The Omen Archive

Welcome to the Omen Archive

A repository for statistics, data, and analyses pertaining to Critical Role, following in the tradition of the esteemed CritRoleStats.

At a glance: C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key


5h 4m 58s

Gameplay Start 00:08:13

Break Start 02:43:29

Break End 03:02:16

Battlemap Highlight

A battlemap of a large outdoor space filled with stone walls and parts of buildings. In the center is a tower with a pale white globe at the top. A large brass dragon sits perched overlooking the battlefield. A large, red, insectoid vidulch stands on the ground underneath.

Sam’s Tankard

A comically-large silver beer stein being lifted by Sam to drink. Pasted on the bottom is a human face mask with empty eye holes seemingly made of skin. Underneath it is an orange biohazard symbol. A yellow label on the open lid reads “CAUTION”, and one visible on the side of the stein reads “WARNING”.

Sam Riegel is a paid actor, any resemblance to drinking directly from the tankard is purely coincidental.

Total Combat Time

1h 54m 49s