C3E103 Cages

3h 45m 52s
Laudna’s “Capables” to Date
25 (see our new capables page)
Total Mentions of Delilah
131 (see our new Delilah mentions page)
Total Members of Vox Machina Encountered
6 (we’re short one)
HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:
Timestamp | Description |
00:00:45 | Shooting Sam’s cancer |
00:07:15 | Stories Untold |
00:09:25 | Intro cinematic |
00:11:15 | EPISODE STARTS |
00:14:15 | Recap Ends |
00:21:40 | Just two bros gassing each other up |
00:23:30 | Just like my dad |
00:25:50 | Braius is helping |
00:28:05 | Canonically, one poop per month |
00:29:00 | We did it |
00:31:00 | Dr. Chetters |
00:32:10 | Verbal Component: say ‘can I have cast Guidance?’ |
00:33:40 | Veth’s anesthetic |
00:36:10 | I guess a dog comes out of my chest |
00:38:25 | Contaminating the surgical theater |
00:41:30 | The surgery |
00:45:20 | Ashton wields his rage |
00:47:30 | Orym supports Laudna |
00:52:30 | Laudna is in the sunken place |
00:53:25 | Imogen goes to fight Delilah |
00:56:00 | Laudna fights back |
01:00:40 | She’s yours |
01:02:40 | Unfortunately, Pâté still works |
01:05:05 | Glowing chest (and glowing other things) |
01:06:30 | Bony Stark |
01:10:40 | Chetters signs his masterpiece |
01:12:40 | Are we going out tonight? |
01:14:20 | Essek should invite his friends (Caleb’s liquor cabinet) |
01:17:15 | WTFIUWY (Braius backstory) |
01:20:25 | Callback to C2E31 (honestly, this was a genuine desecration of a temple. Pretty bad stuff) |
01:24:15 | The one true god |
01:25:45 | Braius is always honest |
01:27:00 | The cup message |
01:28:30 | Two kinds of people |
01:31:10 | Top 3 people |
01:33:05 | Sam is trying to figure out base 6 in his head |
01:33:50 | Too many people watching Imogen and Laudna |
01:34:50 | We’re assuming Essek is a war criminal |
01:41:05 | Orym is taking up the flat Exandria mantle |
01:45:00 | Alt gods (great idea Sam, start beef with Taylor Swift) |
01:46:40 | Essek is straight edge, confirmed |
01:48:00 | Spin the bottle (7 minutes in Hell) |
01:48:45 | Sam doesn’t know Braius’s backstory |
01:50:35 | Figuring out how the pipe works (Laudna bong) |
01:52:40 | Stanley the cup |
01:55:00 | Braius has never talked to Asmodeus |
02:00:00 | Top 6 dens (The Hells are a state of mind) |
02:01:50 | Party portrait |
02:04:05 | Braius would do great in the art market |
02:06:30 | BREAK STARTS |
02:16:55 | Art Montage |
02:18:55 | BREAK ENDS (they know Matt’s tricks) |
02:21:00 | The cloak wears Chetney |
02:24:25 | Rock out with your Vrock out |
02:25:35 | Matt, could you describe Chetney’s bulge? |
02:26:45 | Imogen got bored |
02:29:35 | Chetney is a water balloon |
02:34:45 | Amulet of Cursed Life |
02:39:25 | Messaging Caleb |
02:41:00 | Looking at Ashton’s head |
02:48:20 | Nickelback Seth |
02:49:45 | Something bad happened at the camp |
02:55:00 | It’s Vasseltime |
03:05:15 | Bell’s Hells are impolite |
03:06:25 | Also you’re looking stunning today |
03:09:15 | The Titan |
03:20:00 | Vasselheim has catacombs, that’s another built-in dungeon |
03:32:35 | Apples |
03:35:30 | Bye, Essek (heartbreaker) |
03:38:45 | Grand Poobah de Doink Grog Strongjaw |
03:42:50 | Everyone is here |
03:47:15 | Episode Ends |
Guests were Robbie Daymond.
Total: 15
Name | First mention | First appearance | Race (if given) | Description (if given) |
Highbearer of the Platinum Sanctuary | C3E043 Axiom Shaken at 02:52:22 | C3E103 Cages at 03:42:38 | Elf | Wearing long silver and blue robes and sitting on the highest of the thrones in the Platinum Sanctuary |
Grog Strongjaw (Confirmed in Campaign 1) | C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes at 01:44:58 | C3E103 Cages at 03:38:43 | Half-Giant | Incredibly muscular, older, tattooed body, with a massive black grey-streaked beard (he/him) |
Lady Kima of Vord | C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal at 01:05:14 | C3E103 Cages at 03:44:58 | Halfling | Wife of Allura (she/her) |
Nott the Brave (Veth Brenatto) | C3E103 Cages at 01:21:03 | Goblin | "A horrible goblin" who attacked Braius's Platinum Dragon temple alongside a "nightmarish tiefling" (She/her) | |
Braius's family | C3E103 Cages at 01:23:38 | Former (?) devotees of the Platinum Dragon who were disgraced by Braius's failure to protect their temple and no longer speak to him | ||
Stanley | C3E103 Cages at 01:50:18 | C3E103 Cages at 01:52:46 | Human | Devotee of the Dawnfather who betrayed Braius and who Braius skinned and turned into a cup (He/him) |
Vasselheim bastions/guards | C3E103 Cages at 03:05:33 | C3E103 Cages at 03:05:33 | Guarding the city gates | |
More Vasselhiem bastions/guards | C3E103 Cages at 03:19:33 | C3E103 Cages at 03:19:33 | Guarding pits of burned undead | |
Seven or eight more Vasselheim bastions | C3E103 Cages at 03:27:41 | C3E103 Cages at 03:27:41 | Guarding the Platinum Sanctuary | |
Ophera, the High Hierophant of the Wildmother | C3E103 Cages at 03:43:17 | C3E103 Cages at 03:43:17 | Half-elf | Incredibly dressed with a massive cluster of white and golden hair that falls past her shoulders, wearing abundant, leaf-covered robes and sitting on a throne that, iconography wise, resembles the Wildmother. |
Lieve'tel Toluse and the other two members of the Coven of the Veil | C3E103 Cages at 03:44:00 | C3E103 Cages at 03:44:00 | Three women in dark black veils that cover their faces and robes, sitting as a trio. High wardens of the Duskmaven. Lieve'tel's identity confirmed in C3E109 at 1:02:24. (She/her) | |
J'mon Sa Ord, the Soul of the Jeweled City | C3E103 Cages at 03:44:10 | C3E103 Cages at 03:44:10 | A very tall, genderfluid looking figure, with darker skin, long black hair, and simple attire with eyes that burn like coals (They/them) | |
Leylas Kryn, the Bright Queen | C3E103 Cages at 03:44:23 | C3E103 Cages at 03:44:23 | A figure dressed in white and silver intricate robes with shoulder armor that curls upward at the edges and a crow that has three ibex-like horns curving back behind (She/her) | |
Figure accompanying the Bright Queen | C3E103 Cages at 03:44:38 | C3E103 Cages at 03:44:38 | Drow | Darker lavender skin |
Guards accompanything the Bright Queen | C3E103 Cages at 03:44:38 | C3E103 Cages at 03:44:38 | Wearing chitinous-like, insectoid dark metal armor |
Total: 1
Timestamp | Occasion | Type |
00:45:34 | Delilah containment ritual | Probability |
Total: 13
Character | Spell | Base level | Cast at | Notes |
Fearne | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Mage Hand | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Fearne | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Orym | Hex | 1 | 1 | |
Fearne | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Detect Thoughts | 2 | 2 | |
Fearne | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Laudna | Find Familiar | 1 | 1 | |
Fearne | Guidance | Cantrip | Cantrip | |
Imogen | Mage Armor | 1 | 1 | |
Imogen | Sending | 3 | 3 | |
Ashton | Pass Without Trace | 2 | 2 | |
Imogen | Sending | 3 | 3 |
Total: 8
Timestamp | Payer | Where obtained | Recipient | How obtained | Gained item(s)/money | Paid item(s)/money | Notes |
00:22:19 | Dorian | Loaned | Soul anchor | Was in Essek's possession, placed on laboratory table | |||
00:22:54 | Dorian | Loaned | elongated brass instrument with a coil around it, runic text, and a spectral chisel. | From Essek | |||
00:28:38 | Dorian | Returned | Soul anchor | Left on laboratory table | |||
00:39:17 | Chetney | Soul anchor | |||||
00:44:15 | Chetney | Laudna | Gifted | Soul anchor | |||
01:16:16 | Party | Gifted | Lionett wine and brackish liquor | ||||
01:50:30 | Laudna | Braius | Loaned | Pipe of Remembrance | |||
02:47:08 | Ashton | Gifted | small black marble |
Total: 4
Timestamp | Description | Mention type | Notes |
00:15:43 | Laudna is terrified of who she'll be without Delilah; the ritual is discussed and begun | Mention | |
00:41:05 | Delilah doesn't like what is happening | Appearance (voice only) | |
00:52:46 | Delilah strangles Laudna, then Laudna and Imogen fight back | Appearance | |
01:00:55 | "She's there. But she's yours." | Mention |
Total: 5
Timestamp | Description | Mention type | Notes |
01:32:56 | Chetney mentions the group's prior vision of the Matron | In world | |
03:15:20 | Orym (via Matt) shares the story of Vecna's ascension using the Matron's stolen rites (and of how Vecna was sealed away) | In world | |
03:18:01 | Matt compares the architecture of the Duskmeadow to the temple where the previous vision of the Matron occurred | Above table | |
03:20:30 | Imogen says the Matron must have been pissed off by the dead awakening in the Vasselheim catacombs | In world | |
03:43:51 | Matt introduces the three representatives of the Matron at the Exandrian Accord | In world |