The Omen Archive

Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see Dorian - Dropbox for their information specific to Dorian or Bells Hells Campaign Stats — CritRoleStats for their version of all other data contained on this page.

Dorian, class Bard level 15, with 17 AC, 138 HP, 17 strength, 18 dexterity, 17 constitution, 12 intelligence, 9 wisdom, and 16 charisma. An air-genasi with light blue skin, piercing blue eyes, pointy ears, and hair which shifts color from black to blue. Holding a thin blade with a double-circle guard over his right shoulder. Wearing a sheer blue top fully open down the middle, a blue cape with gold triangle accents around the collar and a purple gradient on the inside, and a golden winged left shoulder piece and winged belt buckle. A necklace with two blue gems hangs around his neck.
Art by Hannah Friederichs
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Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 13

Level 14

Level 15

Level 17

This data for Dorian is also available in Google Sheets.

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Episode Leveled
Proficiency Bonus
Bardic Inspiration
Song of Rest
Cantrips Known
Spells Known
Spell Slots
New Proficiencies
Other New Bard Features and Traits
Air Genasi Features and Traits
Other Features and Traits

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 9 (-1)

CHA 16 (+3)

3 (including Shocking Grasp from Mingle with the Wind)
7 (including Feather Fall from Mingle with the Wind, 1x/long rest)

LANGUAGES: Common, Primordial, Marquesian

SKILLS: Athletics (Expertise), Acrobatics, Deception, Performance (Expertise), Persuasion, Slight of Hand

SAVING THROWS: Dexterity, Charisma

TOOLS: Lute, Flute

Ritual Caster

Jack of All Trades

Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting (from College of Swords subclass)

Blade Flourish (from subclass)

Unending Breath

Mingle with the Wind

Lightning Resistance

Limited Blindsight (homebrew in ExU, not clear if also extant for C3)
Dorian's background is Entertainer. This is mentioned by Robbie in C3E110.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 9 (-1)

CHA 16 (+3)

FEAT: Magic Initiate - Sorcerer (Chromatic Orb, two cantrips)
32 (+8)
6 (+2 from Magic Initiate)

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 9 (-1)

CHA 16 (+3)

42 (+10)
10 (including Levitate from Mingle with the Wind, 1x/long rest)
Font of Inspiration
ExU Kymal

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 9 (-1)

CHA 16 (+3)

51 (+9)
Not seen

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 9 (-1)

CHA 16 (+3)

Not seen
Unknown (+2 to DEX either here, at level 12, or across both due to feats)
Not seen
Skills: Gain expertise in two unknown skills
Not seen
18 (+2 from level up, +2 from Magical Secrets)
Magical Secrets
Not seen
Not seen

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 9 (-1)

CHA 16 (+3)

Unknown (+2 to DEX either here, at level 8, or across both due to feats)

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 9 (-1)

CHA 16 (+3)

17 (+1 from DEX, +1 from unknown)

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 9 (-1)

CHA 16 (+3)

123/128 (+11, with an additional +5 from absorbing the Harp of Valor in C3E109)
Permanent advantage on Performance checks as of C3E109 from absorbing the Harp of Valor

Master's Flourish (from subclass)

Magical Secrets


STR 17 (+3)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 9 (-1)

CHA 16 (+3)

138 (+10)
16 (temporary)

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 9 (-1)

CHA 17 (+3)

+1 to CON

+1 to CHA

See Level 17
Part of a temporary two-level boost granted by the Matron of Ravens during the fight against Predathos
17 (temporary)

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 9 (-1)

CHA 17 (+3)

176 (+38)
Part of a temporary two-level boost granted by the Matron of Ravens during the fight against Predathos

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 637

Average per episode present: 16.76

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 695

Average per episode present: 18.29

Total: 90

Episode Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny Dorian Bardic Inspiration - - Fearne
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Dorian Cure Wounds 1 2 Orym heals 8 points
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Dorian Invisibility 2 2 Orym
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll Dorian Cure Wounds 1 1 Laudna heals 9 points
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll Dorian Cure Wounds 1 1 Orym heals 7 points
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer Dorian Cure Wounds 1 1
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer Dorian Charm Person 1 1
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Dorian Thunderwave 1 1
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Dorian Cure Wounds 1 1
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Dorian Bardic Inspiration - - Fresh Cut Grass
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Dorian Charm Person 1 1
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Dorian Bardic Inspiration - - Fresh Cut Grass
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Dorian Cure Wounds 1 2 Dorian heals 11 points
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Dorian Chromatic Orb 1 1
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot Dorian Invisibility 2 2 Chetney
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates Dorian Levitate 1 - Mingle with the Wind
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Dorian Shatter 2 2
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Dorian Dissonant Whispers 1 1
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Dorian Bardic Inspiration - - Imogen
C3E014 In Too Deep Dorian Cure Wounds 1 2 Ashton heals 10 points
C3E014 In Too Deep Dorian Minor Illusion Cantrip Cantrip
C3E014 In Too Deep Dorian Dissonant Whispers 1 1
C3E014 In Too Deep Dorian Charm Person 1 1
C3E014 In Too Deep Dorian Invisibility 2 2 Cyrus
C3E014 In Too Deep Dorian Levitate 1 - Mingle with the Wind
C3E092 Broken Roads Dorian Bardic Inspiration - -
C3E092 Broken Roads Dorian Dispel Magic 3 3
C3E092 Broken Roads Dorian Bardic Inspiration - -
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions Dorian Chromatic Orb 1 1 Thunder
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions Dorian Geas 5 7
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions Dorian Invisibility 2 2
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows Dorian Cure Wounds 1 2 Casting level not stated but Dorian's spellcasting modifier is +8 and since it was 17 points of healing, it must be at least level 2
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows Dorian Message Cantrip Cantrip Spell name not stated but Dorian used copper material component to speak to Keyleth telepathically
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows Dorian Invisibility 2 2
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows Dorian Forcecage 7 7
C3E095 Gathering of Needs Dorian Fly 3 3 Cast on Chetney
C3E096 Shadows New and Old Dorian Cure Wounds 1 2 Casting level not stated but Dorian's spellcasting modifier is +8 and since it was 19 points of healing, it must be at least level 2
C3E097 Ancient Sins Dorian Lightning Bolt 3 5
C3E097 Ancient Sins Dorian Motivational Speech 3 4
C3E097 Ancient Sins Dorian See Invisibility 2 2
C3E097 Ancient Sins Dorian Motivational Speech 3 3
C3E098 The Nox Engine Dorian Cure Wounds 1 3 on Braius, healed for 24 hp
C3E098 The Nox Engine Dorian Shatter 2 2
C3E098 The Nox Engine Dorian Otto's Irresistable Dance 6 6
C3E102 Reconciliation Dorian Invisibility 2 - Cast via Mandolin
C3E102 Reconciliation Dorian Cure Wounds 1 - Healed Orym for 20 points; Cast via Mandolin
C3E102 Reconciliation Dorian Dimension Door 4 4
C3E105 Collecting Legends Dorian See Invisibility 2 2
C3E105 Collecting Legends Dorian Find Greater Steed 4 4
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted Dorian Gust Cantrip Cantrip
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted Dorian Invisibility 2 2
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted Dorian Charm Monster 4 4
C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye Dorian Forcecage 7 7
C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye Dorian Dimension Door 4 4
C3E108 Looming Dorian Mass Cure Wounds 5 5 Healed full party for 16 pts each
C3E108 Looming Dorian Cure Wounds 1 1 On emissary, unknown amount
C3E108 Looming Dorian Find Greater Steed 4 4
C3E108 Looming Dorian Geas 5 5
C3E109 A Test of Fate Dorian Thunderwave 1 1
C3E110 In the Shadow of War Dorian Find Greater Steed 4 4
C3E110 In the Shadow of War Dorian Charm Person 1 1
C3E112 The Assembling of Legends Dorian Warding Wind 2 2
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core Dorian Find Greater Steed 4 4
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core Dorian Hypnotic Pattern 3 3
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core Dorian Lightning Bolt 3 5
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core Dorian Forcecage 7 7
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage Dorian Message Cantrip Cantrip To Imogen
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage Dorian Dimension Door 4 4
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage Dorian Lightning Bolt 3 5
C3E119 Predathos Awakened Dorian Shatter 2 3
C3E119 Predathos Awakened Dorian Booming Blade Cantrip Cantrip
C3E119 Predathos Awakened Dorian Booming Blade Cantrip Cantrip
C3E119 Predathos Awakened Dorian Shatter 2 4
C3E119 Predathos Awakened Dorian Cone of Cold 5 6
C3E119 Predathos Awakened Dorian Chromatic Orb 1 1
C3E120 The Red End Dorian Foresight 9 9
C3E120 The Red End Dorian Mass Cure Wounds 5 5
C3E120 The Red End Dorian Crown of Stars 7 8
C3E120 The Red End Dorian Healing Word 1 4 Ashton healed for 29 points
C3E120 The Red End Dorian Healing Word 1 3 Ashton healed for 20 points
C3E120 The Red End Dorian Mass Cure Wounds 5 7 Ashton, Laudna, Fearne, Braius, Orym, and Imogen heal for 29 points
C3E120 The Red End Dorian Cure Wounds 1 3 amount not announced; via Mandolin
C3E120 The Red End Dorian Cure Wounds 1 3 Chetney healed for 23 points; via Mandolin
C3E120 The Red End Dorian Cure Wounds 1 3 Fearne healed for 16 points; via Mandolin
C3E120 The Red End Dorian Cure Wounds 1 3 Braius healed for 13 points; via Mandolin
C3E120 The Red End Dorian Cure Wounds 1 3 Dorian healed for 21 points; via Mandolin
C3E121 A New Age Begins Dorian Thunderclap Cantrip Cantrip
C3E121 A New Age Begins Dorian Gust Cantrip Cantrip
C3E121 A New Age Begins Dorian Invisibility 2 2
C3E121 A New Age Begins Dorian Cure Wounds 1 1

PC natural 20s

Total: 17

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 01:34:07 Dorian History Check
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 01:41:58 Dorian Initiative
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 02:59:18 Dorian Stealth Check
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 03:57:57 Dorian Stealth Check
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads 02:17:03 Dorian Performance Check with advantage (disregarded)
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads 02:17:17 Dorian Performance Check with advantage
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 03:17:42 Dorian Chromatic Orb against Spitting Mimic
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 01:38:35 Dorian Death Save
C3E014 In Too Deep 03:56:16 Dorian Persuasion Check with advantage
C3E105 Collecting Legends 00:59:44 Dorian Charisma Save against Athudashionus’s Zone of Truth
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 02:56:28 Dorian Perception Check on the Unseelie guards
C3E111 The Nein Hells 00:46:47 Dorian Insight Check with advantage against Jester saying the Mighty Nein are “the sneakiest people you’ve ever met”
C3E117 Race to the Ruidian Core 01:15:36 Dorian Perception Check to search for mycelium in the walls
C3E120 The Red End 01:33:29 Dorian Dexterity Save with advantage against Predathos Head’s Shriek of Oblivion
C3E120 The Red End 02:07:01 Dorian Constitution Save with advantage against Predathos Head’s Screech of the Ravaged Mind
C3E120 The Red End 02:23:13 Dorian Gambolcleft attack with advantage on Predathos Head
C3E120 The Red End 04:41:46 Dorian Persuasion Check to convince Vusono to let them pass

PC natural 1s

Total: 7

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 03:26:17 Dorian Performance Check
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 02:29:13 Dorian Persuasion Check
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads 01:01:02 Dorian Wisdom Save with disadvantage
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 02:27:35 Dorian Stealth Check
C3E092 Broken Roads 02:42:31 Dorian Persuasion check
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage 01:14:12 Dorian Arcana Check to observe Ludinus pushing through the Hallowed Cage barriers
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage 03:27:47 Dorian Dexterity Save against Ludinus’s Chain Lightning

Total: 7

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:08:28 Dorian Shade Creeper, Scimitar
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:08:15 Dorian Shade Creeper, Moon-Touched Scimitar
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:25:32 Dorian Shade Creeper, Thunderwave
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:26:07 Dorian Dugger, Thunderwave
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 03:18:56 Dorian Spitting Mimic, Chromatic Orb
C3E014 In Too Deep 02:54:04 Dorian Shade Creeper, Gambler’s Blade Slashing Flourish
C3E120 The Red End 01:47:44 Dorian Predathos Hand, Gambolcleft

Total: 3

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:26:07 Dorian Dugger
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 03:18:56 Dorian Spitting Mimic
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 03:59:37 Dorian Predathos, Chromatic Orb


Total: 4

Episode Timestamp Character Circumstance Resolution Notes
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 00:41:09 Dorian Cane sweep from Lord Eshteross Brought back up by Healing Word from FCG
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 01:37:52 Dorian Claw attack from Nightmare King Brought back up by natural 20 death save
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 02:09:33 Dorian Falling debris Brought back up by Cure Wounds from FCG
C3E120 The Red End 02:54:19 Dorian Predathos, Shriek of Oblivion Brought back up by potion from Orym

Total: 71

Episode Timestamp Payer Where obtained Recipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 01:25:02 Orym Jrusar Dorian Gifted Gondola ride 1sp
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 02:41:44 Bertrand Spire by Fire Dorian Gifted Dinner
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 03:03:52 Bertrand Spire by Fire Dorian Gifted Room
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 03:28:53 Spire by Fire Patron - Dorian Earned 1gp
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 03:40:24 Bertrand - Dorian Gifted Breakfast (To-go)
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 01:43:16 Bertrand Weary Way Tavern Dorian Gifted Brunch
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 01:55:17 Lord Eshteross - Dorian Earned 50gp
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 01:15:48 Dorian - Weary Way Musician Purchased Information 1sp
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 03:20:10 Lord Eshteross - Dorian Earned 200gp
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 03:50:05 Bertrand Spire by Fire Dorian Purchased Room 5sp
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 00:48:32 Bertrand - Dorian Looted Cane, Gambler's Blade rapier Cane, Gambler's Blade rapier
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 00:48:47 Dorian - Lord Eshteross Gifted Cane
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 01:07:49 Ashton - Dorian Gifted Breakfast sandwich Breakfast sandwich
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 01:13:10 Dorian - Mister Stolen
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 01:13:19 Imogen - Dorian Gifted Breakfast sandwich Breakfast sandwich
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 01:15:47 Laudna - Dorian Gifted Breakfast sandwich Breakfast sandwich
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 02:26:51 - Spire by Fire Dorian Stolen Tankard (half-drunk)
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 01:06:58 Dorian - Imogen Gifted 108gp 108gp
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads 01:04:15 Laudna - Dorian Gifted Doll of Bertrand Doll of Bertrand
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads 03:30:53 Dorian Dreamscape Theater Dreamscape Employee Bribed Box seats 10pp
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads 03:47:30 Ashton - Dorian Loaned Sending stone Sending stone
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary 01:58:05 Dorian - Cyrus Gifted Sending stone
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary 02:33:08 Dorian Core Spire Gondola Dorian Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 00:39:52 Dorian Core Spire Gondola Dorian Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 02:16:19 Dorian - Artana Voe Purchased Information 30gp
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates 00:56:34 Orym - Dorian Gifted Sending Stone Sending Stone
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 02:24:03 Dorian Core Spire Gondola Dorian Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 03:48:50 Dorian Core Spire Gondola Dorian Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 00:44:30 Dorian Core Spire Gondola Dorian Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 00:44:30 Dorian Aerie Spire Gondola Dorian Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 01:29:05 Dorian Lucent Spire Gondola Dorian Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 03:33:21 Chetney - Dorian Gifted Toy airship Toy airship
C3E012 Make It Fashion 03:37:07 Dorian - Dorian Crafted Mask (fabric)
C3E012 Make It Fashion 04:07:48 Ariks Eshteross - Dorian Gifted Pearls (string)
C3E012 Make It Fashion 04:09:19 Dorian - Ariks Eshteross Gifted Pearls (string)
C3E012 Make It Fashion 04:11:06 Ariks Eshteross - Dorian Loaned Mask (solid bronze)
C3E012 Make It Fashion 04:13:18 Ariks Eshteross - Dorian Loaned Outfit (blue, sharp shoulders, quick lines, no flair, almost militaristic, severe, elegant)
C3E012 Make It Fashion 04:13:47 Dorian - Ariks Eshteross Gifted Outfit (chiffon)
C3E012 Make It Fashion 04:13:57 Dorian - Ariks Eshteross Gifted Mask (fabric)
C3E014 In Too Deep 04:32:55 Fearne Dorian Gifted 6pp 6pp
C3E014 In Too Deep 04:33:00 Orym Dorian Gifted 10pp 10pp
C3E014 In Too Deep 04:37:48 Fearne Dorian Gifted Necklace (Mimic tooth) Necklace (Mimic tooth)
C3E014 In Too Deep 04:42:52 Dorian Jrusar child Gifted Toy airship
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 02:43:21 Dorian Dariax Gifted Lute with scimitar Lute with scimitar
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 03:22:52 Dorian Gifted New clothing and armor, supplies
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 03:46:18 Laudna Dorian Gifted Little glass sculpture of a Reilora dancer Little glass sculpture of a Reilora dancer
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 03:49:21 Laudna Dorian Loaned Reiloran juggernaut finger
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 03:49:35 Laudna Dorian Loaned Fetus jar
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 03:49:57 Dorian Laudna Retrieved Reiloran juggernaut finger, Fetus Jar
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 01:05:34 Dorian Purchased Filigree tools
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 01:45:02 Dorian Orym 2500gp
C3E096 Shadows New and Old 02:27:07 Chetney Laudna, Fearne, Ashton, Dorian Gave Boar Jerky Boar
C3E096 Shadows New and Old 02:27:07 Laudna, Fearne, Ashton, Dorian Consumed Boar Jerky
C3E102 Reconciliation 01:10:36 Chetney Dorian Dropped/threw Bag of holding
C3E102 Reconciliation 01:49:42 Dorian Discarded Bag of holding Hid in cave
C3E102 Reconciliation 03:24:54 Dorian Retrieved Bag of holding
C3E102 Reconciliation 03:25:47 Dorian Chetney Retrieved Bag of holding
C3E102 Reconciliation 03:55:24 Imogen Dorian Gifted Stale cookies
C3E103 Cages 00:22:19 Dorian Loaned Soul anchor Was in Essek's possession, placed on laboratory table
C3E103 Cages 00:22:54 Dorian Loaned elongated brass instrument with a coil around it, runic text, and a spectral chisel. From Essek
C3E103 Cages 00:28:38 Dorian Returned Soul anchor Left on laboratory table
C3E105 Collecting Legends 02:22:16 Dorian Loaned Gambolcleft, the Vortex Blade
C3E105 Collecting Legends 02:24:02 Dorian Loaned Typhonus, the Gambler's Blade
C3E109 A Test of Fate 00:47:53 Chetney Dorian Consumed Harp of Valor Permanent +5 hp, permanent advantage on performance checks
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 03:52:06 Ashton Dorian good liquor
C3E111 The Nein Hells 00:43:15 Dorian Chetney Consumed dried meat
C3E121 A New Age Begins 01:26:52 Dorian - Dropped/threw/placed down Die
C3E121 A New Age Begins 06:06:01 Braius Dorian Gifted Painting of Dorian
C3E121 A New Age Begins 06:42:17 Dorian Orym Gifted 1cp
C3E121 A New Age Begins 07:53:41 Dorian Opal Gifted Sending Stone Sending Stone
C3E121 A New Age Begins 07:53:41 - Dorian Purchased Sending Stone

Total: 1

Episode Timestamp Administered by Administered to Potion Effect
C3E120 The Red End 03:39:48 Orym Dorian Regular Healing Dorian heals for 15 points