The Omen Archive


8h 34m 59s

Gameplay Start 00:08:34

Break Start 02:50:39

Break End 03:09:44

Stanley Cup

A tall cup covered in leathery monstrous skin. On the side is written “LET’S DO IT AGAIN.” in white text. Sam looks to his right, a look of bittersweetness on his face.

Thanks for the good story, Matt.

D20 Rolls This and Last Episode





PCs Appearing in C3E121

Total: 30

PCFinal SceneFirst C3 SceneFirst Ever Scene
Ashton C3E121 07:37:41 C3E001 00:43:38 C3E001 00:43:38
Beau C3E121 08:08:15 C3E050 02:58:15 C2E001 00:31:26
Braius C3E121 07:42:21 C3E098 00:55:21 C3E098 00:55:41
Caduceus C3E121 05:03:08 C3E110 03:59:08 C2E028 00:54:41
Caleb C3E121 08:04:44 C3E050 03:10:45 C2E001 00:20:04
Cerkonos C3E121 08:11:31 C3E105 00:52:03 C1E022 02:50:26
Chetney C3E121 08:00:47 C3E007 03:40:37 C3E007 03:40:37
Dariax C3E121 06:59:31 C3E061 04:36:38 ExU:01 00:19:25
Deanna C3E121 04:41:25 C3E052 00:49:26 C3E052 00:49:26
Deni$e C3E121 07:02:35 C3E059 00:37:55 C3E059 00:37:55
Dorian C3E121 07:52:13 C3E001 01:11:36 ExU:01 00:10:08
Fearne C3E121 07:27:59 C3E001 01:11:36 ExU:01 00:13:26
Fjord C3E121 08:02:41 C3E110 03:59:08 C2E001 00:31:59
FRIDA C3E121 06:29:39 C3E052 00:49:26 C3E052 00:49:26
Grog C3E121 08:10:16 C3E103 03:38:42 C1E001 00:01:09
Imogen C3E121 07:54:50 C3E001 00:16:41 C3E001 00:16:41
Jester C3E121 08:02:41 C3E086 01:33:09 C2E001 00:31:04
Keyleth C3E121 08:27:39 C3E031 02:17:32 C1E001 00:02:57
Laudna C3E121 07:54:50 C3E001 00:16:41 C3E001 00:16:41
Lieve’tel C3E121 08:14:06 C3E109 01:19:15 Sp:042 00:56:42
Morrighan C3E121 03:12:35 C3E092 01:49:03 Kym:01 00:29:27
Opal C3E121 07:09:47 C3E092 01:57:32 ExU:01 00:25:02
Orym C3E121 07:47:49 C3E001 01:11:36 ExU:01 00:07:05
Percy C3E121 08:14:33 C3E036 00:43:06 C1E001 00:05:01
Pike C3E121 08:21:04 C3E036 01:09:40 C1E001 00:52:21
Scanlan C3E121 08:21:04 C3E112 03:52:05 C1E001 00:06:15
Vax C3E121 08:27:39 C3E051 04:03:35 C1E001 00:09:35
Veth C3E121 05:01:20 C3E110 03:59:08 C2E001 00:21:10
Vex C3E121 08:14:33 C3E036 01:01:53 C1E001 00:11:04
Yasha C3E121 05:00:10 C3E110 03:59:08 C2E001 00:45:49

Stay tuned for a full list of C3 PCs, coming soon!


4h 47m 36s

Gameplay Start 00:08:43

Break Start 03:05:26

Break End 03:20:39

Total Combat Time

3h 55m 29s

Total Thunder Damage to Predathos


HP Over the Episode

A set of charts showing HP over time in C3E120. HP for each member of Bell’s Hells decreases over the course of the episode, going to 0 for Dorian, Braius, Fearne (twice), Imogen, and Orym, and down to 1 twice for Ashton. Laudna, Braius, Fearne, Imogen, Orym, and Ashton are healed for around 30 HP at about 3:50:00.

Note that these numbers are best-effort based on incomplete data. For more details of our HP tracking this episode, including the raw numbers, see C3E120: Hit points over time.

Top Damage Dealer

Imogen, 1,865

Imogen from the shoulders up. A woman with white freckled skin and long, wavy puple hair looking directly at the viewer. A thin circlet sits below her hair with a single small, red gem visible on her forehead. She wears a white fabric top clasped at the neck. The top wraps around her neck and over her upper arms just below her bare shoulders on which lightning scars are visible.

Heal the Party Bard

Dorian, 446

Dorian from the shoulders up. An air-genasi with light blue skin, piercing blue eyes, pointy ears, and hair which shifts color from black to blue. Holding a thin blade with a double-circle guard over his right shoulder. Wearing a sheer blue top, a blue cape with gold triangle accents around the collar, and a golden winged left shoulder piece.

A Titty Tradition

Battlemap Highlight

A miniature of Ashton in titan form leaping at the giant red spiked head of Predathos. Braius lays on the ground nearby. Ashton’s hammer is held back over their head. Predathos’s head is wreathed in blue crystal and its mouth is open in a roar. The top of the head is flat with sharp protrusions fanning out. It has small white eyes with two per side and sharp white teeth. Mister is barely visible behind Ashton. They are all in a red stone chamber filled with glowing blue crystals.


4h 4m 2s

Gameplay Start 00:10:20

Break Start 02:53:44

Break End 03:08:54

Hit Points Gained from Level Up



















Battlemap Highlight

A giant miniature of Predathos with Imogen’s face in the center of a battlemap of a red stone chamber filled with glowing blue crystals. Predathos has red skin covered in blue crystals, four clawed arms, and swirling purple hair. Ashton in titan form, Fearne, Laudna, Orym, Braius, and Chetney in wolf form stand before Predathos.

Total Combat Time

3h 35m 59s

Top Damage Dealer

Ashton, 171

Ashton from the shoulders up. An earth-genasi with green, crystal-like skin and purple crystaline hair. Embedded in his left temple is a glowing piece of glass with yellow lines streaking out from it across their face. They are wearing a black high-collared vest with a blue interior and long spikes on the shoulders. Underneath is a black shirt with large tears across it. Their arms are bare, the left shoulder covered in golden radiating lines.

Predathos’s Known Abilities

  • Oppressive Awareness
  • Skein of the Golden Order
  • Reaving Claw
  • Exploit Fate
  • Cerebral Shock Blight
  • Telekinetic Vacuum
  • Telekinetic Evisceration
  • Chasm of Eager Darkness
  • Touch of Piercing Winter
  • Miracle Devour


4h 56m 58s

Gameplay Start 00:08:02

Break Start 01:16:51

Break End 01:27:18

Total Combat Time

2h 19m 56s

Outstanding Outerwear

Ashley, Laura, and Liam sitting next to each other looking up and to the right. Ashley wears a loose knit sweater in pinks, greens, and purples. Laura wears a forest green jacket with large lapels over a white striped button-up. Liam wears an open dark blue sweater with white stripes over a dark gray T-shirt.

Sam’s Shirt

Sam wearing a royal blue T-shirt under a forest green hoodie. On the front of the shirt is a head shot of a younger Laura with hair cut short in a pixie bob wearing a black sleeveless turtleneck. She cocks her head to the side, staring intensely at the viewer. Sam’s head is also cocked to the side, his hand in his hair as he smiles coyly.

Known Spell Slot Levels Lost to the Neck Hole

At least 32*

~36% of a level 20 Wizard’s total of 89

*Ira’s d6 roll is unknown, but likely at least a 2 as Matt marked off a 2nd-level spell plus at least one additional

Percent Chance of Escaping the Void (DC 22)

CharacterStr. Save Base Mod.StraightAdv.Disadv.

Nat 20s are considered a success for this saving throw.

Braius has an additional +4 to his base of +5 from Aura of Protection. Chetney and Ashton have advantage on Strength Saves while in hybrid form or raging.

See our more thorough breakdown.


4h 35m 21s

Gameplay Start 00:07:31

Break Start 02:20:03

Break End 02:33:19

Total Combat Time

1h 59m 1s

PC Nat 20s

  1. Orym (00:22:55): Perception Check with advantage to anticipate problems and avoid soldiers
  2. Imogen (00:39:16): Deception Check with advantage to convince a Thought Eater that Fearne is her prisoner
  3. Ashton (00:54:08): Hammer attack with advantage on Avadon
  4. Braius (01:01:05): Athletics Check to shove Avadon
  5. Dorian (01:15:36): Perception Check to search for mycelium in the walls
  6. Ashton (01:28:42): Athletics Check to navigate down the slide
  7. Imogen (01:36:19): Perception Check to search for an exit to the cavern
  8. Fearne (01:48:13): Persuasion Check to convince the myceit hive mind to accept the Brood Pit
  9. Laudna (01:55:38): Acrobatics or Athletics Check to navigate down the slide
  10. Braius (02:47:51): Poison Pen attack on Exaltant
  11. Chetney (04:03:06): Strength Save with advantage against Imogen’s Whirlwind
  12. Braius (04:13:42): Dexterity Save against Imogen’s Whirlwind

Highest Damage Attack

Braius, 109

Just Some Myceit Noises

A blue audio waveform consisting of multiple sections of higher amplitude connected by spans of near silence.

Top Damage Dealer

Laudna, 189


4h 45m 30s

Gameplay Start 00:08:47

Break Start 01:15:04

Break End 01:30:53

Total KOs this Campaign

55 (check out our new KO/death data!)

Top Damage Dealer

Caleb, 417

Sam’s Shirt

Sam wearing an orange T-shirt with an image of a younger Taliesin on the front. Taliesin has black hair, pale white skin, and eye shadow. He wears a green and white striped scarf reminiscent of Slytherin colors over a V-neck sweater and green and white tie. Sam stretches out the shirt to flatten it as he looks down at it.

Total Combat Time

3h 7m 42s

Betting Breakdown

Whether Caleb would catch Yasha (in episode 115, he does)+50gp-50gp
Who would roll a better investigation check (Veth with a 25)-100gp+100gp
Whether Caleb would pass his investigation or survival check (failed with a nat 1)+100gp-100gp
Whether Fjord would pass his perception or investigation check (passed with a 34)+500gp-500gp
Whether Fjord would pass his perception check (passed with a 19)+450gp-450gp
Whether anyone would go down (Caduceus does, counted despite Death Ward)-1000gp+1000gp
Whether Veth could hit a target while blind (she does with Shocking Grasp and Blindsense)-300gp+300gp
Whether Yasha would kill a member of the Weave Mind that round (she did)+100gp-100gp
Who would kill more of the Weave Mind (neither of them killed any)0gp0gp


4h 22m 30s

Gameplay Start 00:09:19

Break Start 01:30:05

Break End 01:42:53

Sam’s Flask

A comically-large flask covered in black tape with an image of Veth on the front. Above the image is the text “N-O-T-T-O-G-O!”. Below the image is the text “You can take me Nott to go!”. Sam holds the flask, smiling widely.

Total Combat Time

1h 15m 57s


4h 46m 44s

Gameplay Start 00:12:19

Break Start 02:31:39

Break End 02:47:06

Total Combat Time

3h 54m 21s

Campaign 1 Superlatives (Courtesy of CritRoleStats and the Critical Role Wiki!)

Most Damage Dealt and Taken

Grog, 10038 and 5646

Most Spells Cast

Keyleth, 644

Most Top Initiatives

Percy, 35

Highest Average Kills per Episode Present

Pike, 1.38 (109 / 79)

Third Fewest Kisses

Scanlan, 8

Most Nat 20s

Vax, 100

Most Nat 1s

Vex, 68

Sam’s Tankard

A comically-large silver beer stein being lifted by Sam to drink. Pasted on the bottom is the text “CENTAUR OF ATTENTION”. Underneath it is an orange biohazard symbol. A yellow label on the open lid reads “CAUTION”. Sam is wearing a pink T-shirt with an image of Matt sporting a goofy smile on it.


5h 4m 58s

Gameplay Start 00:08:13

Break Start 02:43:29

Break End 03:02:16

Battlemap Highlight

A battlemap of a large outdoor space filled with stone walls and parts of buildings. In the center is a tower with a pale white globe at the top. A large brass dragon sits perched overlooking the battlefield. A large, red, insectoid vidulch stands on the ground underneath.

Sam’s Tankard

A comically-large silver beer stein being lifted by Sam to drink. Pasted on the bottom is a human face mask with empty eye holes seemingly made of skin. Underneath it is an orange biohazard symbol. A yellow label on the open lid reads “CAUTION”, and one visible on the side of the stein reads “WARNING”.

Sam Riegel is a paid actor, any resemblance to drinking directly from the tankard is purely coincidental.

Total Combat Time

1h 54m 49s


4h 24m 50s

Gameplay Start 00:13:09

Break Start 02:38:03

Break End 02:57:03

Stanley Cup

A tall cup covered in leathery monstrous skin. On the side is an image of Pedro Pascal smiling and looking to his right. A curved panel is removed from the cup, with an image of a bearded Nicolas Cage grimacing. These images are used in a popular meme from the movie “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent”. Sam is wearing a mask that seems to be made of human skin, with red stitching around the edges.

New “At a Glance” Archive!

An image of the “At a Glance” section of the Omen Archive homepage for episode 112, a collection of various cards displaying highlight information from the episode. One of the cards is displaying this very image, itself containing a card displaying the image, recursing down into infinity.

Check out all our previous “At a Glance” pages in one easy place!

Vox Machina First Appearances in C3


3h 32m 6s

Gameplay Start 00:10:05

Break Start 01:49:44

Break End 02:03:22

Sam’s Shirt

Sam wearing a black T-shirt with an image of Matt zoomed in close to his face printed on the front. Matt is wide-eyed and making a goofy purse-lipped frown. Sam is smiling mischievously.

Table Talk

A pie chart titled “Speaking Time” where each slice represents a player. Liam is labeled “34m 48s, 18%“. Laura is labeled “32m 3s, 17%”. Matt is labeled “25m 34s, 14%”. Taliesin is labeled “21m 3s, 11%”. Marisha is labeled “19m 43s, 10%”. Sam is labeled “17m 34s, 9%”. Travis is labeled “15m 59s, 8%”. Ashley is labeled “12m 45s, 7%”. Robbie is labeled “11m 13s, 6%”. A pie chart titled “Speech Occurrences” where each slice represents a player. Liam is labeled “445, 12%”. Laura is labeled “704, 20%”. Matt is labeled “214, 6%”. Taliesin is labeled “436, 12%”. Marisha is labeled “449, 12%”. Sam is labeled “368, 10%”. Travis is labeled “374, 10%”. Ashley is labeled “427, 12%”. Robbie is labeled “216, 6%”.

(Thank you to the CR Linkable Transcript site! All times are approximate.)

Campaign 2 Superlatives (Courtesy of CritRoleStats!)

Most Damage Taken

Fjord, 3394

Most Nat 20s and Nat 1s

Beau, 126 and 92

Most Fragment of Possibility Uses

Veth/Nott, 6

Most Wisdom Saves

Yasha, 99

Most Kisses

Jester, 19

Most Times Knocked Out

Caleb, 17

Most Healing Given

Caduceus, 5289


4h 4m 17s

Gameplay Start 00:08:01

Break Start 01:50:31

Break End 02:04:44

All Taverns Located in Titans’ Butts

  • Shanks’ Cantina

Stanley Cup

A tall cup covered in leathery monstrous skin. On the side is the text “4 A GOOD TIME CALL FEARNE’S MOM” in white. Sam sits behind the cup, staring forward pensively with his hand near his mouth.


4h 38m 6s

Gameplay Start 00:09:29

Break Start 01:43:28

Break End 02:01:45

Total Combat Time

1h 36m 58s

Matron Mentions in C3 (new data!)

Total Recorded


First Mention

C3E012 02:33:29

First Appearance

C3E065 03:01:30

Battlemap Highlight

A battlemap depicting a floor of glowing red blood looked over by a patterned porcelain mask with hair of black feathers. Chetney, Laudna, Dorian, Orym, Ashton, Imogen, Fearne, and Braius stand in a line facing off against Opal, Liliana, and a giant Vespin Chloras between them. Six golden strands run from behind the mask to the edges of the floor.


4h 16m 45s

Gameplay Start 00:08:31

Break Start 01:52:03

Break End 02:09:44

Just Some Gloamglut Noises

A spectrogram ranging from 0 Hz to 5000 Hz. Light blue lines show the rising and falling derived pitch. Darker bars are at the bottom indicating lower frequencies, and a dark vertical bar is at the right side.

Total Modify Memory Attempts

8 (2 successful)

Shortest combats

  1. 1m 56s: C3E108 [Knocking Emissary Cashadoor back out]
  2. 8m 2s: C3E100 [Trapping the Celestial]
  3. 10m 26s: C3E053 [Umudara the Sentinel Beast]
  4. 12m 10s: C3E037 [Ghostly Tendrils]
  5. 13m 21s: C3E027 [Orym and Dusk spar]
  6. 14m 9s: C3E031 [Fresh Cut Grass (Hellcatch Valley Lab)]
  7. 14m 19s: C3E039 [Chetney Under Ruidus (Silver Sun)]
  8. 14m 32s: C3E085 [Mindcontrolled PVP (Ruidus)]
  9. 14m 36s: C3E056 [Flotket Alps Frost Giants]
  10. 14m 44s: C3E095 [Laudna and Ishta]

Sam’s Shirt

Sam wearing a black T-shirt with a photo of Matt printed on it. Matt is wearing a large brown wide-brimmed hat and looking into the middle distance with his mouth slightly open. Sam’s shoulders are raised and he is grimacing.

All Animal Handling Checks in Campaign 3

  1. Chetney, horses at the Rapid Path Stables, 16 [C3E017]
  2. Fearne, rabbit call, 11 [C3E017]
  3. Orym, rabbit call, 5 [C3E017]
  4. Ashton, Trinket and cubs, 14 [C3E036]
  5. Ashton, Eremad, 12 (or Insight) [C3E047]
  6. Fearne, 14, Umudara [C3E053]
  7. FRIDA 22, Deanna 23, FCG 34, Fearne 27, Umudara (or Persuasion) [C3E053]
  8. Deanna, pymon firebugs, 24 (initially Persuasion) [C3E054]
  9. Chetney, 8, Musky the goat [C3E055]
  10. Fearne, 25, goats [C3E056]
  11. Deni$e, 12, bunny for dinner [C3E062]
  12. Bor’Dor, 17, eidolon cougar [C3E062]
  13. Deni$e, hunting, 24 (or survival) [C3E062]
  14. FCG 12, Fearne 19, wuukors [C3E083]
  15. Laudna, nat 20, slither [C3E088]
  16. Whole party, spectral steeds (or Athletics/Acrobatics) [C3E106]
  17. Imogen, 20, Gloamglut [C3E107]
  18. Fearne, 18, Gloamglut [C3E107]
  19. Imogen, 12, Gloamglut [C3E108]
  20. Imogen, 13, Gloamglut [C3E108]
  21. Imogen, 25, Gloamglut [C3E108]


4h 27m 28s

Gameplay Start 00:09:44

Break Start 03:04:08

Break End 03:18:07

Top Damage Dealer

Laudna, 133

Episodes with Most Combat Time

  1. 3h 26m (C3E101 Downfall: Part Three)
  2. 2h 55m 44s (C3E061 Crisis of Faith)
  3. 2h 49m 27s (C3E028 The Deathwish Run)
  4. 2h 40m 58s (C3E091 True Heroism)
  5. 2h 25m 38s (C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye)
  6. 2h 20m 39s (C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras)
  7. 2h 20m 10s (C3E067 Bloody Flowers)
  8. 2h 17m 10s (C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions)
  9. 2h 9m 57s (C3E092 Broken Roads)
  10. 2h 4m 43s (C3E080 A Test of Trust)

Total Combat Time

2h 53m 30s

First Interactions with Gods

  1. The Wildmother (C3E041 04:05:37)
  2. The Changebringer (C3E042 02:17:44)
  3. The Dawnfather (C3E058 03:43:46)
  4. The Matron of Ravens (C3E065 03:00:47)
  5. The Spider Queen (C3E092 02:10:41)
  6. The Arch Heart (C3E107 03:29:56)

Battlemap Highlight

A miniature of Gloamglut, a massive snake-like dragon with wings outstretched. Imogen stands on its back. Her hands are palm-up in front of her, holding two roiling masses of purple energy. Laudna and Sorrowlord Zathuda are engaged in the foreground. The large, blank white eyes of Gloamglut’s fish-like head look forward, its split lower jaw open and filled with sharp teeth.


4h 8m 58s

Gameplay Start 00:08:03

Break Start 01:47:33

Break End 02:01:01

Bell’s Hells Hounds, the Dogs of Campaign 3

Top Damage Dealer

Chetney, 105

Battlemap Highlight

A battlemap focused on the Nightmare King standing at the top of a leafless tree. His pale form is tall and hunched over, his hands meeting in front of him with long fingers drooping down. Two long pointed ears sprout from his bald head and his bottom jaw is lowered into an open-mouthed sneer. Behind him is a large building with a three-tiered pale purple shingled roof and cupola.


3h 52m 20s

Gameplay Start 00:07:57

Break Start 01:55:28

Break End 02:10:55

Persuasion Checks Before the Exandrian Accord

Sam placing a die on top of one of six tall stacks of dice, each six or more dice high. Robbie looks on with a surprised expression, the stick of a lollipop emerging from his pursed lips. Sam smiles widely.

Minutes it Took Matt to Notice the Dice Towers


The Stanley Cup

A tall cup covered in leathery monstrous skin. Pasted to the side is a black and white image of Scanlan Shorthalt with a mustache and feathered cap. Above it is the text “MISSING”.

Titles Bestowed by Keyleth

  • Lady Fearne Calloway, Fey Scion of the Ancient Flame
  • Laudna, Veil Mistress of the Shadow Tree
  • Ashton the Reforged, Hammer of Paradox
  • Chetney Pock O’Pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon
  • Dorian Storm, Master Muse and Son of the Wind
  • Imogen Temult, Exaltant Hope of the Red Storm
  • Orym of the Air Ashari, Savior Blade of the Tempest
  • Braius Doomseed, Nascent Might of the Platinum’s Call


4h 30m 24s

Gameplay Start 00:10:30

Break Start 01:50:27

Break End 02:11:21

The Stanley Cup

A tall cup covered in leathery monstrous skin. Sam is removing a panel, revealing text which reads “@LAURIEHERNANDEZ WE LUV U 2 BESTIE! ❤️”. Sam is staring over the cup at the camera.

Kisses this Episode

7 (see our data)

Level 14 Highlights

  • 59 more HP total
  • Mark of the Messy End (Ashton)
  • Brand of Tethering (Chetney)
  • Master's Flourish (Dorian)
  • Revelation in Flesh (Imogen)

Heaviest Hitters on this Flat Earth

  • Grogory Strongjaw
  • Pike Trickfoot
  • Highbearer Vord
  • Earthbreaker Groon
  • High Hierophant Ophera
  • Lieve’tel Toluse (and two other high wardens of the Duskmeadow)
  • J’mon Sa Ord
  • Empress Leylas Kryn
  • Arcanist Allura Vysoren
  • Lady Kima of Vord
  • Queen Simone Fruunast and King Imathan Talviel of Uthodurn
  • Keyleth
  • Holy Curator Curtis Uleas
  • Gavis Aranda of the Chandei Quorum
  • General Tofor Brotoras
  • Mythtaker Qi Mandozi
  • Galtheid of the Ember Vigil
  • Emissary Lord Zeddan Graf
  • Marquis Zhafe Uludan
  • Evoroa
  • An unnamed representative of the Cerberus Assembly
  • At least three dragons (including J’mon and a silver dragon)
  • Vex’ahlia


3h 45m 52s

Gameplay Start 00:11:18

Break Start 02:06:17

Break End 02:19:00

Laudna’s “Capables” to Date

25 (see our new capables page)

Total Mentions of Delilah

131 (see our new Delilah mentions page)

Delilah clenching her teeth in anger trapped within a four-sided purple crystal. Discoloration spreads through the veins on her face. The image of Delilah is from The Legend of Vox Machina.

Total Members of Vox Machina Encountered

6 (we’re short one)

The Stanley Cup

A tall cup covered in leathery monstrous skin. Sam is removing a panel, revealing a red three-holed bowling ball on the side of the cup and the text “COULD THIS BE YOU???” on the inside of the removed panel.


4h 5m 17s

Gameplay Start 00:11:26

Break Start 01:18:51

Break End 01:34:17

Total Combat Time

1h 45m 32s

Top Damage Dealer

Braius, 160

Braius from the chest up. A minotaur entirely in black and white, with white skin and black hair draping over his two large horns which curve upwards from the top of his head. Wearing white plate armor with a black symbol of two curving horns on the chest and staring intensely at the viewer.

Battlemap Highlight

A miniature of Delilah emerging from the top of Laudna. She is constructed of swirling ribbons of torn fabric. She wears a confident expression on her face. Her hands are raised palms-up at the level of her flowing hair. Laudna’s shrieking face can be seen below her.

Number of Natural 20s by Delilah


Number of Insight Checks on Ludinus


The Stanley Cup

Sam holding out a tall cup covered in leathery monstrous skin. Written on the side is “WILL HEAL 4 SATAN!”. The word “SATAN” is underlined. Sam is smiling sheepishly. The cup has a slit of a mouth and a bulging clouded glass eye.


6h 10m 29s

Gameplay Start 00:10:04

Break Start 01:35:53

Break End 01:54:28

Top Damage in one Attack on one Target

Trist, 500 on the scroll held by Asmodeus

Trist from the chest up. A human woman with light skin and brown white-streaked hair up in a bun. She wears a black cloak with a brown leather pauldron on her left shoulder. Under the cloak is a blue vest over a white shirt.

Total Combat Time

3h 26m

Battlemap Highlight

A close-up of a battlemap, focused on the end of a square walkway where the party faces off against a number of enemies, including three dragons: a brass dragon with red streaks in its wings, a silver dragon with a bony crest, and a shadowy-black dragon whose wings taper off into purple flame. Tishar rides the brass dragon. A print-out of Asha’s character art is off to the side.


3h 59m 31s

Gameplay Start 00:09:52

Break Start 01:35:56

Break End 01:49:59

Melora, the Wildmother

A painting of a long-haired, green-skinned face, its eyes closed, surrounded and covered by greenery and flowering vines. The form of a green handprint appears on the left of the image as if she is raising her hand, although several other handprints in red appear around it.

Corellon, the Arch Heart

A blue-skinned figure with glowing yellow eyes, long golden hair, and pointed ears. The figure is gazing off into the distance and wearing what appears to be deep blue clothing accented in gold. An emblem of two back-to-back crescent moons over a four-pointed star is in the bottom right.

Sarenrae, the Everlight

A dark-skinned woman with white hair, pictured in a golden frame decorated with filigree and small angelic figures. The body of the frame is overflowing with numerous white-feathered wings pointing in all directions. At the bottom is a smooth, glowing red gem.

Pelor, the Dawnfather

A dark-skinned man with a bald head, a bright yellow light emanating from his scalp and obscuring most of his face. He is wearing loose robes, his right hand is placed gently on the center of his chest, and his left hand is raised in front of him, fingers splayed and palm forward.

The Matron of Ravens

An image of a woman wearing a white porcelain mask, long white gloves, and a black shirt, so as to obscure her skin. She is set over an oblong golden background with a flying raven on it. The image is partially obscured by a number of black feathers drifting by.


4h 16m 35s

Gameplay Start 00:13:10

Break Start 02:18:06

Break End 02:34:57


A passport for someone with surname “Unknown”, given name “Asha”, age “38”, ancestry “Elf”, classification “Monk”, armor class “20”, and hitpoints “188”. A woman with light grayish skin and a tattered gray and maroon fabric garment. Her black hair is long and stringy. She holds a rough staff in her right hand and stares directly at the viewer. At the bottom of the passport is the text “P<AEOR<ASHA<<01001110<<01000001<<01010100<<01010101<<01010010<<01000101”.

Decoded Binary:


Avatar of:

Melora, the Wildmother

Tengar name:



A passport for someone with surname “Unknown”, given name “S.I.L.A.H.A”, age “30”, ancestry “Aeormaton”, classification “Sorcerer/Warlock”, armor class “19”, and hitpoints “223”. A humanoid metal being with blueish gray skin and small orange eyes. Sections of their metal frame flow smoothly together like contours of muscles, revealing some hollow areas in their torso and upper arms. Specks of gold adorn their chest and cheeks and a blue glow comes from within their cranium. At the bottom of the passport is the text “P<AEOR<S.I.L.A.H.A<<01000010<<01000101<<01000001<<01010101<<01010100<<01011001”.

Decoded Binary:


Avatar of:

Corellon, the Arch Heart

Tengar name:



A passport for someone with surname “Unknown”, given name “Trist”, age “39”, ancestry “Human”, classification “Paladin/Cleric”, armor class “15”, and hitpoints “218”. A human woman with light skin and brown white-streaked hair up in a bun. She wears a black cloak with a brown leather pauldron on her left shoulder. Under the cloak is a blue vest over a white shirt. At the bottom of the passport is the text “P<AEOR<TRIST<<01001101<<01000101<<01010010<<01000011<<01011001”.

Decoded Binary:


Avatar of:

Sarenrae, the Everlight

Tengar name:


The Emissary

A passport for someone with surname “Unknown”, given name “The Emissary”, age “Unknown”, ancestry “Earth Genasi”, classification “Barbarian”, armor class “22”, and hitpoints “285”. A creature composed of blueish ice surrounded by jagged dark gray rock. Two dark circles represent eyes on an otherwise featureless face while rocks jut out from their upper chest and shoulders. The material they are constructed of seems to be being pulled upwards, stretching off in with some pieces floating disconnected from the body. At the bottom of the passport is the text “P<AEOR<THE<EMISSARY<<01001100<<01000001<<01010111”.

Decoded Binary:


Emissary of:

Erathis, the Lawbearer

Tengar name:

None, Erathis was Edam


A passport for someone with surname “Unknown”, given name “Ayden”, age “15”, ancestry “Human”, classification “Barbarian/Cleric/Druid/Paladin”, armor class “23”, and hitpoints “255”. A young human boy with light tan skin and a mop of curly brown hair reaching the base of his long neck. Wearing a simple brown tunic over an off-white shirt. Wielding a cracked steel shield in his left hand and holding a straight wooden staff with blue cord wrappings in his right hand. At the bottom of the passport is the text “P<AEOR<AYDEN<<01000100<<01000001<<01010111<<01001110”.

Decoded Binary:


Avatar of:

Pelor, the Dawnfather

Tengar name:



A passport for someone with surname “Unknown”, given name “Emhira”, age “29”, ancestry “Human”, classification “Warlock”, armor class “19”, and hitpoints “203”. A human woman with light skin and long black hair past her shoulders staring directly at the viewer. Wearing an ornate layered outfit with a breast of green fabric over a ruffled white shirt with gold accents. Her left hand is held clasped over the center of her chest. At the bottom of the passport is the text “P<AEOR<EMHIRA<<01000100<<01000101<<01000001<<01010100<<01001000”.

Decoded Binary:


Avatar of:

The Matron of Ravens

Tengar name:

None, previous god of death was Nahal


3h 50m 43s

Gameplay Start 00:18:04

Break Start 02:04:28

Break End 02:18:27

Total Combat Time

1h 17m 38s

Marisha’s Fan

Marisha holding a white paper hand fan with the text “BODY HORROR FAN” in black writing connecting one side of Laudna’s body on the left of the fan with the other side on the other end. Blood connects Laudna’s two halves and spatters behind the lettering. Marisha is wearing a black dress with red sleeves and gold highlights and is standing posed with the fan open and her left hand on her hip.

Battlemap Highlight

A battlemap where Teven, with red wings sprouting from his caped back, faces off against the massive Dominox towering over four pointed pillars in front of a blue portal. Imogen stands just off to the side.

New Player Character

Braius from the chest up. A minotaur entirely in black and white, with white skin and black hair draping over his two large horns which curve upwards from the top of his head. Wearing white plate armor with a black symbol of two curving horns on the chest and staring intensely at the viewer.

Welcome Back Sam’s Shirt

Sam wearing a silver sequined jacket over a black shirt. He smiles as he brushes his long black hair to the side. Streaks of black makeup stretch above and below his left eye and fit closer to his right eye.


3h 39m 57s

Gameplay Start 00:05:56

Break Start 01:52:21

Break End 02:10:23

Marisha’s Fan

Marisha holding a black hand fan reading “SHADOW DADDY???” in red text outlined in white. She is wearing a pale green and white hoodie and smirking while glancing to her left.

Battlemap Highlight

A battlemap focused on a Tomb Tapper. A tall, thin, gray creature with folds of skin hanging from its face swinging a hammer towards the camera. On the creature’s chest a toothy mouth is visible. The creature has feet with three toes ending in claws. In the background is a pale white scorpion, a square tent, and a blue translucent dome.

Total Combat Time

56m 13s

Top Damage Dealer

Laudna, 114

Laudna from the shoulders up. A paper-pale human woman with dark lips and shadows around her eyes. Her hair is mostly black with red and white streaks, done up above her head. Her ears are capped with pointed gold cuffs with chains dangling off. Around her neck is a choker with a red gem in front. She looks at the viewer.

Spell Combo Highlights

Most recent
Most overkill


4h 1m 3s

Gameplay Start 00:11:02

Break Start 01:43:40

Break End 01:59:42

Marisha’s Fan

Marisha holding a black hand fan reading “LIAM + I = STILL BUDS” in red text outlined in white. Her head is craned to the side in uproarious laughter.

Total Teleports

7 (rolls by Robbie, Liam, Taliesin, Laura, Laura again, Marisha, and Travis)


4h 36m 43s

Gameplay Start 00:11:45

Break Start 02:10:02

Break End 02:28:24

Marisha’s Fan

Marisha holding a black hand fan reading “HOT BOI” in red text outlined in white. The fan is covering the lower half of her face and she is peering over it. She is wearing a white sweatshirt with lemons on it and yellow text reading “LEMON”.

Total confirmed money spent

24,397 gold, 1 silver

Episodes since last outfit change

27 (C3E068 For The Tempest)

Total PC Nat 20s for the Campaign

400 (That’s 202!)


3h 42m 44s

Gameplay Start 00:14:54

Break Start 01:51:37

Break End 02:07:33

Total Combat Time

46m 36s

Marisha’s Fan

Marisha holding a black hand fan reading “IT WAS A HOT DOG!” in red text outlined in white. She is looking up to the ceiling.

Battlemap Highlight

A battlemap where Orym and Fearne in her titan form face off against Dark Fearne and three clones of Dark Fearne. Fearne is wreathed in swirling, orange flames. Status condition rings are around Fearne and Dark Fearne.

Top Damage Dealer

Fearne, 191

Fearne from the shoulders up. A fawn woman with white skin, eye shadow, and two curled horns sprouting from her head. In her long, sea green, unkempt hair is a collection of orange and purple flowers.


4h 3m 57s

Gameplay Start 00:13:41

Break Start 02:52:25

Break End 03:05:58

Total Combat Time

2h 17m 10s

Most Nat 20s

Opal, 13

Opal from the chest up. A brown-skinned woman with long white hair and a spikey crown digging in to the top of her head. Black ooze drips from where the crown pierces her past her eyes (one light one dark) and down her chest. She wears a pale pink jacket with a flared collar over a lavender V-neck top and stares blankly forward.

Most Nat 1s

Dariax, 17

Dariax from the chest up. A light-skinned man with short wavy red hair and beard. Wearing a dark gray fabric shirt under a red vest and dark blue cape. He smirks confidently towards the viewer.

Highest Average Damage Dealt per Episode Present

Fy’ra, 42.86

Fy’ra Rai from the chest up. A fire genasi woman with bronze skin and red hair ending in rising flames. Flowing tattoos glow in orange across her arm and chest. She wears a black sleeveless dress and flowing black cape clasped with a chain.

Highest Average Damage Taken per Episode Present

Morrighan, 31

Morrighan from the chest up. A lagomore woman with light skin, tall white ears popping out of her long brown hair, and white fur sprouting from her cheeks. She wears black sleeveless armor crisscrossed with black leather and with purple quilted fabric down the center. On her shoulders are masses of black feathers. The golden hilt of a thin sword with silver wings sprouting from the sides shows over her right shoulder.


4h 24m 58s

Gameplay Start 00:12:15

Break Start 01:34:10

Break End 01:47:46

Nicest Damage Dealer

Opal, 69

Opal from the chest up. A brown-skinned woman with long white hair and a spikey crown digging in to the top of her head. Black ooze drips from where the crown pierces her past her eyes (one light one dark) and down her chest. She wears a pale pink jacket with a flared collar over a lavender V-neck top and stares blankly forward.

Total Time on Ruidus

In-Game Days




Total Combat Time

2h 9m 57s

Marisha’s Fan

Marisha holding a black hand fan reading “R.I.P. F.C.G.” in red text outlined in white. She is looking down sadly.


4h 40m 6s

Gameplay Start 00:07:59

Break Start 01:36:30

Break End 01:51:13

Total Combat Time

2h 40m 58s

Otohan Fight

Damage to Party


Damage to Otohan


Sam’s Can

A rusty gas can with a plain white upper-face cat mask stuck to it. Below it is text in white “░I░N░B░I░O░”

FCG Highlights

A golden coin with an image of FCG saluting

Battlemap Highlight

A battlemap of a cave chamber focusing on Otohan standing over a fallen Chetney. Orym is visible blurry in the foreground.


4h 16m 31s

Gameplay Start 00:09:04

Break Start 02:05:33

Break End 02:19:51

Total Combat Time

35m 13s

Sam’s Can

A rusty gas can with a humanoid figure made of pink gum on the side. Below is the text “MY PET MYCEIT” in thin white letters.

Battlemap Highlight

A large insectoid vidulch token laying on its side on the ground within a stone room containing a large glass cylindar, a set of chemical tubes, and various other tools and tables.

Top Damage Dealer

Chetney, 137

Chetney from the chest up. An old gnome with bushy white hair sprouting from around the back of his head, down his chin, within his ears, and out from his chest. Bags are under his eyes and his head is covered in scars, including two notable slashes from his forhead to his scalp. Wearing a purple suit with a gold crown on the right shoulder, covered in a sleeveless bronze armor chest piece. A purple and red sweatband is around his head.