10:00 Imogen and Dorian
03:12:45 This group has made a film together
03:14:40 It’ll be alright (the most mentally strong fey in existence)
03:23:00 Laudna could be an emissary forever
03:26:15 Convincing the lone survivor
03:27:30 The guard recognized the voice actor
03:29:00 Baned
03:30:45 Save the cheerleader
03:31:45 Coriolis doesn’t know where the Unseelie are
03:33:05 Cleaning the rooms
03:36:15 Considering the Arch Heart’s deal
03:42:20 Orym goes hard
03:56:10 Sleep on it
03:57:05 Dorian puts Orym to sleep
03:58:20 Ashton is working things out at the bar
04:01:05 Braius prays
04:04:10 Braius shoots his shot
04:07:35 Pool party with Bomper
04:09:05 Bonding with Gloamglut
04:13:55 Ashton and Fearne are very cute
04:17:30 Episode Ends
Full time Gameplay time Game 1st half Game 2nd half Mid break 1st start 1st end 2nd start 2nd end
4h 16m 45s 3h 50m 33s 1h 43m 32s 2h 7m 1s 17m 41s 00:08:31 01:52:03 02:09:44 04:16:45
Encounter Total length Start time End time Rounds In game time Notes
Knocking Emissary Cashadoor back out 1m 56s 00:35:55 00:37:51 1 6s
Chasing Zathuda, Calming Gloamglut 32m 48s 01:12:55 01:45:43 2 12s Ends with Matt saying "We are out of initiative"

Guests were Robbie Daymond.

Map number Map

Total: 1

Timestamp Occasion Type
00:33:01 Knocking out an Unseelie guard Gravity

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 143

Character Damage dealt
Ashton 68
Fearne 9
Imogen 49
Laudna 0
Orym 2
Dorian 0
Chetney 15
Braius 0

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 15

Character Damage taken
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 15
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 0
Braius 0

Total: 158

Character Healing performed
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 128
Chetney 0
Braius 30

Total: 36

Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
Dorian Mass Cure Wounds 5 5 Healed full party for 16 pts each
Chetney Bane 1 1
Imogen Psychic Lance 4 7
Fearne Thorn Whip Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Sending 3 3
Imogen Sending 3 3
Braius Spare the Dying Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Spirit of Death 4 4 Marisha initially said level 5 but corrected to level 4 when Matt asked about the spell
Laudna Bane 1 1
Laudna Bane 1 1
Braius Disguise Self 1 1
Braius Disguise Self 1 1
Dorian Cure Wounds 1 1 On emissary, unknown amount
Imogen Misty Step 2 2
Braius Misty Step 2 2
Laudna Silvery Barbs 1 -
Laudna Ray of Frost Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Ray of Frost Cantrip Cantrip Metamagic (quickened spell)
Imogen Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Message Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Sending 3 4
Laudna Message Cantrip Cantrip
Dorian Find Greater Steed 4 4
Laudna Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip On Imogen
Fearne Primal Savagery Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Bane 1 1
Laudna Bane 1 1
Laudna Bane 1 1
Laudna Silvery Barbs 1 1
Laudna Silvery Barbs 1 2
Laudna Silvery Barbs 1 1
Laudna Bane 1 3
Dorian Geas 5 5
Laudna Silvery Barbs 1 1
Laudna Find Familiar 1 1

PC natural 20s

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
00:33:33 Ashton Hammer attack on Unseelie Guard

DM natural 20s

Total: 2

Timestamp Character Description
00:55:36 Cashadoor Charisma Save against Laudna’s Bane
00:56:19 Zathuda Charisma Save against Laudna’s Bane

Total: 3

Timestamp Character Description
00:28:23 Imogen Unseelie Guard, Psychic Lance
01:23:46 Orym Zathuda, Death Save failure
03:22:10 Morrigan Cashadoor, turned into a bush

Total: 6

Timestamp Payer Where obtained Recipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
01:01:29 Imogen Chetney Gifted Staff of Dark Odyssey
02:23:16 Imogen Loaned Brass bracelet with a finger bone laid in the center of it that casts Speak With Dead twice per day Loaned to Nana Morri
02:23:33 Imogen Retrieved Brass bracelet with a finger bone laid in the center of it that casts Speak With Dead twice per day
02:33:52 Ashton Gifted Nail from ear Given to Morri to hang Zathuda
02:34:39 Braius Gifted Portrait of Fearne Hung up at Nana Morri's
03:58:13 Laudna Retrieved A tray of creepy froggy mai tais
Timestamp Occasion Occasion (actual version)
03:46:40 Laudna calls Imogen capable Laudna responds to Imogen saying that she isn't more powerful than the other Exaltants on Ruidus

Total: 5

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
03:39:03 Laudna mentions that the Arch Heart sort of alluded that the Matron was the other god with an opinion similar to his In world
03:49:21 Imogen says that maybe the party needs to speak to the Matron In world
03:50:02 Fearne says Nana Morri could reach out to the Matron In world
03:53:41 Imogen wonders if they're being manipulated to want to speak to the Matron In world
03:54:12 Imogen asks if the Matron can see the future. Laudna guesses that she can see versions. If she can, did she know her champion would get orbed? In world