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At a glance: C3E121 A New Age Begins


8h 34m 59s

Gameplay Start 00:08:34

Break Start 02:50:39

Break End 03:09:44

Stanley Cup

A tall cup covered in leathery monstrous skin. On the side is written “LET’S DO IT AGAIN.” in white text. Sam looks to his right, a look of bittersweetness on his face.

Thanks for the good story, Matt.

D20 Rolls This and Last Episode





PCs Appearing in C3E121

Total: 30

PCFinal SceneFirst C3 SceneFirst Ever Scene
Ashton C3E121 07:37:41 C3E001 00:43:38 C3E001 00:43:38
Beau C3E121 08:08:15 C3E050 02:58:15 C2E001 00:31:26
Braius C3E121 07:42:21 C3E098 00:55:21 C3E098 00:55:41
Caduceus C3E121 05:03:08 C3E110 03:59:08 C2E028 00:54:41
Caleb C3E121 08:04:44 C3E050 03:10:45 C2E001 00:20:04
Cerkonos C3E121 08:11:31 C3E105 00:52:03 C1E022 02:50:26
Chetney C3E121 08:00:47 C3E007 03:40:37 C3E007 03:40:37
Dariax C3E121 06:59:31 C3E061 04:36:38 ExU:01 00:19:25
Deanna C3E121 04:41:25 C3E052 00:49:26 C3E052 00:49:26
Deni$e C3E121 07:02:35 C3E059 00:37:55 C3E059 00:37:55
Dorian C3E121 07:52:13 C3E001 01:11:36 ExU:01 00:10:08
Fearne C3E121 07:27:59 C3E001 01:11:36 ExU:01 00:13:26
Fjord C3E121 08:02:41 C3E110 03:59:08 C2E001 00:31:59
FRIDA C3E121 06:29:39 C3E052 00:49:26 C3E052 00:49:26
Grog C3E121 08:10:16 C3E103 03:38:42 C1E001 00:01:09
Imogen C3E121 07:54:50 C3E001 00:16:41 C3E001 00:16:41
Jester C3E121 08:02:41 C3E086 01:33:09 C2E001 00:31:04
Keyleth C3E121 08:27:39 C3E031 02:17:32 C1E001 00:02:57
Laudna C3E121 07:54:50 C3E001 00:16:41 C3E001 00:16:41
Lieve’tel C3E121 08:14:06 C3E109 01:19:15 Sp:042 00:56:42
Morrighan C3E121 03:12:35 C3E092 01:49:03 Kym:01 00:29:27
Opal C3E121 07:09:47 C3E092 01:57:32 ExU:01 00:25:02
Orym C3E121 07:47:49 C3E001 01:11:36 ExU:01 00:07:05
Percy C3E121 08:14:33 C3E036 00:43:06 C1E001 00:05:01
Pike C3E121 08:21:04 C3E036 01:09:40 C1E001 00:52:21
Scanlan C3E121 08:21:04 C3E112 03:52:05 C1E001 00:06:15
Vax C3E121 08:27:39 C3E051 04:03:35 C1E001 00:09:35
Veth C3E121 05:01:20 C3E110 03:59:08 C2E001 00:21:10
Vex C3E121 08:14:33 C3E036 01:01:53 C1E001 00:11:04
Yasha C3E121 05:00:10 C3E110 03:59:08 C2E001 00:45:49

Stay tuned for a full list of C3 PCs, coming soon!